How did I manage to get (CA, CS, CFA, FRM, CAIA, CIPM, CFP, RV, CCRA, CIIB, CIRA, AIM) degrees along with my college life? Aswini Bajaj

8 videos • 2,365 views • by by Aswini Bajaj Welcome to our educational series to help students skillfully manage the demands of both professional and college exams simultaneously. This playlist offers a range of videos filled with expert advice, time management tips, and real-life strategies that address the unique challenges of balancing rigorous academic and professional preparation. Throughout this series, viewers will learn the difference between college and school life, reasons to opt for any exams, planning accordingly, understanding the trade-offs, socializing effects on all these, prioritizing their study sessions, identify overlaps in exam content to streamline learning, and choose the right times to engage in different types of exams without overwhelming themselves. Each video dives deep into methods for integrating professional certifications and college curriculums, making the most of your educational efforts, and ensuring you achieve both academic and professional success. Ideal for students pursuing professional certifications like CFA, FRM, CA or any other alongside their university degrees, this playlist will equip you with the tools needed to excel in both arenas without sacrificing your well-being or educational goals. Tune in to transform the way you approach your studies and prepare for a successful future in your chosen field.