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Batman here, I comment a lot (unemployed in other terms) whi

[object Object]
1 day ago - 3 likes

Guys im calling this challenge off because i underestimated how hard this challenge would be.

First day i did 68 pushups and now i have sore muscles and cant move properly. Maybe in the future i might redo this but for now im returning to my old routine

[object Object]
3 days ago - 15 likes

Have you ever seen a comment that goes: “For every like ill do 1 pushup”. You probably have

Im gonna do the same thing but switch it up a bit

For every comment that i type, i will do 1 pushup and this will only last for one month. I’ll keep you guys updated in this post’s comments

Ps this is not an excuse to lose weight (even though it is)

[object Object]
3 days ago - 14 likes

Someone stole my comment and got more likes than me 😭

UPDATE: their comment got deleted

[object Object]
4 days ago - 10 likes

Damn, I just woke up to this; It’s amazing how fast I reached my goal. Thank you guys for the support, now let’s try to reach 1000

[object Object]
5 days ago - 12 likes

Guys, can you tell me from which video/short did you find me?

I would really appreciate it!

[object Object]
5 days ago - 6 likes

"ax^3+bx^2+cx+d" is called:
(no cheating it ruins the fun)

[object Object]
5 days ago - 5 likes

How are you feeling rn?

[object Object]
6 days ago - 5 likes

What is 2+2?

[object Object]
1 week ago - 10 likes

If anyone wants to ask questions about me then feel free to add me on discord.

Username: batman_commenter

[object Object]
2 weeks ago - 12 likes

Hello, I am the Batman commenter. You will find me on different videos commenting (mainly shorts).If you find me just say hi. I mostly read your replies but do not respond.
