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I play what I love and chill, sometimes I make videos about

1 month ago - 0 likes

Posted a video for youtube members thanking everyone who helped me out of my recent situation with my pc dying and stuff and also explaining a little behind the scenes of the last year or so and why what happened was a big deal to me. Bit of a different rawer type of video but I just wanted to say what I had to say.

Thank you so much to everyone that continues to support the content and a special shoutout to everyone who helped with the new pc.

2 months ago - 42 likes


I'm sorry guys but looks like I'm gonna have to cancel today's stream reacting to the trailer and probably the update.

My stream PC will not turn on. Ultimately I need a new one so I'm going to have to figure it out. I know PCs very well, there's a bunch of things it could be and frankly a bunch of things that need replacing. I keep fixing it with cheap parts and it's just not worth it at this point.

My gaming PC is also pretty outdated. Every time I make content about a new game. It struggles.

The best thing I can do for the sake of the content is to get a new gaming PC and use my old gaming PC as the stream PC but I do not have the money for that so I'm going to see if I can get some sort of deal or finance or something and get it sorted ASAP so we can do some Ashlands streams.

I'm sorry, no one is more disappointed than me.

I don't get to be a part of the Valheim community on this massive day and I don't get to stream on one of the most important days as a content creator.

This will however not affect videos so I'm just going to focus on getting those out in a timely fashion as they are always the most important thing anyway.

Enjoy the trailer and the update.


2 months ago - 15 likes

The date for the Ashlands trailer is set. 1PM CEST Monday. I’ll be going live a little before then to stream my live reaction to the trailer, just like last time.


Just like last time, if it launches to the test branch immediately I’ll be jumping in to the update live on stream.

See you then.


2 months ago - 25 likes

Had to end the stream a little early as the stream pc kinda bugged out but we were at the end of the stream anyway so didn't get to say bye. Thanks for tuning in and thank you to all the amazing builders on the server.

3 months ago - 17 likes


On Saturday April 6th at 5pm UK time I will be streaming live on Twitch & YouTube touring all the INSANE builds on the private Patreon build server.

Patrons will be able to join me in game and we will be joined by our server admin Dana via discord voice chat who will be helping explain the story behind all the amazing builds.

This is a somewhat special occasion as during the stream the in game clock will tick over to it's 10,000th in game day. Therefore the stream is intended to be sort of a celebration of our community and all the amazing builds they have done over the years.

Many of these builds are completely insane and well worthy of winning many build competitions.

The build server is temporarily paused so that we can witness the 10,000th day of Valheim building together live on stream. However it will resume shortly before the stream on Saturday.

I look forward to checking out all the cool builds.

See you Saturday.

3 months ago - 3 likes

Going live for members momentarily with some Dune Imperium on steam!

3 months ago - 14 likes

Sorry the stream ended abruptly earlier guys. I lost internet. Not to worry. I’ll be back streaming carrying on the playthrough soon. Hopefully tomorrow if all goes to plan.

5 months ago - 69 likes



Hey guys, I hope you're doing good. I decided it's time for another content update.

It's been a while since I did one of these so thought it would be good to let you all
know what's going on on the channel and what to expect in the near future.

First of all I want to say a huge thank you for supporting and watching the content.
I haven't posted much lately and I have been blown away from the amount of views
and support the channel still continues to get so thanks for that. You guys help me
so much and I'll be forever grateful.

Have I Stopped Making Valheim Content

The next thing I want to say is that I haven't stopped making Valheim content nor
do I have any plans in the near or far future to ever stop doing Valheim content.
In fact I have continuously been working on one big Valheim video for ages now.
It will be here soon.

My Health

I also want to say a little about why I haven't been posting or streaming as much
recently although please understand this is very personal. It's because I have been
struggling with my health. I have a condition called Panic Disorder. It's complicated to
explain so I won't go into too much detail but its a condition where basically at any given
moment I could basically have a panic attack for no apparent reason. I was diagnosed
10 years ago and I've had it my whole life. At my worst several years ago I was having
multiple panic attacks per day sometimes lasting hours. In more recent years I've had
it more under control and even managed to go over a year without a single attack.
But it is very unpredictable. Over the last few months the attacks returned and started
to happen on a semi regular basis again. The best way for me to manage them is for
me to focus on living a positive and healthy lifestyle. Good diet, exercise, meditation,
reduce stress etc. All things that I had started to let slip in order to maintain the content
I wanted to put out. This is what has taken so much of my time. I have been forced
into a situation where I had no choice but to focus on me and my health for a while.
I am happy to say that it's working. I already feel so much better. And I feel comfortable
putting content out again. But this isn't a cure. It's something I have to live with daily and
it will most likely continue to be an issue for me in the future. I don't like talking about
it because I know people don't understand it and perhaps even in some cases probably
don't even believe its real. But I wanted to tell you a little about it because I feel that
communicating with you guys is important so you understand what's going on.
I don't really wish to talk about it further so I'd appreciate not being hounded about
this on my streams. The long and short of it is that, right now I feel a lot better than I did.
Well enough to put out more content again and probably at some point I'll feel comfortable
stepping things up even more but at times I'll always need to take breaks to focus on my health.
That's just life.

Mistlands Only Challenge

The next thing I want to address is the Mistlands only challenge video, it's still coming,
I've still been working on it here and there even throughout my health issues but just not
as regularly as I'd hoped. There have also been some technical issues with the video.
I lost some footage, some was corrupted, some was without audio and so that has slowed
it down some too. However, I am happy to say that I have everything I need to make the
video and finish it. I currently I have finished about 15 mins of the video and I personally
think its the best video I've made so far. It's taken a stupid amount of time to make for all
of the above reasons but it doesn't mean that I'm not still passionate about it or enjoying
the process. It just means it's been harder and taken longer. It should be done soon.

Enshrouded Content

Lastly I want to talk about Enshrouded. Currently I am towards the beginning of my Enshrouded
playthrough. I love the game and am having a blast. Right now I'm making an Enshrouded
beginners guide / tips and tricks video to see how the youtube algorithm and our community
reacts to it. Once it's done and out which should be either later tonight or some time tomorrow,
I'll return to streaming my playthrough and will probably eventually stream most if not all my
playthrough although I am starting to consider playing some off stream.

Once my first Enshrouded video is out, I will return to working on the Mistlands only challenge
video and will be switching between doing that and working on Enshrouded content. If the
Enshrouded content does well on Youtube I'd love to start splitting my time content wise between
both games but this largely depends on the algorithm if it doesn't perform well for the channel
then I'll return to mostly just Valheim content.


When it comes to future Valheim content obviously Ashlands is due pretty soon as far as
we know. As soon as it is out I will be hammering out as many videos about it as I can like
I normally do when an update is out as well as streaming playing it on release and starting
to figure out how Ashlands speedruns will work all live on stream. Just like we did for
Mistlands. I already have a sponsor lined up for Ashlands content so this is 100% happening.

Other Valheim Content

If Ashlands isn't out before I've beaten Enshrouded and made a few Enshrouded videos
I will make a few more Valheim beginners guides. I still would like to make one for every
biome in the long run. And if we have time before Ashlands comes out after that then
I will make another challenge video for Valheim and I will fill any gaps in my schedule
between all of the above with Valheim WR Speedrun attempt streams where possible.

That pretty much sums up everything I'm willing to talk about right now.

The Future / My Vision

As usual I always have several plans and ideas for content on the horizon that I don't
want to spoil or talk about but I'd like to at least give you a little tease as to what that
might look like. Ultimately at some point I'd like to start making these big challenge
video projects where we do something no one has ever done for other games, not just
Valheim but still including Valheim. Not because I'm sick of Valheim or I'm bored of it or
whatever but because it's just something I'd love to do and I think that is where the true
potential of my channel and myself as a creator lies. I love these crazy challenges,
I love big projects and I love putting a lot of effort into the edit in those videos and I
ultimately think that that content has so much potential applied to so many games.
So if you have a game you'd like to see me do a crazy challenge run of let me know.
Rest assured all of the above is my priority but one day at some point in the future
I may just start to test the water by randomly dropping a challenge video for a different game.

Anyways hope this post finds you well.

Love you guys,

have a good one.



5 months ago - 6 likes


Going to be exploring the fascinating new survival game Vein. It's an interesting mash up of sim and survival mechanics!

See you there members!

VOD Will also be up for members.

8 months ago - 3 likes


Going live with a sneaky exclusive stream for members.

I'm streaming me learning to play Dark & Darker.

This game is brutal and hilarious so no doubt some laughs to be had, especially considering how much I suck.

But it is super fun XD