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Me ~ Gemini Sun β˜† Gemini Rising β˜† Leo Moon β˜† Life Path 6 β™₯︎

Sacred Knowledge Tarot
13 hours ago - 1K likes

Happy Sunday my beautiful friends, I hope you are all doing well and in good spirits!

Today is July 7th, and we have an incredibly powerful 7/7 portal open! This is a special time when the energies around us are heightened, offering us an amazing opportunity to harness these vibrations for our personal growth and spiritual journey.

The number 7 holds deep significance in our lives. It symbolizes spiritual awakening, inner wisdom, and intuition. When you see the number 7, it’s a reminder to connect with your inner self and trust the path you are on. It’s also a sign that you are aligned with the universe and on the right track towards your higher purpose.

So, how can we use this energy? Today, take some time to meditate, reflect, and set your intentions. Whether it’s through prayer, journaling, or simply sitting in silence, allow yourself to tap into the wisdom and guidance that this portal brings. This is a perfect time to focus on your spiritual growth and listen to the messages from the universe.

For those of you who have been seeing the number 7 frequently, take it as a sign that you are being supported and guided. Embrace this energy and use it to fuel your journey towards self-discovery and enlightenment.

To help you make the most of this powerful day, I’ve created special readings for each zodiac sign. These readings are designed to provide you with insights and guidance specific to this 7/7 portal. You can find the links to your sign’s reading below. I hope these readings bring you clarity and inspiration.

β™‘ Capricorn ✷
β™’ Aquarius ✷
β™“ Pisces ✷
β™ˆ Aries ✷
♉ Taurus ✷
β™Š Gemini ✷
β™‹ Cancer ✷
β™Œ Leo ✷
♍ Virgo ✷
β™Ž Libra ✷
♏ Scorpio ✷
♐ Sagittarius ✷

Let’s make the most of this 7/7 portal and embrace the beautiful energies it brings. Thank you so much for watching!

Much love and light,
Rhea β€οΈπŸ™

#portal #energy #spirit

Sacred Knowledge Tarot
2 days ago - 2.4K likes

Hey my beautiful friends, happy New Moon! I’ve put together your individual sign’s New Moon readings to help you harness this powerful energy. The links are below. May this New Moon bring you peace, clarity, and abundant blessings. Enjoy your journey!

β™‘ Capricorn ✷
β™’ Aquarius ✷
β™“ Pisces ✷
β™ˆ Aries ✷
♉ Taurus ✷
β™Š Gemini ✷
β™‹ Cancer ✷
β™Œ Leo ✷
♍ Virgo ✷
β™Ž Libra ✷
♏ Scorpio ✷
♐ Sagittarius ✷

Sending you all so much love and light.
Rhea β€οΈπŸ™

#newmoon #tarot #mantra

Sacred Knowledge Tarot
4 days ago - 3.1K likes

😎 π‰π”π‹π˜ πŸπŸŽπŸπŸ’ π‘π„π€πƒπˆππ†π’ 𝐀𝐑𝐄 πŽπ”π“ ππŽπ–! πŸ’› π‹πˆππŠπ’ ππ„π‹πŽπ–!
Hey my beautiful friends, you July 2024 readings are out now! Check the links below to watch your zodiac sign's reading. Make sure to watch your Sun, Moon, Rising & Venus signs!

β™‘ Capricorn ✷
β™’ Aquarius ✷
β™“ Pisces ✷
β™ˆ Aries ✷
♉ Taurus ✷
β™Š Gemini ✷
β™‹ Cancer ✷
β™Œ Leo ✷
♍ Virgo ✷
β™Ž Libra ✷
♏ Scorpio ✷
♐ Sagittarius ✷

Sending you all so much love and light.

Rhea β€οΈπŸ™

Sacred Knowledge Tarot
6 days ago - 1.8K likes

Happy July 1st my beautiful friends! I's sending you lots of positive energy for this week.

A question came up in the comments that I thought would be helpful to answer here, as many of you might be going through the same experience: How can one find their twin flame, soulmate, or life partner when they have boundaries that are mile high? How will you know who they are?

Finding your twin flame, soulmate, or life partner can feel daunting, especially when you have boundaries that are sky-high. Boundaries are essential; they protect us and help maintain our emotional well-being. However, if they become so towering that they prevent connection, it might be time to reassess and gently lower them to let love in.

First, let’s examine those boundaries. It's wonderful to have them, but when they transform into guards that keep everyone at bay, they can hinder the very connections we seek. Opening ourselves up, even just a little, can create the space needed for love to enter our lives.

Before I met my husband, I was in two long-term relationshipsβ€”one with my ex-husband, the father of my two daughters, and another one. Both relationships didn't serve me in the way I desired or viewed relationships to be. They taught me a lot about what I truly wanted and needed in a partner. These experiences, though challenging, were essential in shaping my understanding of love and relationships.

When I met my husband, I started by creating a wish list of the qualities I wanted in a partner. This was more than just jotting down traits; it was about tuning into the feelings and experiences I desired. I set aside an evening just for this purpose. I poured myself a glass of wine, played some Cafe De'Anatolia to set the mood, and let my imagination run free. I envisioned a partner who enjoyed Hindi films with me, who had a son the same age as my daughters, and someone who truly understood me. There were many other desires I hadβ€”such as a partner who was supportive of my spiritual journey, someone who shared my love for adventure and travel, and a person who could communicate openly and honestly. I allowed myself to dream about all the wonderful experiences we would share and focused only on the positive.

This process wasn't just a list-making exercise; it was a form of meditation and activation. I wrote down all these positive, vivid visions and then placed the folded sheets of paper between my mattresses. The next morning, I got onto Bumble and created a profile. However, it's crucial to understand that you have to be an active participant in this process. The universe isn't going to just drop this person into your lap after you write that list; that's not how it works. There's an exchange with the universe, and you have to give your energy in order to receive. Love takes energy and work; it's not always going to be rainbows and butterflies. I made a conscious effort to be open to the possibility of meeting someone, which included being active on Bumble. Six months later, I met my husband.

When I met Paul for the first time, it was snowing. We had just started chatting and decided to meet for a quick drink that same night. I thought, okay, let's meet, I know I'm tired, so this won't be a long thingβ€”just a drink and meet. But we ended up chatting for a bit and found out we were the same age and both had kids the same age. It felt like magic. Paul has watched soooo many Hindi films with me and is picking up Punjabi and Hindi words! It’s so amazing that my wish list came true! You'll have to ask him for his side of the story.

The first six months of our relationship, my guards kept coming up. Even though I was open, my guard was right there, and sometimes it would appear for no reason at all. During this time, Paul had no idea any of this was going on inside me. I kept my cool the entire time, allowing myself to observe my feelings without reacting. Let me tell you, it wasn’t easy. I had to consciously put aside previous experiences with my ex-partners. It made me realize just how many layers of triggers I hadβ€”from past behaviors, facial expressions, to tone of voice. My heightened senses were on overdrive, interpreting every little thing through the lens of past hurt. But I learned that these reactions were miscommunications from me to myself, born out of suppressed emotions and baggage that threatened to sabotage a good thing. It's so important to be aware of this in yourself and not let it take over.

After about a year, Paul and I shared our experiences with each other, and we laughed so much. We couldn’t believe the stories in our minds, the interpretations of behaviors, and the things that silently triggered us. That act alone of sharing our experiences from the past year was so eye-opening and brought us even closer! It reinforced the importance of communication and the power of understanding and empathy in a relationship.

So, here's my heartfelt advice:

Reflect on Your Boundaries: Understand why they are there and gently challenge yourself to open up where it's safe. Love can't flow through a fortress.

Create a Vision: Spend time envisioning what you truly want in a partner. Feel the joy, excitement, and love as if it's already happening. This isn't just wishful thinking; it's setting a powerful intention.

Write It Down: Writing solidifies your vision. Keep it somewhere special as a reminder of what you're attracting.

Be Open to Possibilities: Engage with the world. Be present in social situations and online platforms where you might meet someone special. Be open to the unexpected.

Trust the Process: Sometimes, love finds us in the most surprising ways. Trust that your openness and intention will guide you to the right person.

Remember, love requires vulnerability, but it's within that vulnerability that true connections are formed. By opening your heart just a little, you invite the possibility of a beautiful partnership. Trust yourself and the journey. I hope this opens you up to another perspective or in some way helps you in the love department.

Love and light,
Rhea πŸ™πŸ½ πŸ¦‹

Sacred Knowledge Tarot
1 week ago - 4.5K likes

Happy Friday my beautiful friends! I hope you're day is going well.

I wanted to bring this up once more today as I had a few comments about you going through this energy. I wanted to share a quote that has been resonating deeply with me lately: "When your world feels upside down, remember that it's an opportunity to see things from a new perspective. Embrace the chaos, find stillness in the uncertainty, and trust that sometimes, turning everything around is the first step to finding clarity and growth."

I know many of us are going through challenging times right now, and it can feel like everything is spinning out of control. It's easy to get overwhelmed and feel lost when life doesn't go as planned. But I want to remind you that these moments of chaos are often the universe's way of nudging us to see things differently and to grow in ways we never imagined.

When everything feels upside down, try to see it as a chance to look at your life from a new angle. Maybe there's a lesson in the chaos or an opportunity to discover something new about yourself. Sometimes, the greatest insights come from the most unexpected places.

Finding stillness in the midst of uncertainty can be incredibly grounding. Take a few minutes each day to meditate, breathe deeply, or simply sit in silence. This can help you reconnect with your inner self and find a sense of calm amidst the storm. It's in these quiet moments that you can start to see the bigger picture and gain clarity on your path forward.

Remember, it's okay to feel scared or unsure. Growth often comes with discomfort, but it's through facing these challenges that we become stronger and more resilient. Trust that this upside-down phase is temporary and that it has a purpose. You're being guided toward a new level of understanding and personal growth.

As we head into the weekend, if you have time off, please take some time to rest and recharge. It's important to give yourself a break and enjoy some peace. If you're working this weekend, make sure to carve out a little time for self-care. Even a few minutes of mindfulness or a short walk can make a big difference.

I also want to bring in the energy of the Six of Swords card. This card represents transition, moving from turmoil to calmer waters, and finding a path to healing. The Six of Swords reminds us that even though the journey might be challenging, it leads us to a place of peace and clarity. As the Six of Swords would suggest, "Trust the journey, even when the destination is not clear, for it leads to brighter days."

So, embrace the chaos and let it teach you. Allow yourself to be open to new perspectives and trust that turning everything around is sometimes the best way to find clarity. Keep moving forward, even if it's just one small step at a time. You are stronger and more capable than you realize.

And one more thing, I've put together your July 2024 readings! So if you haven't watched your readings, links are below!

β™‘ Capricorn ✷
β™’ Aquarius ✷
β™“ Pisces ✷
β™ˆ Aries ✷
♉ Taurus ✷
β™Š Gemini ✷
β™‹ Cancer ✷
β™Œ Leo ✷
♍ Virgo ✷
β™Ž Libra ✷
♏ Scorpio ✷
♐ Sagittarius ✷

Sending you all so much love and light.

Rhea β€οΈπŸ™

#july #tarot #predictions

Sacred Knowledge Tarot
1 week ago - 3.1K likes

Hey my beautiful friends, how are you today?

I wanted to share something that's been on my mind lately. You know those moments when it feels like your whole world is upside down? It can be so overwhelming, right? But here's a little advice from the heart: when everything seems chaotic, it's actually a chance to see things from a new perspective.

Try to embrace the chaos, even if it's just a little bit. Find a moment of stillness in all the uncertainty and remember that sometimes, turning everything around is exactly what we need to find clarity and growth. It's not always easy, but trust that there's a purpose behind the turmoil.

To make it a bit easier, here are a few things you can do:

Practice Mindfulness: Take a few minutes each day to breathe deeply and focus on the present moment. This can help you find calm in the chaos.

Journaling: Write down your thoughts and feelings. Sometimes putting things on paper can bring a new perspective and help release some of the tension.

Reach Out: Talk to a friend, family member, or someone you trust. Sharing your feelings can lighten the load and offer new insights.

Self-Care: Take care of yourself with activities that bring you joy and relaxation. It could be a walk in nature, a warm bath, or listening to your favorite music.

You got this! Much love and light to you all!

Rhea β€οΈπŸ™

#selfcare #journaling #mindfulness

Sacred Knowledge Tarot
1 week ago - 3.9K likes

Happy Monday my beautiful friends! Wishing you all an amazing week ahead.

I wanted to chat about something really interesting that's happening soon...We’re on the brink of a huge energy shift! Saturn is going retrograde in Pisces on June 29th, and this event is set to stir up a lot of profound changes in both the energy around us and within us. When Saturn goes retrograde, it feels like hitting a pause button, giving us a chance to slow down and reassess different parts of our lives.

With Saturn in Pisces, this energy shift focuses on introspection, spirituality, and emotional healing. It’s an excellent time to reflect on past experiences and address any unresolved issues. You might find yourself contemplating your boundaries and responsibilities, particularly in areas related to your dreams and intuition.

This is a period for deep inner work, and reflecting on your life can be a powerful tool for growth. How about trying daily journaling to write down your thoughts and feelings? It helps process emotions and gain insights. Meditation is another great way to stay present and aware of your inner self. Even something as simple as taking a walk in nature can be meditative, allowing you to reflect on your thoughts and feelings while reducing stress.

Consider setting aside quiet time each day to think about your goals and values. And don’t forget about gratitudeβ€”writing down a few things you’re grateful for each day can shift your focus to the positive. These small practices can make a big difference in how we navigate this transformative period.

I've put together readings for each zodiac sign to help you navigate this period. These readings focus on how Saturn retrograde in Pisces will affect you and how you can make the most of this energy. Be sure to check out your sign’s reading for personalized insights and guidance.

β™‘ Capricorn ✷
β™’ Aquarius ✷
β™“ Pisces ✷
β™ˆ Aries ✷
♉ Taurus ✷
β™Š Gemini ✷
β™‹ Cancer ✷
β™Œ Leo ✷
♍ Virgo ✷
β™Ž Libra ✷
♏ Scorpio ✷
♐ Sagittarius ✷

Remember, this is a time for growth and healing. Embrace the changes, trust the process, and know that this energy is here to help you become a better version of yourself. Thank you so much for watching!

Love and light,
Rhea β€οΈπŸ™

#astrology #tarot #guidance

Sacred Knowledge Tarot
2 weeks ago - 3.3K likes

πŸŒ• HAPPY FRIDAY my beautiful friends!!!! I'm excited to share that your 𝐅𝐔𝐋𝐋 𝐌𝐎𝐎𝐍 π‘π„π€πƒπˆππ†π’ 𝐀𝐑𝐄 πŽπ”π“ ππŽπ– ~ π‹πˆππŠπ’ ππ„π‹πŽπ– πŸ‘‡πŸ½

β™‘ Capricorn ✷
β™’ Aquarius ✷
β™“ Pisces ✷
β™ˆ Aries ✷
♉ Taurus ✷
β™Š Gemini ✷
β™‹ Cancer ✷
β™Œ Leo ✷
♍ Virgo ✷
β™Ž Libra ✷
♏ Scorpio ✷
♐ Sagittarius ✷

With love and light,
Rhea πŸ’–

#fullmoon #tarot #readings

Sacred Knowledge Tarot
2 weeks ago - 4.7K likes

Hey my beautiful friends, I hope you’re all doing well. I wanted to share a little reminder with you today. Life is a blend of happy, sad, difficult, and joyous moments. If things are hard right now, trust that good times are coming.

We all have moments where things feel heavy and challenging. It's part of the journey. But just like the seasons change, so do our experiences. After every storm, there's a rainbow. After every night, there's a sunrise. After every heartbreak, there’s healing. After every low, there’s a high. After every end, there’s a new beginning.

In these hard times, it's important to hold on to hope and faith. Trust that brighter days are coming. Challenges are signs that there's growth happening. Each difficulty you face is an opportunity to become stronger, wiser, and more resilient. Sometimes, the universe pushes us out of our comfort zones to help us evolve into the best version of ourselves.

Use this time to reflect, grow, and understand that even the toughest moments teach us something valuable. You are stronger than you think, and you have the power to overcome any obstacle.

Surround yourself with positivity, lean on loved ones, and don't hesitate to seek support when needed. Take one step at a time, and be kind to yourself. Remember, you are not alone in this journey. We are all in this together, supporting and uplifting each other.

Good times are just around the corner, and your perseverance will be rewarded. Keep your heart open, your spirit strong, and your mind focused on the light at the end of the tunnel.

Take a moment each day to breathe deeply and reconnect with your inner strength. Remind yourself of your past victories, no matter how small they seem. Every step forward, no matter how tiny, is progress. Believe in the power of your journey, and trust that everything is unfolding as it should.

Sending you all my love and positive energy.

Stay hopeful, stay strong,

Rhea πŸ’–

#strength #perseverance #community

Sacred Knowledge Tarot
2 weeks ago - 4.5K likes

🌸 Hello my beautiful friends! Happy Tuesday! 🌸

I hope you're all having an amazing day! I want to share a lovely quote that's been on my mind: "Bloom where you are planted." This quote is such a beautiful reminder that we can thrive and grow no matter where we find ourselves. It’s all about embracing our current situation, making the most of what we have, and finding beauty and purpose right where we are.

𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐄'𝐒 π‡πŽπ– π˜πŽπ” 𝐂𝐀𝐍 π„πŒππ‘π€π‚π„ π“π‡πˆπ’ π„ππ„π‘π†π˜ 𝐈𝐍 π˜πŽπ”π‘ πŽπ–π π‹πˆπ…π„:

1️⃣ Find Gratitude in the Present Moment: Take a moment right now to appreciate where you are. What are you grateful for in your current situation? Gratitude can change our outlook and help us see opportunities we might otherwise miss.

2️⃣ Leverage Your Strengths: Think about your unique talents and skills. How can you use them to make a positive impact where you are? Whether it’s at work, at home, or in your community, your strengths are your superpower.

3️⃣ Create Beauty in Your Space: Transform your surroundings into a space that nurtures and inspires you. It could be as simple as adding a plant, reorganizing your workspace, or creating a cozy corner for relaxation.

4️⃣ Set Intentions and Goals: Even if you’re not exactly where you want to be, set small, achievable goals that align with your larger vision. Each step forward is progress, and each accomplishment is a bloom on your journey.

5️⃣ Stay Connected: Engage with those around you. Build meaningful relationships and support each other. Community and connection can provide the nourishment we need to grow.

ππ‘π€π‚π“πˆπ‚π€π‹ π„π—π€πŒππ‹π„π’ πŽπ… π“π‡πˆπ’ 𝐀𝐑𝐄:

1️⃣ At Work: If you’re feeling stuck in your current job, look for ways to enhance your role. Maybe you can take on a new project, learn a new skill, or mentor a colleague. Find joy in the impact you can make right where you are.

2️⃣ At Home: Create a positive and uplifting environment. Declutter, redecorate, or introduce new routines that bring joy and order to your daily life.

3️⃣ In Your Community: Volunteer, join a local group, or start a community project. Your contributions can make a significant difference and help you feel more connected and fulfilled.

4️⃣ In Relationships: Focus on nurturing your current relationships. Spend quality time with loved ones, communicate openly, and show appreciation for the people in your life. Small acts of kindness and thoughtful gestures can strengthen your connections and help your relationships bloom.

Remember, you have the power to bloom and thrive no matter where you are planted. 🌼

🌸 𝐉𝐔𝐍𝐄 π’πŽπ‹π’π“πˆπ‚π„ π‘π„π€πƒπˆππ†π’ 🌸

I’ve created special readings for each zodiac sign to help you harness the powerful energies of the June solstice. These readings offer insights and guidance tailored to your sign. Check out the links below to find your reading:

β™‘ Capricorn ✷
β™’ Aquarius ✷
β™“ Pisces ✷
β™ˆ Aries ✷
♉ Taurus ✷
β™Š Gemini ✷
β™‹ Cancer ✷
β™Œ Leo ✷
♍ Virgo ✷
β™Ž Libra ✷
♏ Scorpio ✷
♐ Sagittarius ✷

With love and light,
Rhea πŸ’–

#june #tarot #readings