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Epic Expansion: The Case for Inflationary Cosmology
Epic Expansion: The Case for Inflationary Cosmology For decades, inflation has been the dominant cosmological scenario, but recently the theory has been subject to competition and critique. Two renowned pioneers of inflation — Alan Guth and Andrei Linde — join Brian Greene to make their strongest case for the inflationary theory.

Epic Expansion: The Case for Inflationary Cosmology
Friday, June 28, 2024. 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm EDT. Online. For decades, inflation has been the dominant cosmological scenario, but recently the theory has been subject to competition and critique. Two renowned pioneers of inflation — Alan Guth and Andrei Linde — join Brian Greene to make their strongest case for the inflationary theory.

Epic Expansion: The Case for Inflationary Cosmology - YouTube
For decades, inflation has been the dominant cosmological scenario, but recently the theory has been subject to competition and critique. Two renowned pionee

Inflation (cosmology) - Wikipedia
In physical cosmology, cosmic inflation, cosmological inflation, or just inflation, is a theory of exponential expansion of space in the early universe.The inflationary epoch is believed to have lasted from 10 −36 seconds to between 10 −33 and 10 −32 seconds after the Big Bang.Following the inflationary period, the universe continued to expand, but at a slower rate.

Proposed physical mechanism that gives rise to cosmic inflation - Nature
The current cosmological paradigm for the expansion of the Universe contains many unexplained mysteries and consists of two adjoining theories: cosmic inflation (CI, Fig. 1 red curve) 1,2,3, at

Landmark Discovery: New Results Provide Direct Evidence for Cosmic
So astronomers dreamed up the theory of inflation — the epoch immediately following the big bang (10-34 seconds later) when the universe expanded exponentially (by at least a factor of 10 25

The Founder of Cosmic Inflation Theory on Cosmology's Next Big Ideas
The Founder of Cosmic Inflation Theory on Cosmology's Next Big Ideas. Physicist Alan Guth, the father of cosmic inflation theory, describes emerging ideas about where our universe comes from, what

Did the ig ang and cosmic inflation really happen? (A tale of
The impact of a potential inflationary epoch on the early expansion rate of the Universe [7]. CA 21136 CosmoVerse forming a kind of paradigm in physical cosmology (see, [13]), e.g. it is described in the vast majority of cosmology textbooks. However, as is the case with most theories and physical models, some scientists have drawn attention

Inflationary Cosmology: Exploring the Universe from the ... - Science
According to inflationary cosmology (1-3), the universe expanded exponentially quickly for a fraction of a second very early in its history—growing from a patch as small as 10 -26 m, one hundred billion times smaller than a proton, to macroscopic scales on the order of a meter, all within about 10 -35 s—before slowing down to the more

[astro-ph/9901124] An introduction to cosmological inflation -
An introductory account is given of the inflationary cosmology, which postulates a period of accelerated expansion during the Universe's earliest stages. The historical motivation is briefly outlined, and the modelling of the inflationary epoch explained. The most important aspect of inflation is that it provides a possible model for the origin of structure in the Universe, and key results are

Cosmic inflation has its flaws, but so do its critics
Cosmic inflation has its flaws, but so do its critics. By Tom Siegfried. December 11, 2013 at 5:34 pm. DALLAS — Back in the old days, like half a century ago, many astronomers and physicists

[1810.09934] Inflationary Cosmology: From Theory to Observations
The main aim of this paper is to provide a qualitative introduction to the cosmic inflation and its relationship with current cosmological observations. The inflationary model solves many of the fundamental problems that challenge the Standard Big Bang cosmology i.e. Flatness, Horizon and Monopole problem, and additionally provides an explanation for the initial conditions observed throughout

An Introduction to Cosmological Inflation - A.R. Liddle
Abstract. An introductory account is given of the inflationary cosmology, which postulates a period of accelerated expansion during the Universe's earliest stages. The historical motivation is briefly outlined, and the modelling of the inflationary epoch explained. The most important aspect of inflation is that it provides a possible model for

Inflationary epoch - Wikipedia
In physical cosmology, the inflationary epoch was the period in the evolution of the early universe when, according to inflation theory, the universe underwent an extremely rapid exponential expansion.This rapid expansion increased the linear dimensions of the early universe by a factor of at least 10 26 (and possibly a much larger factor), and so increased its volume by a factor of at least

Epic Expansion: The Case for Inflationary Cosmology
For decades, inflation has been the dominant cosmological scenario, but recently the theory has been subject to competition and critique. Two renowned pioneers of inflation -- Alan Guth and Andrei Linde -- join Brian Greene to make their strongest case for the inflationary theory. This program is part of the Big Ideas series, supported by the John Templeton Foundation. Participants: Alan Guth

Did the Big Bang and cosmic inflation really happen?
For these reasons, the cosmological inflationary model is currently forming a kind of paradigm in physical cosmology (see, [13]), e.g. it is described in the vast majority of cosmology textbooks. However, as is the case with most theories and physical models, some scientists have drawn attention to the potential inaccuracies and problems

Inflationary Cosmology: Exploring the Universe from the Smallest to the
of inflationary cosmology, which draws on a blend of concepts from particle physics and gravitation. The last few years have been a remarkably exciting time for cosmology, with new observations of unprecedented accuracy yielding many surprises. Einstein_s legacy is flourishing in the early 21st century. Inflation was invented a quarter of a century

An Exposition on Inflationary Cosmology - G.S. Watson
A plethora of models have been suggested, all of which share the common feature that the universe goes through a brief period of rapid expansion. This rapid expansion is manifested in the evolution of the scale factor, a(t). In the case of inflation, a(t) ~ t n, where n > 1 and the universe expands faster than light. This does not violate

Study of the Experimental Probe of Inflationary Cosmology (EPIC
Measurements of Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) anisotropy have served as the best experimental probe of the early universe to date. The inflationary paradigm, inspired in part by the extreme isotropy of the CMB, is now a cornerstone in modern cosmology. Inflation has passed a series of rigorous experimental tests, but we still do not understand the physical mechanism or energy scale behind

An Exposition on Inflationary Cosmology - G.S. Watson
An Exposition on Inflationary Cosmology - G.S. Watson. 1. INTRODUCTION. The Standard Model of Cosmology has successfully predicted the nucleosynthesis of the light elements, the existence of the cosmic background radiation, and the dynamics of an expanding universe, i.e. the Hubble expansion. However, this model can not account for a number of

Extended Inflationary Cosmology
The inflationary-universe. a number of cosmological. model puzzles, Aatness, and monopole problems. brief, finite period of exponential. is designed to resolve including the horizon, The key feature is a expansion. Such ex-pansion can occur if the Universe undergoes a strongly first-order phase transition.

Epistemic Justification and Methodological Luck in Inflationary Cosmology
Abstract I present a recent historical case from cosmology—the story of inflationary cosmology—and on its basis argue that solving explanatory problems is a reliable method for making progress in science. In particular, I claim that the success of inflationary theory at solving its predecessor's explanatory problems justified the theory epistemically, even in advance of the development

Inflation - Philosophy of Cosmology
Cosmic inflation is the exponential expansion of the very early universe driven by 'slow-roll' of a hypothetical scalar field from a false to a true vacuum, lasting between 10 -36 to 10 -32 seconds, and leading to the end of that time to an expansion of a factor of about 10 60, and to 'reheating' -- the dumping of energy from the