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Gresham College

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Gresham College was founded in 1597 and has been providing f

Gresham College
1 week ago - 21 likes

Come take a ride in the Tech Time Machine and explore how IT may change our lives in the next fifty years. By employing techniques used by science fiction writers, we can imagine how Artificial Intelligence, extended reality, mobile connectivity, quantum computing, and others will develop.

Gresham College
1 week ago - 20 likes

What makes a piece of music challenging, bland, intriguing, beautiful or ugly?

This lecture explores the concept of ‘musical flavour’ formed by intervallic, rhythmic and timbral components and how they contribute to a sense of consonance and dissonance.

Gresham College
1 week ago - 17 likes

Boyajian's star, a faint and unprepossessing presence in the constellation of Cygnus, attracted astronomers' attention when it began to flicker alarmingly.

We will discuss explanations for its behaviour, from disintegrating comets to alien megastructures, and consider how modern astronomy hunts for the truly unusual objects in the Universe.

Gresham College
2 weeks ago - 44 likes

This lecture makes a survey of learned ceremonial magic in Europe throughout history and demonstrates that both of the customary claims made for it by practitioners since the Middle Ages are actually correct: that there is a continuous tradition of it and that it is ultimately derived from ancient Egypt.

Gresham College
2 weeks ago - 22 likes


The latest episode from our Any Further Questions? Podcast is available now on YouTube, Apple and Spotify!

We have a chat with James Larkin on his lecture Immunotherapy: Cure for Metastatic Cancers?
Questions from our live online audience and our comment section are answered!

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Gresham College
3 weeks ago - 13 likes

In an exploration of the queer contours of Leeds, Manchester, Brighton and Plymouth, this lecture takes issue with this assumption and shows how and why LGBTQ scenes, communities and identities could feel very different from place to place.

Gresham College
3 weeks ago - 19 likes

Is it time to reverse anti-refugee policies and create safe and legal routes for refugees to reach the UK, without a number cap?

Gresham College
1 month ago - 18 likes

Recognising solar geo-engineering as an inherently destabilising technology, because any such programme would inevitably be considered liable for bad weather everywhere, and ruling it out, would be very helpful.

Gresham College
1 month ago - 18 likes

Most of the world’s 102 million forcibly displaced people – refugees – lack access to reliable, affordable, sustainable energy. Attempts to provide such energy in refugee camps have been marred by governance challenges, and a lack of technical expertise within humanitarian organisations.

Gresham College
1 month ago - 22 likes

In the Great Depression, producers of food and raw materials complained that they received low prices and paid high prices for industrial imports. Latin America adopted ‘import substituting industrialisation’ to encourage production behind tariff barriers. This approach continued after the war as more countries gained independence.