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Captivating History

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The purpose of Captivating History is to create educational

Captivating History
1 year ago - 44 likes

It's HERE! It's HERE!

Today's the day you finally get to have the confidence to speak with authority on historical topics...

Because the doors are now OPEN to The Captivating History Book Club:

Woo hoo!

Take a look at EVERYTHING you're getting, PLUS Bonuses:

Captivating History's "A-Z Blueprint"

* Build your knowledge of history from A-Z (whether it's ancient history, the Middle Ages, or World War 2)…

* Save time by not having to figure out what to learn (we’ve already curated everything for you in an organized way)...

* Follow the most successful people throughout history by building your digital library fast (because they have all had extensive personal libraries)…

Captivating Mystery Vault Books

* Stay excited about learning history...

* Become a more interesting person...

* Explore history in a captivating way...

The History Genius Generator

* Discover how to analyze history and see common denominators...

* See connections between past and present events...

* Feel like the smartest person at the Christmas table…

The Amazing Time-Traveling Adventure

* Take a sneak peek into what it was like to live during different periods of history...

* Learn no matter what, even when you don’t have time...

* Throw away those boring textbooks and finally enjoy the process of learning history...

Executive Book Summaries

* Finally retain what you're reading...

* Easy access to beautiful one-pagers to refresh your knowledge about history...

* Remember what you've learned...

Don't let the total value of $ 1,733 per year scare you...

You won't pay anywhere near that. (When you see what your actual investment is, your head will spin with delight)!

And you'll finally be able to:

* Get a better understanding of history fast

* Investigate areas of history that matter most

* Understand how history impacts our world today

Which means no more worrying or thinking that:

* The only way to learn history is through reading boring textbooks

* It takes years to understand history

* History has no practical value so there is no point learning about it

Take advantage of this special offer right now and gain access to...

The Captivating History Book Club:

This is a gamechanger.

To your wild success,
Captivating History

Captivating History
1 year ago - 98 likes

Attention: Lovers and Students of History

The Captivating History Youtube Channel Turned 5 Years Old; This is How We're Celebrating...

For months, the Captivating History team has been working on a project behind the scenes that we think will blow the doors off anything you've seen when it comes to becoming the smartest person in the room and the life of the party when it comes to history.

And we couldn't be more excited for you.
Because what we're about to reveal will help you to:
* Get a better understanding of history fast
* Understand how history impacts our world today
* Go way beyond dates and places and learn what history really means

It's called The Captivating History Book Club

If you're a history lover who wants to increase your understanding of the world around you…
Then you're gonna love this.

We put together this over-the-top insane offer designed to help get you the results you're looking for.


Captivating History's "A-Z Blueprint"
* Build your knowledge of history from A-Z (whether it's ancient history, the Middle Ages, or World War 2)…
* Save time by not having to figure out what to learn (we’ve already curated everything for you in an organized way)...
* Follow the most successful people throughout history by building your digital library fast (because they have all had extensive personal libraries)…

Captivating Mystery Vault Books
* Stay excited about learning history...
* Become a more interesting person...
* Explore history in a captivating way...

The History Genius Generator
* Discover how to analyze history and see common denominators...
* See connections between past and present events...
* Feel like the smartest person at the Christmas table…

The Amazing Time-Traveling Adventure
* Take a sneak peek into what it was like to live during different periods of history...
* Learn no matter what, even when you don’t have time...
* Throw away those boring textbooks and finally enjoy the process of learning history...

Executive Book Summaries
* Finally retain what you're reading...
* Easy access to beautiful one-pagers to refresh your knowledge about history...
* Remember what you've learned...

Crazy, huh?

Doors open tomorrow at 10 am EST and we wanted you to have a heads up so you can be one of the first in line to gain access.

We'll post the link to The Captivating History Book Club here tomorrow, so make sure to check it out.

We're incredibly grateful for all of you because it's because you're watching, reading and listening to our content that we've been able to create this!

To your wild success,
Captivating History

Captivating History
4 years ago - 54 likes

A man truly lives on even after his death if he leaves a legacy that survives him for years to come. Albert Einstein, Harriet Tubman, Karl Marx, Mozart, Marie Curie, Van Gogh, Marsha Johnson—there are so many examples of men and women whose deeds revolutionized history and paved the way for future generations to thrive. One name that stands out in this regard in the world of entertainment is that of Walt Disney. He may not have been a pioneer per se of animation or films, but he was more like the Shakespeare of his genre—he took inspiration from here, there, and everywhere, and he punched it together to create something that is relevant even today.

Our new bundle book is called Walt Disney and Salvador Dalí: A Captivating Guide to the Individual Lives of an American Animator and a Spanish Surrealist Painter.

For a short limited time, you will be able to download this new book for only $0.99 (65% off). Simply visit the link below to access it: