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I make videos about stuff I find interesting.

2 weeks ago - 3.7K likes

Update: Less than 24 hours later, the Herobrine livestream has been found!!

1 month ago - 4K likes

What are the biggest lost media finds of 2024 so far?

1 month ago - 1.2K likes

Hey everyone, new video this weekend :) In the meantime, would you guys like more frequent ā€œquickieā€ videos (not shorts, 5-10 minutes long) in between the big documentaries. I get sent lots of strange topic requests on lost media/niche online mysteries, that donā€™t warrant a full video, but maybe a quick one. Let me know and thanks :)

1 year ago - 2.7K likes

VERY excited to finally announce my Spanish channel. Every week, a video of mine will be dubbed in Spanish and uploaded to my second channel: blameitonjorge EspaƱol. We'll be starting with my most popular uploads (the oldies) and eventually work our way to the more recent stuff.
This will not impede or slow down the main channel in any way. It's just something that I've always wanted to do.

Also, I haven't made a community post in ages. How's everyone been?

3 years ago - 6.5K likes

Hey guys, channel update

1) All of my members-only videos are now available to everyone, and can be found on a ā€œDeleted Videos/Past Livestreamsā€ playlist on my channel. Originally I removed these videos because I wanted to clean up my channel of old videos I didnā€™t care for or liked. Then I unlocked channel memberships and thought my old videos would be a neat reward for those willing to donate. Sadly, this came off as paywalling my old content, and Iā€™m sorry if I upset anyone. I honestly didnā€™t expect so many of you wanting the old content back ā€” I thought those videos were dead. But now theyā€™re unlisted and on a playlist, which was probably what I should have done in the beginning.

2) For everyone that was donating to see old content, I have discontinued channel membership. I want to seriously thank everyone who was willing to chip in even a dollar because it collectively helped greatly. I am now on Patreon at:

You can support for as little as $1.
$3 gives you early access to new videos, future video ideas, and posts about what Iā€™m currently working on (I already posted about my next upload).
$5 gets your name credited at the end of my videos. Of course, this is all voluntary. Simply watching and enjoying my content helps plenty. And watching my videos all the way through helps with the almighty algorithm.

3) Finally, next video should be out sometime early next month. I plan on taking more time to produce each video for my own health. Iā€™m fine, itā€™s just uploading monthly has been getting stressful. I have a few big projects planned and I hope youā€™ll enjoy them when theyā€™re ready.

1) Members-only videos are now available to everyone
2) Channel Memberships are discontinued
4) Big projects are in the works, so Iā€™ll be needing some time to finish them.

Take care,

4 years ago - 11K likes

Thank you all for 1,000,000 subscribers. Storytime:
When I first made this channel, it was just something to kill time with. I had an interest in video editing, so my dad got me a laptop for college, and I created the blameitonjorge channel as a 'playground' for my edits. Nothing fancy; just shit like me and my friends making fanmade music videos and The Donut (if you know, then you've been here for A WHILE).
Everything changed when I made my first list video, the Top 10 Scariest Creepypastas. It got pretty good views, so I made another list; the original Top 20 Disturbing Moments in Kids Shows. Then I made the Top 40 Lost or Banned Episodes in Kids Shows, the Top 20 Kid Shows Conspiracy Theories, the Top 20 Saddest Moments in Kids Shows, and eventually, my channel made a name for itself.
I know its cliche, but I honestly never intended this channel to be where it is now. I didn't have have a fancy name or a logo or anything. I am, and still am, just a guy making videos in his bedroom.
Whether you've been around since 2015 or yesterday, thank you.
- Jorge

4 years ago - 5.4K likes

I mentioned this on Twitter, but I figured I should post it here too:
I will probably not be making a video on the lost anime ā€œGo For A Punchā€ (also known as Saki Sanobashi). I personally donā€™t think it exists. Yes itā€™s similar to Clockman/Cracks but at least those were connected to the shows Pinwheel/Sesame Street, which do exist. As far as I can tell, Saki only exists through random comments from the internet, which would end up being the bulk of the video.

The 4chan user who originally mentioned the anime did it very casually, in a way that didnā€™t seem like he was seeking attention. Which makes me think that he does genuinely remember something. A number of other people have claimed to remember seeing it as well, and a user even stated that he saw it on the deep web (red flag IMO-donā€™t know why an anime would be on there). Other than that, not much to go off of.

Finally, if this anime does exist, I feel like me bringing it up would derail the search by introducing people who think they remember it or trolls. According to Whang, the discord is a shit show and some people are straight up lying. If the anime is, at least, proven to exist, then sure, I might cover it. For now weā€™ll wait and see.

6 years ago - 2.8K likes

A quick THANK YOU for 600K subscribers! It happened a couple of hours ago when I was in school, but regardless, thank you all!
Iā€™ll have another poll this Saturday with new video ideas for you guys to vote for :) and again, thank you guys so much šŸ’•šŸ’•šŸ¦•šŸ¦•