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Hi World! I'm Jeremy Shafer! Welcome to my origami channe

4 days ago - 57 likes

Hey Super Paper Shapers! Here are the results of the June 2024 members livestreams last weekend. During the monthly livestreams, participants give me model requests which I then try to design on the spot as they follow along or go in their own directions. During the June Western Hemisphere Livestream, in the 90 minutes, we folded a record 16 new models! We folded 10 new models during the Eastern Hemisphere Livestream.

Joining as a member ($5/month) lets you participate in the current month's Western and Eastern Hemisphere Livestreams (on Zoom), re-watch all 121 livestream replays and over 100 other special-for-members tutorials. Here is the link to join:

The next livestreams will be July 27th, 10am PDT (California timezone) and the following midnight-2am. As always, I will re-announce the times the Wednesday before.

1 week ago - 30 likes

Hi Everyone! Special this time only.... You (who have your notification enabled!) Are All invited to the Eastern Hemisphere. The June 2024 Eastern Hemisphere Livestream is ON! Get your papers folders.... Let's PARTY!! Here's the link:…

1 week ago - 36 likes

Hey origami devotees! It's time for another weekend of members livestreams and this is the Official Announcement... The June 2024 Members Livestreams (on Zoom) will be this Saturday June 29th, 10am-12noon PST for the Western Hemisphere Livestream, and then, 14 hours later, the Eastern Hemisphere Livestream will be midnight-2am PST (California Timezone).

As always, a few minutes before each livestream, I will post the join link here on my Community Tab, visible to members, so in order to participate you need to join membership here:

Converting the starting times to all the timezones:

For India the livestream start times will be Saturday 10:30pm and Sunday 12:30pm.

California, Oregon, Washington: Saturday 10am and Sunday 12am (midnight)
Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico City, Colorado and Utah Saturday 11am and Sunday 1am
Colombia, Ecuador, Panama, Chicago: Saturday 12noon and Sunday 2am
Venezuela, Bolivia and Chile and New York: Saturday 1pm and Sunday 3am
Brazil: Saturday 2pm and Sunday 4am
Grytviken: Saturday 3pm and Sunday 5am
Greenland: Saturday 4pm and Sunday 6am
Senegal: Saturday 5pm and Sunday 7am
United Kingdom and Portugal: Saturday 6pm and Sunday 8am
France and Spain: Saturday 7pm and Sunday 9am
Turkey: Saturday 8pm and Sunday 10am
Azerbaijan: Saturday 9pm and Sunday 11am
Pakistan: Saturday 10pm and Sunday 12pm
India: Saturday 10:30pm and Sunday 12:30pm
Bangladesh Saturday 11pm and Sunday 1pm
Vietnam: Sunday 12am and 2pm

Malaysia: Sunday 1am and 3pm
Japan: Sunday 2am and Sunday 4pm
Melbourne and Sydney, Australia Sunday 3am and Sunday 5pm
Solomon Islands and Micronesia Sunday 4am and Sunday 6pm
New Zealand: Sunday 5am and Sunday 7pm
America Samoa, Sunday 8am, Sunday 8pm
Kiritimati: Sunday 7am - Sunday 9pm

Alofi, Niue, Saturday 6am and Saturday 8pm
Tahiti, Hawaii: Saturday 7am and Saturday 9pm
Gambier, French Polynesia: Saturday 8am, and Saturday 10pm
Alaska: Saturday 9am and Saturday 11pm

During the first half hour, members show a few models they have folded recently and give their ideas for what we should try to design. Once everyone has had a turn, for the remainder of the time I try to design on the spot as many of the ideas as we have time for, and I try to explain my thought process as I go. You can either follow along or go in your own direction. Every 15 or 20 minutes we take short breaks to see what we each managed to fold. It's a fun exercise that helps teach the fundamentals of designing origami. Hope you can join us, but even if you can't, you're welcome to offer some ideas of what you would like us to try to design during the livestreams even if you're not a member.

As always...May the folds be with you!🤟🤞


1 month ago - 74 likes

Hey Origami Wolverines! Here are the results of the May 2024 members livestreams last weekend. During the monthly livestreams, participants give me model requests which I then try to design on the spot as they follow along or go in their own directions. Joining as a member ($5/month) lets you participate in the current month's Western and Eastern Hemisphere Livestreams (on Zoom), re-watch all 119 livestream replays and over 100 other special-for-members tutorials. Here is the link to join:

Next month, Saturday, June 29th will mark 5 years of conducting these monthly livestreams! The next livestreams will be June 29th, 10am PDT (California timezone) and the following midnight-2am. I will re-announce the times the Wednesday before.