Slow TV — Best City Walks

47 videos • 2,254 views • by Wanna Walk Slow TV or Slow Television is a term used to describe a YouTube genre where an ordinary event, for example an street video walk, it's showed in its complete length, without cuts, edition, intrusive faces or even music or narration. It shows reality as natural as possible. Another use for 'SLOW TV' are YouTube Channels like 'WANNA WALK where you see a first-person point of view of a walking tour in different cities around the world. It's clear that the term "slow tv" or "slow television" is very descriptive: It's slow compared with normal broadcast timetables, It runs not at the warp speed of narrative drama but at the rate of actual experience and its not scripted or heavily edited; it is more concerned with movement than with tension, contrast, or character. It was invented in Oslo, Norway when the slow-TV program called: “Bergensbanen: minutt for minutt” went online. Now Wanna Walk brings you tons of videowalks and walking tour videos around the world, where you can watch different cities from your sofa at home! SlowTV by Wanna Walk, Relaxing Video Walks for these who need some zen, non-intrusive natural ambience sound background videos. Be sure to check the channel, share and subscribe! #SLOWTV #WALKINGTOUR #VIDEOWALK