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Labour Party

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Labour is the party of working people. Join us and help bu

donā€™t let this be you on friday Wait for itā€¦ AAAAAAAAAAH Join Kit Harrington and vote for change on Thursday 4 July. Watch to the end for a surpriseā€¦ ā˜Žļø Jeanette gets it šŸ‘† Change will only happen if you vote for it šŸ”„ šŸ”„šŸ”„ smh The Tories have lined their pockets while they empty yours fascinating. Your family will be better off with Labour Labour will always make sure our NHS is free at the point of use This is the reality of the NHS under the Tories Vote Labour on Thursday 4 July This is how Keir Starmer will change Britain šŸ‘‡ Watch to the end for a surprise Our economy has flatlined under Rishi Sunak. Labour is the only party on the side of drivers. Labour will fix up to one million more potholes a year and crack down on soaring car insurance costs Have you got a problem with Britainā€™s roads? How much could the Tories cost you on your mortgage? Donā€™t risk it. Vote Labour on Thursday 4 July. Labour will clamp down on dirt-bikes being used for antisocial behaviour. confused maths rishi Labour will make our streets safe again. Labour will crack down on nuisance off-road bikes Labourā€™s plan to crack down on antisocial behaviour in 30s Tories admit they increased your taxes by Ā£13,000 Small business owners like Syed feel let down by the Tories. British business owners are suffering under the Tories. With Labour, businesses will thrive The next Labour government with Rachel Reeves as Chancellor will support business to thrive. It's time to stop the chaos, turn the page and rebuild Britain. Vote Labour on Thursday 4 July. RAF veteran Michael has always voted Tory. This time heā€™s voting Labour. Hereā€™s why ā˜ļø Rishi Sunak lies. This is about his character ā˜ļø Lifelong Tory voter meets Keir Starmer Thanks for the plug Rishi šŸ‘ Oil and gas companies literally don't know what to do with all their profits Ed Miliband explains what Great British Energy will do for you in 30 seconds The Tories canā€™t be trusted with your money How can anyone trust you? Look at the difference Mary Portas speaks to Rachel Reeves about the importance of high street businesses Stumble with Sunak or Cook with Keir Embarrassing 14 years of Tory chaos. Time for change. Heā€™s really out of ideas this timeā€¦ Rishi Sunak announcing national service