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Conner Ardman

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Ex-Facebook Software Engineer | Creator of FrontendExpert @A

Conner Ardman
1 week ago - 24 likes

AGI is...

For context, here's Wikipedia's definition:
"Artificial general intelligence (AGI) is a type of artificial intelligence (AI) that matches or surpasses human capabilities across a wide range of cognitive tasks."

Conner Ardman
2 weeks ago - 118 likes

Things no user has ever cared about:
- What programming languages/frameworks were used
- What cloud provider was used
- What database was used
- How complex the build pipeline was
- The theoretical time complexities of the code
- Test code coverage percentages
- Code formatting style

Build products first. Do this in whatever way is easiest for you (within reason of course, this is not an invitation to write completely awful code or to host your app from a potato).

When users like the product, then you can start thinking more deeply about how you want to scale it.

Conner Ardman
1 month ago - 94 likes

What does NaN ** 0 return in JavaScript?

Conner Ardman
1 month ago - 29 likes

Did you go to a coding bootcamp (online or in person)? Was it everything they advertised? Or did you feel like you got completely scammed?.. Or was it somewhere in between?

I'm working on a potential video around the topic and would love to hear your experience and potentially even interview you for the video! If you'd like to participate, please share your experience in this short form:

Conner Ardman
2 months ago - 129 likes

What does this log in JavaScript?


Conner Ardman
2 months ago - 6 likes

Imposter syndrome is incredibly common in software engineering... but it doesn't need to be this way. I spoke with one of the industry's leading experts to find out exactly how we can work to "cure" imposter syndrome or even avoid it all together. It's a bit of a longer video, but I think it's a super valuable watch for any developer. Let me know what you think of it!

Also, should I do more of these interview style videos? 👀

Conner Ardman
2 months ago - 26 likes

If you could ask an expert any question(s) about imposter syndrome, what would you ask?

Conner Ardman
3 months ago - 129 likes

Where are you at in your coding journey?

Conner Ardman
3 months ago - 29 likes

So is blockchain development cool again? Or are we still building for the metaverse until further notice?

(asking for a friend)

Conner Ardman
4 months ago - 73 likes

Do you have a mentor?