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22 hours ago - 544 likes

Rabbit MQ Exchange Types You Must Know

1. Direct Exchange: Messages are routed to queues based on an exact match between the routing key (RK) and the binding key. For example, a message with RK=3 will be routed to `queue-3`.

2. Topic Exchange: Messages are routed based on pattern matching between the routing key and the binding key using wildcards. For example, a message with RK=a.b will be routed to queues bound with patterns that match, like `queue-2` and `queue-3`.

3. Fanout Exchange: Messages are broadcast to all queues bound to the exchange regardless of the routing key. This is useful for scenarios where you need to broadcast messages to multiple subscribers.

4. Headers Exchange: Messages are routed based on matching message headers instead of the routing key. For example, a message with the header h=c will be routed to `queue-3`.

5. Default Exchange: This is a special direct exchange with no name, where messages are routed directly to queues with the same name as the routing key. For instance, a message with RK=queue-1 goes directly to `queue-1`.

6. Dead Letter Exchange: Messages that cannot be delivered to their intended queue are routed to this exchange. This is useful for handling messages that are rejected or expired.

Understanding these exchange types can help in designing robust messaging systems with RabbitMQ.

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#systemdesign #coding #interviewtips

3 days ago - 989 likes

Linux File Permissions Explained

Linux file permissions are crucial for system security and management. Here's a quick overview to help you understand how they work.

Each file and directory in Linux has a set of permissions that determine who can read, write, or execute them. These permissions are represented by a string of characters, such as `-rwxr-xr--`.

The permissions string is divided into 4️⃣ parts:

1. File Type: The first character indicates the type of file. A dash `-` means it's a regular file, while `d` denotes a directory.
2. Owner Permissions: The next three characters show the owner's permissions. In `rwx`, `r` stands for read, `w` for write, and `x` for execute.
3. Group Permissions: The following three characters represent the group's permissions.
4. Others Permissions: The last three characters indicate the permissions for all other users.

Permissions can also be represented numerically using a three-digit code:
- `4` for read (`r`)
- `2` for write (`w`)
- `1` for execute (`x`)

Each digit sums the permissions for the owner, group, and others. For example, `755` translates to:
- Owner: `rwx` (4+2+1=7)
- Group: `r-x` (4+1=5)
- Others: `r-x` (4+1=5)

Use the `chmod` command to change permissions. For example, `chmod 755 filename` sets the file permissions to `rwxr-xr-x`.

Key Takeaways

- Read (r): View file contents.
- Write (w): Modify file contents.
- Execute (x): Run the file as a program.

Understanding and managing file permissions is vital for maintaining system security and ensuring proper access control. Make sure you regularly check and update permissions to keep your Linux environment secure.


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#systemdesign #coding #interviewtips

4 days ago - 668 likes

10 Git Commands and Workflow That You Must Know

- Add: Adds changes in the working directory to the staging area.
- Commit: Saves the changes from the staging area to the local repository.
- Push: Uploads local repository changes to the remote repository.
- Fetch: Downloads objects and refs from another repository.
- Pull: Fetches and integrates changes from the remote repository into the local repository.
- Clone: Creates a copy of an existing remote repository.
- Checkout: Switches branches or restores working tree files.
- Rebase: Reapplies commits on top of another base tip.
- Log: Shows the commit logs.
- Status: Displays the state of the working directory and staging area.

- Changes start in the Working Directory.
- You use Add to stage these changes, moving them to the Staging Area.
- With Commit, changes are saved in the Local Repo.
- To share these changes, you use Push to upload them to the Remote Repo.
- If you need updates from the remote repository, you can Fetch them to your local repository.
- To apply those fetched changes to your working directory, you use Pull, which fetches and merges the changes.
- If there are conflicting changes, you may need to manually merge them.

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#systemdesign #coding #interviewtips

5 days ago - 1.1K likes

The Java Roadmap

1. Linux
2. Git
3. IDE
- IntelliJ
- Eclipse
- VSCode
4. Core
- Classes/Objects - OOP
- Arrays
- Classes
- Packages
- Polymorphism
- Variables
- Strings
- Loops
- Inheritances
- Interfaces
- Files
- I/O Streams
5. Collections
- Arrays
- Lists
- Maps
- Stacks
- Queues
- Optionals
6. Advanced
- Dependency Injection
- Design Patterns
- How JVM Works
- Multi-Threading
- Generics
7. Exception Handling
- Checked Exceptions
- Unchecked Exceptions
8. Streams & Functional Programming
9. Testing
- Unit Testing
- Integration Testing
- Debugging Skills
- Contract Testing
- Mocking
- Assertion Libraries
10. Databases
- Database Design
- Queries
- Indexes
- Joins
- Functions
- Schema Migration Tool (Flyway, Liquibase)
- Relational Database
11. Clean Code
- SOLID Principles
- N-Tier Architecture
- Immutability
12. Logging
13. Multi-Threading
14. Build Tools
- Maven
- Gradle
- Bazel
15. HTTP
- Rest API
- GraphSQL
- How HTTP Works
- API Design
16. Frameworks
- Spring Boot
- Play
- Quarkus

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#systemdesign #coding #interviewtips

6 days ago - 83 likes

How do you use git?

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1 week ago - 828 likes

Understanding HTTP Status Codes is essential for web development and debugging.

Here’s a quick summary:

1xx Information:

- 100 Continue: Initial part of the request received; client should proceed.
- 101 Switching: Server is switching protocols.
- 102 Processing: Server accepted the request but hasn’t completed it.
- 103 Early Hints: Provides response headers before the final response.

2xx Success:

- 200 OK: Request was successful.
- 201 Created: Request resulted in a new resource.
- 202 Accepted: Request accepted but processing not complete.
- 204 No Content: Request processed successfully, but no content returned.

3xx Redirection:

- 301 Moved Permanently: Resource has moved to a new URL.
- 302 Found: Resource temporarily found under a different URL.
- 303 See Other: Resource can be found under a different URL using GET.
- 307 Temporary Redirect: Request should be repeated with another URL.

4xx Client Errors:

- 400 Bad Request: Server cannot process request due to bad syntax.
- 401 Unauthorized: Authentication required.
- 403 Forbidden: Server understood request but refuses to authorize it.
- 404 Not Found: Resource could not be found on the server.

5xx Server Errors:

- 500 Internal Server Error: Server encountered an unexpected condition.
- 502 Bad Gateway: Invalid response from an upstream server.
- 503 Service Unavailable: Server is temporarily unable to handle the request.
- 504 Gateway Timeout: Server acting as a gateway did not receive a timely response.

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#systemdesign #coding #interviewtips

1 week ago - 784 likes

The DevOps RoadMap You Should Take

1. Programming Languages:
- Python
- Golang
- JavaScript
- Ruby

2. Operating System / Server Management
- Linux
- Unix
- Windows

3. Networking Security and Protocols
- HTTP/s
- Encryption
- ACLs

4. Git and Source Control Management
- Git
- GitLab
- GitHub
- Bitbucket

5. Infrastructure as Code
- Terraform
- Pulumi
- OpenTofu

- Docker

- Kubernetes
- Docker Swarm

- Ansible
- Puppet
- Chef

6. Monitoring and Logging
- Prometheus
- Grafana
- ELK Stack (Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana)

7. Continuous Integration / Continuous Deployment
- Jenkins
- CodePipeline
- GitLab
- GitHub Actions
- CircleCI
- CodeGiant

8. Cloud Providers
- GCP (Google Cloud Platform)
- Azure
- DigitalOcean

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#devops #coding #interviewtips

1 week ago - 81 likes

Do you have a portfolio?

The one-click portfolio builder for developers. Join waiting list

- Built for speed
- Minimal, creative themes
- Fully responsive
- Free hosting on Portfolly domain
- Structured & minimal dashboard
- Outstanding SEO

#saas #programming #portfolio

1 week ago - 626 likes

TOP 20 Programming Languages

1. Python
2. C++
3. C
4. Java
5. C#
6. JavaScript
7. Go
8. SQL
9. Visual Basic
10. Fortran
11. Delphi/Object Pascal
12. Swift
13. Assembly Language
15. PHP
16. Scratch
17. Rust
18. Ruby
19. Kotlin


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#programming #coding #interviewtips

2 weeks ago - 287 likes

Big news πŸŽ‰ Amigoscode acquired Portfolly! One click portfolio builder.

Join the waitlist on our website [] and be among the first to experience the amazing new features! πŸš€πŸŒŸ

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