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Animal Shelter

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Is it true that the more developed our society, the more hea

Animal Shelter
4 weeks ago - 2.4K likes

We followed a crippled dog from a market and that crippled dog crossed dangerous railway lines to return home. That distance was 2km long and it was difficult for a dog with difficulty walking like her.
We found out why she had such power when we found 10 puppies in an abandoned sewer.
Follow this amazing journey atπŸ‘‰

Animal Shelter
3 months ago - 4K likes

The two mother dogs in this story will bring you tears.
The first mother dog tried to breastfeed her puppies when she knew she didn't have much time left and the second mother dog knew that if she continued to feed the puppies she would he won't be able to stand.
But their sacred motherhood and love for their puppies goes beyond that. After everything they have been through and given to the puppies, the ultimate goal is to give the puppies a better life.
Follow that story πŸ‘‰

Animal Shelter
6 months ago - 7.5K likes

After the owner passed away, it left a big void in Justin the dog's heart. He sat beside his master's grave for three months straight despite the cold weather.
Many people tried to bring him back, but he always found a way to return to the grave so he could be with his owner.
This dog is a loyal and loving dog, after all that he finally embraced a new life and we will replace his owner to love him for the rest of his life.

Animal Shelter
10 months ago - 6.8K likes

With only three legs he tried to follow his owner's car, he didn't understand why his owner left him on that road and he didn't realize there was a speeding car. come behind him.
The snow is thick and cold, but in his heart, it's broken.

Animal Shelter
10 months ago - 7.8K likes

After the accident, she still tried to crawl back to feed the hungry puppies and fainted on the side of the road.
Will she be able to walk again and what will be the future for the puppies?
Watch the video together at:

Animal Shelter
10 months ago - 5.6K likes

The puppies were shivering in the cold, they were very hungry but somehow the mother dog didn't take them to a warmer place.
And when we found out the story behind it, it was so moving.

Animal Shelter
10 months ago - 4.7K likes

You will be amazed at the behavior of these dogs, they behave like humans.
One of their friends was hurt and scared hiding in the sewer, they didn't leave but waited for their friend all day, their friendship and love surprised us.
Then what will they be? Stay tuned at:

Animal Shelter
10 months ago - 5.8K likes

The mother dog doesn't know what to do to save her puppy other than hug the puppy and cry.
And fortunately her life changed when a 9-year-old boy met her and her puppy.
Follow this amazing story at:

Animal Shelter
10 months ago - 5.8K likes

The puppy can only hold his head and cry, the nostalgia for his mother and hunger make him exhausted.
Will his and his brothers' lives change for the better?
Watch the video at:

Animal Shelter
10 months ago - 3.8K likes

I adopted a crippled dog, he has longed to be happy and be normal like other dogs for too long