Infrared | PD Photography

4 videos • 5 views • by Paul Compton PDphotography Welcome to the Infrared playlist by PD Photography! Step into the surreal world of Infrared photography, where landscapes and scenes are transformed into ethereal, otherworldly images. Whether you're new to Infrared photography or a seasoned infrared enthusiast, this playlist offers tips, tutorials, and inspiration to master this unique art form. What You'll Find in This Playlist: Introduction to Infrared: Discover the basics of Infrared photography, including equipment, techniques, and post-processing tips. Creative Applications: Explore creative ways to use Infrared photography to capture landscapes, portraits, architecture, and more. Infrared Gear Reviews: Reviews and recommendations for infrared cameras, lenses, filters, and accessories. Editing and Post-Processing: Learn how to edit Infrared images to enhance their unique characteristics and create stunning visual effects. Infrared Challenges: Overcome common challenges in Infrared photography, such as focusing, exposure, and white balance adjustments. #infraredphotography #IRPhotography #creativephotography #photographytips #InfraredLandscape #experimentalphotography #pdphotography