South Sudanese and Ugandan Weddings | Full HD

15 videos • 185 views • by Mawut Jok A wedding is an important milestone in two people's lives. It is a symbol of commitment and the foundation of love for your partner. A wedding ceremony is the first big step that newlyweds take together to start a new life. It can be perceived as a sacred transitional phase that happens between partners to commit to each other legally, possibly for a lifetime. It also involves a coming together of two different families and a ritual to honor the married couple’s vow. Marriage is the union of two people in love, looking for companionship. It is a legal commitment that has familial, social, and economic implications. Marriage is the union of two people in love, looking for companionship. It is a legal commitment that has familial, social, and economic implications. This is the declaration of your love and devotion to your partner and affirms lifelong commitment in front of near and dear ones. In addition, many believe that communities get better when people enter into marriage and stay together.