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Absolute Cosmos

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The Cosmos is all that is or ever was or ever will be...

Absolute Cosmos
2 years ago - 3 likes

Scientists created a maximum likelihood model using a combination of numerical simulations and observations of a number of Kuiper Belt Objects (KBOs). This led them to parameters that show the most probable location for Planet Nine.
Research report:
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Image credit: Mike Brown/ Caltech

Absolute Cosmos
2 years ago - 4 likes

Astronomers have identified a new class of habitable exoplanets, which they dubbed Hycean worlds. These are hot planets covered in oceans that have an atmosphere rich in hydrogen. Hycean planets can be up to 2.6 times larger than Earth and have atmospheric temperatures up to nearly 200 degrees Celsius. They appear to be incredibly abundant throughout our home galaxy and could host microbial life similar to the extremophiles that thrive in some of Earth's harshest environments.
Research report:
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Image credit: Amanda Smith, University of Cambridge

Absolute Cosmos
3 years ago - 9 likes

Giant star VVV-WIT-08 was blocked for 200 days by some unknown huge & opaque object. At that time only 3% of its light was reaching to us.
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Absolute Cosmos
3 years ago - 10 likes

This photo was taken on 27th January, 2021 from Tilandi Top campsite on Brahmatal Trek in Chamoli, Uttarakhand. The output is of over 50 stacked images processed on PIPP, Autostacker and Adobe Lightroom.

Absolute Cosmos
3 years ago - 14 likes

Planet Hunters TESS has announced the discovery of two gaseous exoplanets orbiting around a bright Sun-like star named HD 152843.
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Absolute Cosmos
3 years ago - 10 likes

Astronomers discover a massive intermediate age star cluster......Dubbed Valparaiso 1, this open cluster contains at least fifteen thousand stars. It is about 75 million years old.
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Absolute Cosmos
3 years ago - 16 likes

Recently, a team of international scientists reported the first discovery of a transiting circumbinary planet found from a single sector of TESS data. The newly detected circumbinary planet has been designated TIC 172900988b, and it is slightly bigger than Jupiter. The exoplanet transits both of its parent stars.
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Image credit: An artist's impression of exoplanet TOI 133b, orbiting two stars. (NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center/Chris Smith)

Absolute Cosmos
3 years ago - 11 likes

With the help of ALMA (Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array), scientists have spotted the oldest known spiral galaxy designated BRI 1335-0417. The galaxy was formed 12.4 billion years ago, i.e. just 1.4 billion years after the Big Bang. Observations have revealed that its spiral structure is extending 15,000 light-years from the centre, which is about one-third of the size of our galaxy.
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Image credit: ALMA (ESO/NAOJ/NRAO), T. Tsukui & S. Iguchi

Absolute Cosmos
3 years ago - 14 likes

In an unexpected turn of events, two separate teams (of scientists) have reported the discovery of heavy metal vapours in the atmospheres of comets in and beyond our Solar System.
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Image credit: Comet NEOWISE seen from Rio Rancho in New Mexico, USA/Ganapathy Kumar

Absolute Cosmos
3 years ago - 10 likes

The meteor showers from the comets that orbit the Sun in very elongated paths are hard to detect because such comets spread their trails (of debris) pretty thin, or they can even eject these trails out of the Solar System completely. However, according to a new meteor shower survey, scientists report that they can now detect meteor showers from the trails in the orbit of long period-comets that approach Earth orbit closely and return once every 4,000 years.
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