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AI Mania

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Hey everybody, my name is Jaimie and this is my new channel

AI Mania
2 years ago - 0 likes

Lol this picture don't give it justice. But yeah that's a birthday treat a friend gave me. Of a mocha frappe and a double cheeseburger. I tried my best to keep things under 40 bites but I honestly can say this is alot of sips. So I've decided to just enjoy it because my birthday is once a year and I'm going to eat my cake πŸŽ‚ when I get home. I know I'm on the right path so I'm going to not feel bad about it. #fit4freedom #fit4life #treatyourself

AI Mania
2 years ago - 1 likes

Hey everyone! Sorry I was unable upload anything because I was extremely sick. I'm feeling much better now though. I think I had about 60 bites yesterday. So today I've been much stricter though. I took my superbeets supplement than I had a bowl of cereal this morning with pasture raised cow milk and banana. This was perfect for this morning. Counted all bites and it came to 20.
I'll be having something for later on. Today is a special day because it's my birthday today. I was born January 9th 1987 so I'm 35 now. So yeah anyways I'll try to upload a video and let you all know the update. 😊 See you later.

#weightlossjourney #fit4freedom #fit4freedom #80bitediet #40bitediet #the5bitediet

AI Mania
2 years ago - 1 likes

Hey everyone this is what I had the rest of the day of day 4 of my 180 day Five Bite Diet Challenge.
I actually did quite well. I ended up eating only 42 bites. It's not 40 bites exactly but I think today was just a wake up call to get back on the horse. I think I'll be doing a Instagram so that I can also post on there as well. See you later!

#fivebitediet #fivebitedietchallenge #eating40bites #Fit4freedom #fit4life #myweightlossjourney

This wrap is delicious by the way! If you want the recipe I can gladly give it to you. The best part is that it's completely Vegetarian. Although I don't exactly follow that diet I think it'd important to cut back on meat. So yes this was amazing and didn't need any meat to make it better.

AI Mania
2 years ago - 1 likes

This is what I had for the morning Day 4 of my 180 Five Bite Diet Challenge of eating 40 bites a day. This is harder then I thought it was going to be and it takes true disapline to do this consistently. I want to buy a scale because it will motivate me to continue on this journey. The right picture is a app I'm using called 80 bites. It's helping me stay track of my bite count. Anyways I'm going to do a video later explaining how the experience has been for me and what's happening today.

#thefivebitediet #5bitediet #fit4freedom #myweightlossjourney #40bitediet #the5bitedietchallenge

AI Mania
2 years ago - 1 likes

Hey everyone! It's day 3 and I've done well today. Here is my breakfast and my dinner for tonight. I'll try to do a video tomorrow. Thanks for watching.

This is Breakfast and the last picture is dinner. 😊
I'm very happy with the way I'm tracking my eating it's been a great thing for me not just physically but mentally. πŸ˜€

#videooftheday #foodvlog2022 #foodtracking #5bitediet #the5bitediet #180daychallenge #weightlossjourney

AI Mania
2 years ago - 1 likes

Hey everyone πŸ˜€ so this is what I had for dinner. My sweetie made us dinner. It was super delish.

On the right is what I ate and on the left is what was left. This is the start of me having self control and not going beyond the 20 bites. So I'm glad that this second day was successful.

#180daysfivebitediet #fivebitediet #mydietplan
#180days #only40bitediet #fivebitediet #thefivebitediet #the5bitediet #portioncontroldiet

AI Mania
2 years ago - 2 likes

Hey everyone! Day 2 of my 180 Day Five Bite Challenge. This is what I had this morning.
I'll be posting also what I have for dinner later and posting a video on how the day went.

This was really yum. My love of life made me this last night but I told him I would have it in the morning for breakfast. It was delish. I also had this yogurt. All only 20 bites!
😍 Looking forward to dinner.πŸ˜‹ See you soon!

#fivebitediet #fivebitedietchallege #eating40bites
#thefivebitediet #myhealthjourney #fit4freedom

AI Mania
2 years ago - 2 likes

Hey everyone here's dinner! Day 1 of my 180 Five Bite Diet challenge. Starting out at 40 bites then reducing each month.

#5bitediet #thefivebitediet #5bitedietchallenge
#40bitediet #weightlossjourney #fit4freedom

AI Mania
2 years ago - 1 likes

Hey everyone! I'm sorry it's been a few weeks since I've made a video. I will be doing daily vlogs so please stay tuned for that. This is what my breakfast was this morning.
I love my avocado πŸ₯‘ so good! Yum yum πŸ˜‹
This was 20 bites. For dinner πŸ₯£ I'll have something not sure what yet. I'll give you all the updates for today. See you soon.
#fit4freedom #weightlossjourney
#losingweight #weightlossvlog #myjourney
#mynewyear #202myyear
#yearofhealth #forhealth #fivebitediet #fivebitediet2022 #fivebitediet180days