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Lazy Owl

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Fostering imagination and reflection through fables

Lazy Owl
11 months ago - 157 likes

Everyone wants to be happy (if you say you donā€™t, are you doing okay?). But do you want to be happy forever?

Would you still be happy after - letā€™s say - 40000 years of living a pain-free pleasure-filled life?
In this video, we talk about the most cliched thing ever - happiness. And we will try to convince you that no, you donā€™t really want to be happy forever.

Stay tuned, and ensure you're subscribed to our channel so you don't miss out. And if you have any pieces of wisdom about happiness, keep them and share them with other folks in the comments of this video! Or share it on our community :) ( I'd love to hear from you. Thanks for being a part of our community, and Iā€™ll see you in the video!

Lazy Owl
1 year ago - 236 likes

Imagine your life is a game - or at least imagine you choose to see life as a game. How would a boss fight look like? What are the rewards? How to level up? When do you know you win the game?

Or can you even win the game?

In this video, Iā€™m gonna tell you my own experience when trying to see life as a game - the good, the bad and the in-between.

Stay tuned, and ensure you're subscribed to our channel so you don't miss out. And if you have any interesting anecdotes about this (weirdly) interesting intersections between games and life, keep them and share them with other folks in the comments of this video!

Or share it on our community :) (

I'd love to hear from you.

Thanks for being a part of our community, and Iā€™ll see you in the video!

Lazy Owl
1 year ago - 215 likes

Summer is here and you know what that means...time to pack your bags and hit the road! But wait, have you ever thought of traveling alone? Yes, it might sound daunting - but there is more to it.

In my upcoming vid, I'll be sharing my own experiences of first-time solo traveling - driving from coast to coast and stumbling upon hidden gems along the way.

Join me as I take you on this virtual trip and show you the ins and outs, and ebbs and flows of traveling alone. Stay tuned, and ensure you're subscribed to our channel so you don't miss out. And if you have any interesting anecdotes about traveling and hitting the open road, keep them and share them with other folks in the comments of this video!

I'd love to hear from you.

Thanks for being a part of our community, and Iā€™ll see you in the video!

Lazy Owl
1 year ago - 220 likes

Smoking weed for the first time is so much fun. Smoking weed for the 100th time is still fun, with some side effects.

But whats about smoking so much weed for such a long time you lost count? How would it feel?

Iā€™m excited to share with you that LazyOwl has a video coming up about the experience of smoking a lot of weed for a really, really long time.

A unofficial sequel to our ā€œwhat it feels like first time smoking weedā€ - you can say šŸ™‚

So stay tuned, and make sure you're subscribed to our channel so you don't miss out. And if you have any interesting anecdote about your experience with 420, keep them and share them with other folks in the comments of this video!

I'd love to hear from you.

Thanks for being a part of our community, and Iā€™ll see you in the video!

Lazy Owl
1 year ago - 107 likes

Getting your first tattoo is kinda weird. To some, itā€™s underwhelming and unremarkable. Some simply decide to get a tattoo on a random Sunday.

To others, it can be life-changing.

Iā€™m excited to share with you that LazyOwl has a video coming up about the experience of having your first tattoo. If youā€™re thinking of getting a tattoo, or if youā€™re a seasoned pro already - this video is for you.

So stay tuned and make sure you're subscribed to our channel so you don't miss out. And if you have any anecdotes about getting your first tattoo, keep them and share them with other folks in the comments of this video!

I'd love to hear from you.

Thanks for being a part of our community, and Iā€™ll see you in the video!

Lazy Owl
1 year ago - 119 likes

Hereā€™s How We Make Animation

Interested in seeing how we make the last video ā€œGood morning, dearā€?

Hereā€™s a Behind-the-scene video showcasing our design and animation process:

Let me know what you think šŸ™‚ For more content like this, feel free to join our discord. Would love to have you there.

Lazy Owl
1 year ago - 196 likes

Our next video is about love.

Or to be more specific, what it feels like the first time you wake up beside the one you hold dear. Itā€™ll be on air this Monday - so we hope it makes the most dreadful day of the week, well, less dreadful. So stay tuned!

Oh and hereā€™s a sneak peek :)

And hereā€™s a snippet from the terrible (and awkward) first draft of the script. The video wonā€™t be anything like this, I swear, I just want to share it with you.

ā€œApril 3rd,

To you

They say love doesnā€™t feel itself in the desire for copulation but in the desire for shared sleep. I felt it deeply the first time I woke up with you by my side.

Your scent wraps around me like a blanket. I swear, it was like entering tangerine seasons, like the green beacon from The Great Gatsby - blinking hopes and flickering dreams. Your scent enters my lung - seaming flowers, pouring summers, and without any wisp of hesitation as if it knows, as if you know, this, this is the right thing. My lungs, caffein-coated, cigarette soil, now enter a new season.

Then you opened her eyes.

Your eyes, like celestial sight. It was like 10 thousand pieces of Venus De Millo breaking away into a parade of pigmentation, each withholding its own beauty, hand in hand, marching skyward, up and up and up - until the cosmos is born. I had always been a lost astronaut in this infant universe, floating nowhere, finding no home - until this very moment. Until I met your eyes - holding me earnestly, showing me how warm this cold dark universe can beā€

If you want to read more unfinished think pieces/poem/script like this one, or just want to share ideas with like-minded folks, consider joining our community:

Lazy Owl
1 year ago - 158 likes

It was a late afternoon, you were coming home after football practice when you heard a cry for help. But there was something off about the sound of it.

It was too repetitive, too monotone, too stretched out.

Your hairs suddenly stand on end. What was this unsettling horror?


Well, LazyOwl is here to explain it. In the next video, weā€™ll dive deep beneath our fears and try to explain what horrors are made of. Can you control it? What is it all about? Is there any scientific explanation for it?

Weā€™d tell you all about it tomorrow. Stay tuned.

Oh and hereā€™s a sneak peek

Lazy Owl
1 year ago - 50 likes

Is it a bird, is it a plane, no itā€™s an owl bringing you good news: Weā€™ve just created a Discord Server:

One thing I discovered while reading your comment it is that we have lots and lots of like-minded people in this place: explorers who are rich with experience, art lovers with keen eyes for creativity and artistic expressions, and curious minds with a noble pursuit of knowledge.

And I also realized how much we need human creativity - not in the sense that you have to make Van Gogh-level paintings or write soliloquies like Shakespeare. **Itā€™s simply about telling your story and expressing yourself.**

Most of us donā€™t spend a lot of time thinking about that - you have a life to live and youā€™re not that concerned with that. Until you go to a funeral, or someone breaks your heart, or you move out of your hometown alone - all of a sudden, youā€™re desperate for making sense out of this life. Has anybody ever felt this bad before - how did they recover from this? Or the inverse, something great happened to you. You meet somebody and your heart exploded. You love them so much you canā€™t even see straight. **Did anybody feel like this? Whatā€™s happening to me?**

And thatā€™s when art and human expression are no longer a nice-to-have, itā€™s vital. Itā€™s the way we grow, the way we heal. In telling our story, in inviting you to stay ā€œhey, listen to me, and Iā€™ll listen to youā€ - we start a dialogue. And when we do that, creativity happens, we come out of our corner and we start to witness each other's common humanity. We start to assert it. And when we do that, I believe good things happen.

This is why I know we need a place for us, a place where voices are heard and stories are shared.

So what you can expect when joining our server:

- We posted exclusive content here - behind-the-scene artworks, storyboards, on-the-shelf script and content. We love reading and writing about things happening around us - whether itā€™s about the rise of AI, the call of the void or about beautiful human experiences we found in cyberspace. (oh and you can also access the scripts for our next videos and roast the hell out of it - weā€™d love that)

- Exchange ideas with people like you - this is a safe space to share, learn and grow. We build it to be judgement-free.

- Sharing and learning from other experiences. Tell us your story, and weā€™ll tell you ours. Itā€™s as simple as that.

Lazy Owl
1 year ago - 116 likes

Hey folks, Iā€™m back - this time as a ā€œweā€™ā€™.

Iā€™m sorry it took so long, hope you folks still remember me. I've been putting together a crew to push the quality of video to the next level. Working as a team is tough nut to crack, but we finally make it. Our next video will air this weekend, and it is 14-min long - definitely my biggest and most ambitious video ever!

Now that we dedicate ourselves to making better and better videos, we hope you can keep supporting us here with likes, comments and subscribe. And if you love our content enough - if you feel it adds something to your life in any way - consider supporting us on our patreon: