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Your Home Gallery
2 years ago - 11 likes

A thrilling new take on Winslow Homer — America’s favorite artist…

"Winslow Homer: Crosscurrents" is a new spring exhibition at The Metropolitan Museum of Art that runs through July 31.

From the article:
"Examples in the Met show include “The Cotton Pickers,” one of dozens of compassionate portrayals of female laborers Homer made over his career (Cross calls him a “proto-feminist”); the Met’s own “Dressing for the Carnival,” a beautiful, realist work of enormous subtlety and cultural complexity, painted at the end of Reconstruction; and “Near Andersonville,” of which Cross writes: “Never before had an American painter placed an appealing Black woman at center, alone, the vessel of hope for her country.

The curators present “The Gulf Stream” as the culmination of these works. History has certainly judged it so. Alain Locke, known as the dean of the Harlem Renaissance, said “The Gulf Stream” “broke the cotton-patch and back-porch tradition” and “began the artistic emancipation of the Negro subject in American art.” Contemporary Black artists, including Kara Walker and Kerry James Marshall, have paid complicated forms of homage to the work."

The Met show coincides with the release of a new biography of Homer by William Cross.

From the article:
"It is fun to be reminded, in Cross’s biography, of all the criticism that came Homer’s way. His manner of painting, he would read, was crude, sketchy, fatally lacking in finesse. Of course, all such criticisms pointed to a cleavage in the consensus around art that was bigger than Homer. Impressionist and other plein-air painters in France had already shattered the old criteria. But the ambivalence many critics expressed about Homer is nonetheless instructive. They seemed to sense in advance that the very qualities they singled out for criticism might soon be regarded as virtues."

We are also releasing a new Collection of Winslow Homer's works here at Your Home Gallery. Please check out the new video here:

And here's a link to the exhibition at The Met:…


Your Home Gallery
2 years ago - 3 likes

A Van Gogh Landscape is going up for auction this May and is expected to fetch upwards of $45 Million.

But you can have it free of charge right here - The gorgeous landscape painting from 1889 runs fullscreen for 1 hour without sound.

According to it is a rarity for a Vincent Van Gogh painting to be auctioned off. The privately owned painting had been owned by the designer Yves Saint Laurent and his partner Pierre Bergé until it was sold in 2003 to a private European collector. has never been displayed publicly, a

"Vincent van Gogh’s painting Fields near the Alpilles (1889), which the artist produced while he was committed to a French asylum, is coming to auction for the first time next month. It is expected to fetch a price around $45 million when it hits the auction block during a Christie’s 20th century art evening sale this May in New York...

Van Gogh made the work outside the entrance of an asylum located near the Saint-Rémy-de-Provence in Southern France, where he was treated for a year after a series of breakdowns that led to him severing his own ear...

'“Works of this quality from Van Gogh’s mature period are rarely available on the market,” Vanessa Fusco, Christie’s co-head of the New York 20th century evening sale, told ARTnews, describing Fields near the Alpilles as being “inextricably linked to Vincent’s own tragic biography.'" -…

If you are in London you can see it at Christie's until May 1st. You can also see it here on Your Home Gallery! Check it out here -

Your Home Gallery
2 years ago - 4 likes

I thought you all might enjoy this video by ‪@HistoryColored‬ of a rare photo of Vincent Van Gogh colorized in Photoshop!

Your Home Gallery
2 years ago - 3 likes

This past week we hit 2000 subscriptions! I'd like to thank all of you for your support. I hope you are enjoying the content and it's bringing joy into your home.

In honor of this I decided to begin releasing a new series called "Most Famous". In this series we present the most popular and significant works from classic artists. The landscape oriented paintings will be presented fullscreen and slowly scan the paintings. Portrait oriented paintings are presented in full and slowly zoom into detail. Each painting runs for 5 minutes.

Our first release of the "Most Famous" series is French painter and founder of impressionist painting, Claude Monet.

Your Home Gallery
2 years ago - 2 likes

Hi all!

I try to use only the highest quality 4K images I can find for our videos. As you can see, some of the videos are the full paintings that are still for 30 seconds and I also have videos that zoom into some detail of each painting. I'm taking a poll to find out what you guys prefer. Please vote and let me know!!

Thank you so much and I hope everyone is enjoying all the amazing art work!

Your Home Gallery
2 years ago - 4 likes

Hi Your Home Gallery gang!

Thank you so much for coming by and checking out all the amazing art. I hope you've all been enjoying the all releases lately.

I'm going to start releasing a new series I'm excited about once we hit 2000 subscribers! Please stay tuned and I look forward to seeing what you all think!