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Everything Plants

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Welcome houseplant friends! I started this channel for peopl

Everything Plants
3 days ago - 174 likes

Hello everyone! Sorry I haven't been on YT much lately.....busy with work and life, plus we had to say goodbye to our old dog Zoey last week. I hope to have some new content out in the next couple weeks. I hope you are all doing well!!!

Everything Plants
1 month ago - 37 likes

SO SORRY for the technical difficulty with today's live stream. This screen should display the camera view, but as you can see, it's blank. I probably spent 3 hours trying to troubleshoot to no avail. I love live streams but I always run into difficulties.... Until next time!

Everything Plants
3 months ago - 116 likes

Any interest in a LIVE STREAM this morning? I know it's a Tuesday and in the morning....but I'm just trying to get motivated on my last day off lol

Everything Plants
5 months ago - 174 likes

I'm back and looking for video ideas of topics you'd like to see on the channel.....SO SEND ME YOUR REQUESTS!

Everything Plants
5 months ago - 246 likes

Thank you to all of those that have reached out and said they miss my videos.... I will be back soon making new and exciting content! This year's goal is to get to 100 thousand subscribers . I think and appreciate every single one of you !
This was this morning's adventure to a cenote.... Now back to the pool and my book.

Everything Plants
5 months ago - 452 likes

Hey everyone. As you may or may not have noticed I haven't uploaded anything recently. I am just taking a small break and hope to bring back more exciting content in Feb...STAY TUNED

Everything Plants
6 months ago - 247 likes

That is it for videos until January. I hope you all enjoy the holidays! I know it's not always enjoyable for everyone....if you need to say HELLO or need someone to talk to at any time of the holidays, message me on instagram and we can chat! (I'll be at work on Christmas Day this year)

Everything Plants
7 months ago - 51 likes

Today's video is about the Barrina T10 light. Here are the links and apparently a 25 dollar off coupon code right now for anyone interested (Canada) (USA)

Everything Plants
7 months ago - 270 likes

🚨EXCITING NEWS ‪@TechplantChannel‬ and myself are competing over the next 12 months to see who can grow the largest pothos on a wood plank in that time. The first episode will be posted this Saturday (Nov 11th). Each channel will have our own video so after viewing mine, head over to Matt's channel and view his progress! This will be a fun and exciting series with monthly updates. I hope you all are as excited as we are for this competition!

Everything Plants
8 months ago - 17 likes

This is my favorite cactus and succulent YouTube channel. This is your one stop spot for EVERYTHING you need to know or want to learn. ‪@RareCactus‬