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Hi, my name is Lucas, a french dude who likes doing animatio

1 day ago - 431 likes


Hope you're well, I'm just leaking some news about TSA and the upcoming content.

Months ago, I planned a schedule for the upcoming content that is coming this year. Due to some extra time I consacred for school work, some of my projects are being delayed (such as Tight Drive and SRB2 Kart video).
BUT TSA ACT 12 will stay on date and could possibly be broadcasted on September 20 2024!

Due to intense heat, I'm limiting my work for health reasons and I'm very limited with 3D workflow since 3D is generating a lot of heat from my PC and my family kinda dislike that for now.

So for now I'm focusing mostly on the making of TSA right now, me and my team are currently animating Act 13 and 14 separately, to gain advance on the project and try staying in the plans we fixed. Though we still have some work because we are probably looking for making until Act 16 that will end at Death Egg Zone.


With all of that in mind, I'm also trying to work on other projects, but while being limited, I can't do that much except TSA and probably doing minor projects for now. So unfortunately there won't be as much content as I expected until September, I might release shorts of previously made videos for communication purposes. If I can get the hype for upcoming projects on the channel that would be nice ^^.

But yeah, Keep in mind that TSA ACT 12 Will officially drop on September 20. With a two week interval between each release (if the process goes well obviously).

1 month ago - 275 likes


I'm announcing it a bit late, but I'll do a little livestream in one hour, and we'll play some among us in my Discord VC.
Feel free to come spectate it if you like :)

I will do a more prepared stream next time.

1 month ago - 374 likes

NEW Video Coming This week! (finally)

Hey everybody! How's going? I haven't shared news for a month, I was into my final exams of my First grade in art/3D school, I had a plenty of work to clear and now I'm officially in Vacation!

I almost finished the video that was planned for the beginning of the month, I'll première it this Saturday. Right after that I'll get into the production of my remaining projects, TSA in priority because I'm more likely to clear and broadcast it for end September/ early October if everything goes well.

hope to see you Saturday! I might inform you in a day or two if I do a livestream this week-end.

2 months ago - 587 likes

Hello everyone! I'm opening a COLLAB today!

do you remember the old videos of mine that were Multi Animations and LucasRPDJ Zapping? Probably not because these are old videos (and they are a bit cringy now lol)

but I'm doing a simillar concept of these. And this time you will be able to appear in my video!

You can make your character/OC appear in the animation, or if you are motivated, you can even create your own animation that will appear in the video!

If you want to participate, make sure you join my discord server, and all information about it will be here!

see you there! :)

3 months ago - 390 likes

NEW Animation this Saturday!

*Wario will kill the game with his ULTIMATE SHORTCUT MECHANIC..... but at what cost...*

A funny 3D Animation that will break the rules of Mario Kart

3 months ago - 701 likes


But calm down! Everything isn't ready yet!


Big Update concerning Team Sonic Adventures series, the series is getting a step up in the production and may be ready to resume around September or October!

And this time, I'm not alone. I'm now being helped by some friends from my discord server while still leading the project :

-Senator Kujo is a second animator on the project, he will take advance on episodes while I'll be working on the major scenes.
-Magma will help me with sound design and editing.
-Albino will make the hand drawn scenes for future episodes, this will be a good hand since these scenes take some time to produce.
-UltraSonicHero is still here to produce awesome soundtracks!

And of course you all! supporting me on that project!

But that's not all!

There are a lot of epic projects coming before and after TSA. And to tease you, there will be new series coming once TSA Season 2 is finished.

One of them will be a non linear, mainstream series on that channel, I call it "The Boys" and it will be an animation series focused on the squad featuring Mario, Sonic, Rayman and Crash Bandicoot in videos about various contexts, in both Sprite and 3D animations!

The second will be more ambitious, and will take The Boys concept even further! This series will be called "Universtars" and it will be an adventure series featuring video game characters from different universes into one! Somehow simillar to the popular "Super Mario Bros Z" but with more characters and in 3D!

This series will catch the vibe of this exact scene from my video "The Retro Gaming Showdown" if you want an idea of it!


I'm coming back on live soon! There will be a livestream this Saturday, I'll put details on the event on Friday evening or Saturday Morning.

Have fun, and see you there !

4 months ago - 636 likes


Hey, after months with nothing, I'm finally going to upload videos soon! Here's a little teaser that will drop this Monday!

(the date is a bit sussy I know ;)

See you there!

4 months ago - 401 likes

Hey! I come a little random but I changed my @handle from @LucasRPDJ_Official to simply @LucasRPDJ. The reason I say that is because if you’re used to read comments and stuff, you’ll probably suspect something wrong or that it could have been someone else impersonating me.

Also, I wanted to release a video last week, but I’ll need some more time because I got to add something that is related to the video subject. So yeah stay tuned in the coming weeks.

Here’s a screenshot of one of the projects in question☝️

5 months ago - 1.3K likes


Today is my birthday, and I thank you all for everything, plus the kind messages and drawings you sent me today! 😙😙

I passed an amazing day today, and I still haven't opened my presents at the moment I'm talking. 😜

I haven't got news on the channel for a long time, I'm still working on projects at my rhythm ^^
I will try to upload a video next week that will tease many upcoming projects for the 8th anniversary on YouTube.

Have fun everyone, until the next time. 👋😉

5 months ago - 356 likes

Yaay, the video hit 1M views…

…without monetisation 🥲

But it’s okay! I’m preparing other bangers in the same style for this year! (I hope those won’t get demonetized)

A teaser video will drop in February, for the 8th anniversary of the channel !

TSA still isn’t forgotten, don’t worry guys ^^