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Vars III

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Hey everyone! Welcome to my third channel! This channel feat

Vars III
2 weeks ago - 107 likes

*TL;DR - Thinking about making Vars 3 a Smash and Pokemon hybrid channel. Gonna upload some pokemon content alongside the periodic smash vid while waiting for the new smash game cuz ultimate dead xd. When new smash game comes out we go hard on smash content again.*

Okay I thought about it a bit and I have a follow up poll question. How would you guys feel about me posting the pokemon content on this channel, as in no Vars IV and instead just make Vars III the pokemon/smash bros channel (aka the nintendo channel). Given the votes came in at almost 75/25 I feel like there's enough overlap between pokemon and smash, being both nintendo games and all to where it could be more efficient for me to just upload here. That way I don't have to start a brand new channel since 3 is already a lot to manage.

Bluntly speaking, making smash content is a dead end right now until Smash 6. I'm gonna still make the occasional smash video just because I still enjoy the game a lot but I feel like maybe a better course of action would be to dip my feet into pokemon, then if and when smash 6 comes around we go super hard on the new smash content. Initially I thought about making Vars 3 the fighting game channel which would potentially feature Project L (2XKO) but there's not that much overlap between smash and other fighting games, whereas there's a lot of overlap between smash and nintendo games. So I might do Project L on Vars 1 just to keep Vars 1 the Riot Games/LoL channel, and make this the nintendo channel instead.

How about it? Are you cool with having both Pokemon and Smash content on Vars 3? I know False Swipe Gaming did some smash content, and other channels like Alpharad started with Smash and moved into Pokemon with great success. So maybe this could be a win win where I can try out something new while not burning myself out too much.

Vars III
3 weeks ago - 101 likes

(Posting this on all 3 channels so sorry multi-subbers for the spam) Okay this is a very out of the blue question but, how many of you guys watch/enjoy Pokemon? I was mulling it over a bit and thought about maybe starting a pokemon channel (yes... Vars IV >_>) and covering the competitive scene over there. Was curious as to whether my viewers across League/Gacha/Smash would enjoy seeing my video essays/discussions for Pokemon, since there's a breadth of equal parts history and current meta discussions especially with their set rotations.

Vars III
1 month ago - 400 likes

Fellow Kirby appreciator~

Vars III
2 months ago - 328 likes


Vars III
5 months ago - 176 likes

Apparently Switch 2 development got leaked. Smash 6 maybe? πŸ‘€πŸ‘€πŸ‘€

Vars III
6 months ago - 241 likes

Happy new years everyone ☺️ I hope for 2024 to be just as good as 2023 if not better!

(And I hope for Smash 6 πŸ₯Ί)

Vars III
6 months ago - 257 likes

Merry Christmas (Eve) and Happy Holidays everyone <3 I bet for those of you who are subbed to all 3 channels I already exhausted your attention span with the first two holiday wishes. But regardless thank you for reading this one.

2023 marks the first full year of this channel. And it was a... passable one I guess. Like I mentioned in my post back in October, I wasn't (and to be honest, still not) sure about what to do for this channel. With the current state of smash ultimate and everyone's waning optimism in the competitive scene, I have half a mind to take a break from this channel until something new and exciting happens like a deluxe dlc patch, or perhaps a Smash 6, both of which are unrealistic pipe dreams.

What kept me motivated to continue making content even while operating in the red was more of a sense of pride than anything else. I'm obstinately stubborn when it comes to things I care about, and the thought of "giving up" on a channel, and more importantly a game that I care a lot about was more painful than having to make content for free. In a way I was relieved to know that my passion for content creation still burns bright even after 3 years of doing this full time.

2022 was exciting as all hell. Seeing a channel of (back then) only 20-30k subs pull in hundreds of thousands of views per video was extremely motivating. I had high hopes for Vars 3 just as I did Vars 1 and 2. I wanted more than anything to see this channel succeed, and maybe possibly get me that third silver play button haha. That only made it more sucky to see what happened at the end of 2022, and to see it continue to happen throughout 2023.

I really don't know what I plan to do for the next year for this channel, whether I'll put it on an indefinite hiatus or if I'll maybe find some other game to make videos for (Project L perhaps?). I resolved to make this my fighting game/nintendo channel so maybe I could pivot to something like Pokemon? Not sure to be honest. But as it currently stands, it's not worthwhile for me to keep making smash content, at least not the type of content I make right now. All the same, in spite of it being of a significantly smaller size than Vars 1 and 2, I refuse to give up on Vars 3 in the long term. One way or another I'll make this channel just as successful as the ones that came before it. Thank you all for being patient and enjoying the content I posted so far. I really love Smash Bros, always have always will. I've been a nintendo kid since the day I was born and don't see that changing anytime soon. I'll figure something out for 2024. So stay tuned. In the meantime, I hope everyone has a safe, happy and healthy last week of 2023! Hope everyone gets lots of nice presents, eats lots of yummy food, and spends good quality time with friends and family. Take care of yourselves everyone! And as always, thank you for letting me be your favorite lunch break YouTuber <3

Vars III
7 months ago - 337 likes

I know this only applies to the states but happy Thanksgiving everyone ☺️ I’m grateful for another successful year of YouTube! It is a privilege to serve as your third favorite lunch break youtuber~

Vars III
8 months ago - 350 likes


Except florida man.

Vars III
8 months ago - 307 likes

AYYYY LETS GO! Idk how much of it was you guys but POG MY BOY WEBB GON COOK