No Trader Community Challenge

74 videos • 181 views • by Life Is A Game Challenge (This Is A weekly Challenge) 1, 1 dew maker for lower level Challenge at Start through Creative Mode. 2. NO dew maker for nomad level. 3. Map should be pregen 10 k map on all levels except console 4. Settings should be no airdrops and loot should be 100 no higher. 5. Horde count 8 and zombies Sprint at night for nomad level Run on Adventure level 6. First Visit to Trader Can say Hi to end the Task. Post Results. After Each full Day post your Stats into this Page (So I can Laugh at you all). To WIN. 1 The least amount of Deaths 2 The Most Money Value including Cash, Dukes, Gold, Silver and Diamonds. 3 The Most Zombie Kills.