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This is Mariya

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Mariya is a spiritual teacher, intuitive, channel, and write

This is Mariya
1 week ago - 75 likes

Happy July 1st! 🕊️🪷

This is YOUR LAST DAY to get my writer's workshop at an early bird price. 🌟✒️

The price goes up to $333 tomorrow.

If this workshop is for you, don't miss this chance to save.

💌 What will we cover in the workshop?
💌 Who is this for?
💌 What will you get out of the workshop?

All this and more on my website.👇🏼👇🏼…

This is Mariya
2 weeks ago - 237 likes

Thank you for seeing me, quirks and all 🥰🪷🧚‍♀️🧙🐉🦄

I love receiving messages like these! 🥹

By the way, my loves, are you in my Telegram group? I have posted a little life update there and will show you where I am staying at my Glastonbury accommodation! I would love it if you joined me there xx

This is Mariya
2 weeks ago - 172 likes


Hi, My Loves!

I have a new workshop coming up on July 28th, for all my writers and people who feel that they have a message they would like to share with the world. 💌

This is designed for writers of all levels who wish to explore the deeper dimensions of their craft, this workshop offers a sacred space to connect with your innermost creative spark and the energies that shape it.

Whether you're looking to get started on the writer’s journey, breathe new life into your writing, break through personal barriers, or simply find a more profound connection to your creative output, this workshop offers the tools and community to elevate your writing journey.

Join me for a behind the scenes look into the spiritual dimensions of writing. The world needs to hear your words—let's make it happen together, my dear! ✒️

This has an early bird offer for 30% off until July 1st, so definitely check it out on my website if you are interested. ✨…

This is Mariya
3 weeks ago - 320 likes

"Sometimes when life gets overwhelming, my guides give me an energy transmission. I usually write them down on my phone and keep them to myself, but this one is worth sharing, for it is relevant to many of us 🕊✨🙏 Received this last week 🦉

🪷🫶🏼The highest visibility is born of complete and utter darkness. When nothing distracts you amidst complete chaos, when the external world falls dark and all you have is a focus on who you are, a path shall appear. A path of light both straightforward and winding, and it will start leading you. Follow the path for it is always the answer. The path of least resistance, of no struggle. When the forces of the Universe lift you up and carry you forward, you know you have arrived..."

Read the rest of this on my Telegram channel, my loves (this is quite the big message). I would love for you to join my community ❤️

This is Mariya
3 weeks ago - 273 likes

Hi my loves! 💖

Audible has decided to put my book on sale, The Rose Codes, for the CHEAPEST IT HAS EVER BEEN (and may ever be again)! 🔥

Full disclosure: I have no control over this and will probably never sell it for this cheap, so definitely get it while you can! 🌹…

All my books are channelled from spirit, and this one is about walking the feminine path—the same Order of the Rose that Mary Madeline and other great women walked.

I hope you enjoy 🙏

This is Mariya
1 month ago - 137 likes

It’s not too late to join my upcoming Womb Healing workshop! I can feel the collective energy already - this is going to be such a powerful healing circle. It is happening TODAY at 12pm EST ❤️‍🔥

You will have lifetime access to the recording to watch, if you cannot make the live video, and it will be just as powerful. ✨🕊️

Book your tickets here:…

This is Mariya
1 month ago - 101 likes

Hello, my loves! This might be off-brand for me, BUT I saw Kris Jenner speak (along with Tommy Hilfiger & Anastasia Soare) at a beauty summit a couple of weeks ago and had some VERY interesting insights into her energy and thought patterns. 🤔✨

Do you want to find out what I read?

Find out on my telegram channel! I post lots of exclusive content here that I don't share on my other channels.

This is Mariya
1 month ago - 203 likes

Anyone who has walked the Earth as a female will tell you just how hard this road can be. 

Picture the accumulation of thousands of lifetimes' worth of experiences in the memory reservoir of your womb: every miscarriage, each encounter with menopause, the painful periods, the heartache of divorce, the sorrow of losing a child. 

All of this pain has been compounding.

All of this pain wants to be witnessed, be seen, heard and finally released.

The time has come to claim the purity of our wombs back. 
The time has come for us to both liberate our most magical organ as well as nurture it back into perfect energetic health.

Join me for a profoundly transformative experience in my upcoming healing circle: Womb Healing & Restoration - From Pain to Power ❤️‍🔥

This is Mariya
1 month ago - 96 likes

Let’s embrace and heal our femininity together

Within the depths of our wombs lies our true story - the story of who we are as women, of the many paths we walked, the many wounds we have gathered along the way. Our wombs hold many scars: the unseen pain, the tears yet to fall, the parts of us we've concealed deep inside.
In this circle, we will address some of the most important feminine topics, such as:
The wounds of motherhood
Complex pregnancies
Giving Birth
The relationship with our mothers
All of the children we’ve ever lost (miscarriage, abortion, untimely death)
The Trauma of abuse
Painful periods
The imprint of past partners
The Men who hurt us
And so much more.

This is Mariya
2 months ago - 137 likes

Hello my darlings 🤍

I am so thrilled to announce and invite you to my upcoming retreat in Glastonbury, UK!

Glastonbury is a place very close to my heart where my gifts are heightened. I hope to bring the same magic into your life, and this is bound to be a weekend full of healing, transformation, and alignment with your highest aspects.

If you feel called to work with me personally, this is the perfect opportunity to do so. These live events are highly activating, and I work to help you integrate all you are ready to receive.

Early Bird pricing is on until the 16th of May for just $1111. After that, it will be $1333. Book your spot or find out more at

Sending so much love!