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Gobekli Tepe is NOT 10,000+ Years Old—It's Where Noah Kept the Ark Animals
#GobekliTepe#NoahsArk#TheFloodThere is an incredible amount of evidence supporting the Bible's and other historical books' description of a great flood which

The Göbekli Tepe Ruins and the Origins of Neolithic Religion
Gobekli Tepe is not some monument where communal rituals honoring ancestors was practiced. The truth screams out to anyone who has fundamental knowledge of the Bible. The "T" sections at the top of the columns represent Noah's Ark. The columns represent the raging seas of the flood. Animals are climbing down and descending ramps.

Noah's Beasts Released on the Hills of Göbekli Tepe
The links to Noah's Ark in reference to Göbekli Tepe have been suggested, inter alia, by Andrew Collins, the author of 'Gobekli Tepe: Genesis of the Gods: The Temple of the Watchers and the Discovery of Eden'. He is of of great enthusiasts of alternative archaeology. You can find in his book some more information on the topic.

Is real reason why WEF want to prevent excavation of Gobekli Tepe is
edit: Ararat mts are a bit to the north-east of Gobekli (and Karahan) Tepe. if it did corroborate Noah's ark, they'd be keen to show that. i'm speculating here... the site may predate the flood, it was filled in during/just after as the inhabitants evacuated, and evidence may refute parts of the flood/Ararat story, i.e it wasn't a global flood

Gobekli Tepe: The World's First Temple? | Smithsonian
The megaliths predate Stonehenge by some 6,000 years. The place is called Gobekli Tepe, and Schmidt, a German archaeologist who has been working here more than a decade, is convinced it's the site

Göbekli Tepe - Wikipedia
Göbekli Tepe (Turkish: [ɟœbecˈli teˈpe], ' Potbelly Hill '; Kurdish: Girê Mirazan or Xirabreşkê, 'Wish Hill') is a Neolithic archaeological site in the Southeastern Anatolia Region of Turkey. The settlement was inhabited from c. 9500 to at least 8000 BCE, during the Pre-Pottery Neolithic.It is famous for its large circular structures that contain massive stone pillars - among the

A Monumental Cover Up? Why did Gobekli Tepe End Up in the Dirt?
As a result, it is likely that the monuments atop Gobleki Tepe were intentionally buried. Having determined this, the tricky question of why remains, for which explanations are mainly theoretical. The Mysterious Gobekli Tepe in Turkey. Evidence of the Earliest 'Skull Cult' Activity: Drilled and Carved Skulls Found at the World's Oldest

An immense mystery older than Stonehenge - BBC
Gobekli Tepe was built 6,000 years before Stonehenge, and the exact meaning of its carvings - like the world the people there once inhabited - is impossible to fathom. That, of course, is part

Göbekli Tepe - World History Encyclopedia
"Göbekli Tepe" ("Hill with a Navel", or "Potbelly Hill") is found approximately 16 km (10 miles) northeast of Şanlıurfa, an ancient city in southeastern Turkey once named "Edessa" and known as "the City of the Prophets". While this nearby city has a rich religious history, just how far back religion stretched in this region was unknown until the discovery of "Göbekli

Prehistory Decoded at Gobekli Tepe: From a Cataclysmic Event Dawns the
Around 13,000 years ago, the Earth burned. A swarm of comet debris from the Taurid meteor stream had blasted the Americas and parts of Europe; the worst day in prehistory since the end of the ice age. Many species of large animal were exterminated by the conflagration and ensuing cataclysms. And those that survived the initial onslaught could do little against the floods, acid rain, and

Gobekli Tepe - the World's First Temple?
Located in modern Turkey, Göbekli Tepe is one of the most important archaeological sites in the world. The discovery of this stunning 10,000 year old site in the 1990s CE sent shock waves through the archaeological world and beyond, with some researchers even claiming it was the site of the biblical Garden of Eden.The many examples of sculptures and megalithic architecture which make up what

Lost Civilisations of Anatolia: Göbekli Tepe
Göbekli Tepe is the world's oldest example of monumental architecture; a 'temple' built at the end of the last Ice Age, 12,000 years ago.It was discovered in 1995 CE when, just a short distance from the city of Şanliurfa in Southeast Turkey, a Kurdish shepherd noticed a number of large, embedded stones, stones which had clearly been worked - and which turned out to be the most astonishing

Göbekli Tepe - UNESCO World Heritage Centre
Göbekli Tepe. Located in the Germuş mountains of south-eastern Anatolia, this property presents monumental round-oval and rectangular megalithic structures erected by hunter-gatherers in the Pre-Pottery Neolithic age between 9,600 and 8,200 BCE. These monuments were probably used in connection with rituals, most likely of a funerary nature.

Göbekli Tepe, 'Stone Age Zoo,' in the Book of Genesis
Public Domain. The Bible describes Noah, after leaving the ark, building "an altar" and sacrificing "of every clean beast, and of every clean fowl" on the altar. Göbekli Tepe stands testament to a form of ritual worship in relation to a multitude of animals. "First came the temple, then the city," quipped Schmidt.

Gobekli Tepe | Neolithic, Prehistoric, Monument, & Map
Göbekli Tepe, Neolithic site near Şanlıurfa in southeastern Turkey.The site, believed to have been a sanctuary of ritual significance, is marked by layers of carved megaliths and is estimated to date to the 9th-10th millennium bce.. At Göbekli Tepe (Turkish: "belly hill"), near the Syrian border, a number of T-shaped limestone megaliths, some of which surpass 16 feet (5 metres) in

Gobekli Tepe - Noah's monument to God's ark - YouTube
Gobekli Tepe is archeological evidence of the Biblical Flood. The Biblical narrative of the Flood is carved on Pillar 43's top register..

The Archaeology of A Myth: Decoding Göbekli Tepe'S Iconography
The article argues for the existence of a link between the symbolic numbers of the 7-story ziqqurat, its architectural divisions (area base, length, breadth, and height) as found on the Louvre E-sagil Tablet, and the detailed specifications of the 7-story Ark with its inner compartments as described in Gilgameš Epic XI.

Göbekli Tepe: the Rise of Agriculture, the Fall of the Nomad
In the interplay of human evolution, 10,000 years is but a bat of the eye, but in the past 10,000 years the cultural and biological patterns of Homo Sapiens greatly increased their rates of change and adaption (1). In the past 10,000 years the human genome began mutating at a 10 to 100 times faster rate than in all times that preceded this era1.

4994 views. A curious thread of clues and evidence connects the world's oldest stone circles at Gobekli Tepe in Turkey, the Biblical story of Noah's Ark, and Plato's account of the lost civilization of Atlantis. In this exclusive extract from his new book Magicians of the Gods (the sequel to Fingerprints of the Gods), Graham Hancock

Göbekli Tepe: A Neolithic Site in Southeastern Anatolia | The Oxford
The people of Göbekli Tepe were still hunter-foragers. Animal husbandry was not practiced there, according to the results of the osteological investigations done by Angela von den Driesch and Joris Peters (Peters and Schmidt 2004; von den Driesch and Peters 1999, 2001), and the botanical studies by Reinder Neef ().The small finds from the site corroborate these results.

Mt Nemrut, Gobekli Tepe and Noah's Ark | History Forum
Both sites were buried as if to preserve them for posterity. Gobekli Tepe is 10,000 years older than the site at Mt Nemrut. But whatever is buried on Mt Nemrut could be as old as Gobekli Tepe or even older. For thousands of years it was believed that Noah's Ark was located on Mt. Ararat, Turkey.

Gobekli Tepe, Noah's Ark & Lost Atlantis
A curious thread of clues and evidence connects the world's oldest stone circles at Gobekli Tepe in Turkey, the Biblical story of Noah's Ark, and Plato's account of the lost civilization of Atlantis. In this exclusive extract from his new book Magicians of the Gods (the sequel to Fingerprints of the Gods), Graham Hancock investigates.

Lost Atlantis, Noah's Ark & Gobekli Tepe - Stillness in the Storm
Spread the love Source - Collective Evolution by Graham Hancock, October 6th 2016 A curious thread of clues and evidence connects the world's oldest stone circles at Gobekli Tepe in Turkey, the Biblical story of Noah's Ark, and Plato's account of the lost civilization of Atlantis. In this exclusive extract from his new book Magicians of […]