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Commander Void

None subscribers - no pronouns set

EDH/Commander enthusiast. I make deck techs, top ten lists,

Commander Void
9 months ago - 69 likes

Mark Rosewater: *Brings back the pentagram in the artwork for the 30th Anniversary Unholy Strength*

Also Mark Rosewater: ā€œReferences to witches in Magic might be offensive for religious reasonsā€

What an absolute clown

Commander Void
1 year ago - 176 likes

Iā€™ll admit I didnā€™t have ā€œSending the literal Pinkertons after a youtuberā€ on my bingo card for 2023 šŸ˜‚

Commander Void
1 year ago - 432 likes

Still here

Just taking a hiatus

Commander Void
1 year ago - 342 likes

Came home to see the channel reach 50k subs!

Thanks a bunch to those who've been with me early on and to the newbies.

Back in 2017 when I started making videos I wasn't exactly sure how far this was going to go. My passion for playing the game needed an outlet beyond waiting for get-togethers with friends. I took inspiration from Roxaboxen90 and the way he based his channel almost exclusively around the commander format. I guess you could say I wanted to make the videos that I would want to watch myself, especially since Roxaboxen90 would not continue with his regular uploads. Back around when I started making videos of my own, Commander as a format was pretty much in it's zenith. Off the heels of Commander 2016 it was finally becoming the case that the average Magic player preferred the format over non-singleton alternatives. This made the subject of EDH/Commander appealing to audiences on YouTube, and since there were fewer commander-focused channels at the time, I saw that as an opportunity to start. I had to learn a lot along the way. I had to learn how to speak, how to edit, and how to follow a schedule friendly for the YouTube algorithm. There were plenty of mistakes to be made, but many successes to be celebrated.

I remember getting to my first 100 subs and feeling the rush of adrenaline as I refreshed the page leading up to that moment.

It's. Been. Worth. It.

Thanks again,

-Commander Void

Commander Void
1 year ago - 571 likes

Not gonna lie, making videos about Magic isn't as fun as it used to be. I'll hang around until I hopefully feel more inspired. Thanks for sticking with me.

Commander Void
1 year ago - 728 likes


Commander Void
1 year ago - 188 likes

It's so over, bro. You just mispronounced a card's name you'd have to go on tumblr to find the official pronunciation for.

Commander Void
1 year ago - 1.2K likes