⚾🏓🏅『這一刻我們一起上場』 | 公視將為大家轉播亞運的賽事,讓我們一起為選手們加油~~

23 videos • 476 views • by 公視+ 杭州亞運將於9/23-10/8舉行,台灣將有524名選手出賽 公視將為大家轉播亞運的賽事,讓我們一起為選手們加油~~ 因為新冠疫情而延宕一年的2022杭州亞運,即將於2023/09/23登場了,為了迎接這個運動盛會, 公視體育花費了1年半的時間,規劃拍攝了10位亞運國手以及亞運龍舟代表隊,總共11集亞運英雄的精彩短片-『這一刻我們一起上場』 黃亭茵 HUANG, TING-YING 吳昇峰 WU, SHENG-FENG 林郁婷 LIN, YU-TING 陳玟卉 CHEN, WEN-HUEI 陳思羽 CHEN,SZU-YU 楊昆弼 YANG, KUN-PI 戚又仁 CHI,YU-JEN 林嘉翔 LIN, CHIA-HSIANG 陳致傑 CHEN, CHIH-CHIEH 羅嘉翎 CUIA-LING LO 亞運龍舟代表隊 Taiwan Dragon Boat Team The Hangzhou Asian Games will be held from 9/23 to 10/8, and Taiwan will have 524 athletes participating. Public Television Service (PTS) will broadcast the Asian Games events for everyone, so let's cheer for our athletes together~~ Due to the one-year delay caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, the 2022 Hangzhou Asian Games will finally take place on 2023/09/23. To welcome this sporting event, PTS Sports filmed 10 athletes and the Taiwan dragon boat team over a period of 1.5 years. These are all outstanding athletes representing Taiwan in the Asian Games. We filmed in 4K ultra-high definition and created a total of 22 episodes of fantastic short films called "At This Moment Together". Let's cheer for the Taiwanese athletes together!