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Ocean Exploration Trust explores the ocean, seeking out new

3 weeks ago - 152 likes

Are you a student or early-career professional from or living in #Palau? Do you want to pursue a career in #oceanexploration and #conservation? Check out this unique #professionaldevelopment opportunity from Palau International Coral Reef Center-PICRC and Nautilus Live! Funding provided by National Geographic Society
Palauan Voices in Ocean Exploration is a five-month fellowship (July – October 2024) that will include a series of 6-8 webinars (each 90 minutes long). A culminating in-person two-day workshop will be held in Koror, Palau, in November 2024.

Through a blend of virtual and in-person training, hands-on experiences, and mentorship opportunities, this fellowship will equip participants with skills, knowledge, and experience in culturally rooted #sciencecommunication and storytelling practices.

The program is designed to accommodate the schedules of full-time students and/or working professionals. All participants will receive a stipend and certificate of completion. Learn more here:

3 weeks ago - 204 likes

Celebrate the ocean and 15 years of #NautilusLive #oceanexploration with us by purchasing your own limited-edition OET swag. Grab yours before the end of the month!

Special thanks to artist Samantha-Lynn Martinez for creating the winning design and to everyone who submitted!

1 month ago - 118 likes

TODAY! Join us for a LIVE Q&A with the #STEAMSEAS students currently onboard #EVNautilus. Watch and submit your questions through

1 month ago - 209 likes

Join us on Friday, May 31 for a LIVE Q&A with the #STEAMSEAS students currently onboard #EVNautilus. Watch and submit your questions through

1 month ago - 210 likes

Which 2024 location are you most excited for E/V Nautilus to dive at?

1 month ago - 258 likes

In just FOUR days, #OceanExplorationTrust launches our 2024 expedition season! #EVNautilus will set sail for an eight-month-long adventure across the Western, Central, and Eastern Pacific Ocean with 10 expeditions taking Nautilus #CorpsofExploration to #Hawaii, #AmericanSamoa, US PacificRemote Islands, #Guam, #Palau, and #Canada. Learn more through our #blog:

The 2024 E/V Nautilus expeditions are sponsored primarily by NOAA Ocean Exploration via the Ocean Exploration Cooperative Institute, with additional support from Ocean Networks Canada, the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, and the Office of Naval Research.

1 month ago - 398 likes

Only five days until we set sail on our first expedition of 2024! What are you most excited about seeing from #NautilusLive this year?

1 month ago - 279 likes

Only ten days until we set sail and launch our 2024 exploration season! You can sign up for a live ship-to-shore interaction for your classroom or community for free here:

1 month ago - 104 likes

Which 2023 ROV Hercules-based expedition was your favorite?

2 months ago - 118 likes

You have until May 5 to enter OET's 15th Anniversary T-Shirt Design Contest! Are you passionate about ocean exploration? Do you have a knack for design? Learn more and enter: