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Animal Care Haven

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Welcome to "Animal Care Haven"! Our mission is to share hear

Animal Care Haven
3 months ago - 8.2K likes

Facing the skepticism and negative comments regarding our stance, I wish to share the purpose and position behind the creation of this channel. The content and stories we publish are done with the consent of the involved parties. I firmly believe that this world should not belong to humans alone; we have no right to let so many innocent animals pay with their lives on our behalf. Whenever I witness animals being harmed, I feel anger and sorrow. This channel primarily shares stories of animals being rescued, aiming to make those who inflict harm understand the significant cost of causing harm to animals. It requires a substantial amount of money, energy, and patience to assist these animals through their recovery process, and we are also committed to advocating for related legislative efforts.πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

Animal Care Haven
3 months ago - 23K likes

This kitten's name is Xiaobai. He might have been abandoned by his mother due to illness. When he was found, he had ringworm and appeared to be in poor health because he was very skinny, to the point of being skin and bones. Initially, he was very lively at home, with a loud meow, but after a few days, he gradually became very weak, slept a lot, and stopped meowing. I realized that feeding him infrequently led to his malnutrition and subsequent weakness. It's crucial to feed kittens every two or three hours! Regardless of whether they are sound asleep, it's important to wake them up for feeding. Also, it's essential to use a miracle nipple with a syringe for feeding. Initially, I didn't use a miracle nipple, which made it difficult for him to drink milk, leading to less feeding and a high risk of choking. Frequent choking can lead to serious respiratory pneumonia. After getting the miracle nipple, it was easier for him to suckle when a little bit of milk was pushed out. Additionally, goat milk formula should be diluted; too thick and he couldn't digest it, leading to constipation. I made it too thick, which resulted in two instances of constipation severe enough to require enemas at the hospitalβ€”a harsh reality for such a young kitten. Maintaining warmth is critical; a small heating pad or a hot water bottle can be used, or if necessary, a bottle filled with hot water covered with a sock to prevent burns. Remember to change the hot water with each feeding.

Xiaobai's kittenhood was incredibly challenging due to my ignorance. His initially healthy physique became weaker, and once, I accidentally caused him to fall off a table, leading to convulsions. I was terrified and cried, begging not to lose him. Thankfully, he recovered from the convulsions, but he remained weak. Then, one night, my laziness led to not feeding him for six or seven hours, and by the morning, he was almost lifeless, barely breathing. Fearing hypothermia and low blood sugar, I quickly warmed him in warm water and fed him 2ml of glucose. After about half an hour of warming and feeding, he started moving again. Relieved, I dried him and fed him milk, finally feeling reassured when he began to suckle on his own. I then committed to feeding him every two hours and changing the warm water regularly, even taking him to work daily. With love and care, he began to gain weight rapidly. I feared I wouldn't be able to keep him alive due to his poor health, but fortunately, he grew into a healthy adult cat. Having him has brought me much happiness.❀️❀️ - From an interview with Xiaobai's foster mother.

Animal Care Haven
4 months ago - 18K likes

Two months ago, a kitten less than two months old was abandoned in a puddle, completely drenched. Fortunately, she was eventually taken home by her new owner, who dried her off with a warm towel. In the first few days at her new home, she slept peacefully in a cardboard box and gradually got used to her new surroundings. Eventually, her new owner bought her a new bed, hoping that the kitten would grow up healthy and happy.❀️😊

Animal Care Haven
4 months ago - 15K likes

When you rescue a 3-month-old kitten, and the kitten, in order to express gratitude, catches a mouse for you, would you accept it?❀️ 😝

Animal Care Haven
4 months ago - 14K likes

Her name is Lvlv, found in April 2022, during an early spring rain. Lvlv's adopter, while crossing the road, noticed a soaked kitten in the water accumulated next to the green belt. The loving foster parent took her to the hospital, where it was discovered she had feline panleukopenia. After spending over 700 dollars, she was saved. Now, Lvlv has grown into a healthy adult cat.❀️🐈 Our Website is Now Live! 🎈🐾helps animals recover health.πŸ›οΈ

Animal Care Haven
4 months ago - 14K likes

The mother cat's name is Xiao Bai, who was previously a stray cat. When I saw her under the apartment building, it was about to rain heavily, so I decided to take her home to feed her. Pictures 2 and 3 are what she looked like when I first picked her up. I brought her home, gave her a bath, and dewormed her. Initially, I did not know she was pregnant. A week later, her belly gradually grew bigger, and eventually, she gave birth to 8 kittens. This was truly a huge surprise 😺.

Animal Care Haven
4 months ago - 12K likes

Half a year ago, while driving past a section of the overpass, I noticed a lump of black thing beside it, looking like a kitten, so I stopped the car and walked back. He was afraid of people and immediately jumped onto the railing. To build trust, I stayed beside him, and finally, he was willing to come with me. After adopting him for three months, the change has been significant.β€οΈβ€οΈπŸ‘‰πŸ‘‰

Animal Care Haven
4 months ago - 10K likes

🌍 Animal Care Haven - Our Website is Now Live! 🎈🐾 πŸ‘‰πŸ‘‰

Our promise: Every order helps injured stray animals recover their health.

Animal Care Haven
4 months ago - 8.8K likes

When I first encountered this malnourished stray kitten, he immediately hid in a crevice. Eventually, I took him home, removed the fleas from his body, and then he started eating cat food voraciously. His recovery was rapid; in less than 3 months, he had transformed into a beautiful, large cat.β€οΈπŸ‘‰πŸ‘‰

Animal Care Haven
5 months ago - 11K likes

One day, a large stray cat and a small stray cat arrived in the garden, their fur patterns matching, making it uncertain if the kitten was the larger cat's offspring. The kitten appeared to have a herpes virus infection, with severe pus in its eyes, rendering it completely unable to open them. Thus, the kitten was taken home for care. Unfortunately, under the doctor's diagnosis, the other infected eye of the kitten needed to be removed. Fortunately, after three months of recuperation, the kitten grew into a healthy adult cat.β€οΈβ€οΈπŸ‘‰πŸ‘‰