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PJ & Thomas

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PJ & Thomas McKay Husbands | Dads to 3 | Renovation | Travel

PJ & Thomas
1 month ago - 101 likes

Thomas is out of town so no Vino and Vent tonight. Have a great week! -p

PJ & Thomas
1 month ago - 885 likes

PJ & Thomas
1 month ago - 650 likes

Weekend/Mother’s Day things with the fam ☀️

PJ & Thomas
3 months ago - 1.6K likes

I rang in my 33rd birthday this past weekend at home with my family and friends, playing games and eating cake and sipping wine and feeling so grateful. It’s funny, growing up I always thought 33 sounded so old, but now that I’m here, it feels just right. Thank you for all of the sweet birthday wishes that helped make my day so very special. 💫

PJ & Thomas
3 months ago - 120 likes

Good morning lovers, and happy Sunday!

No YouTube vlog today, but we hope to see you tonight for Vino & Vent at 8p ET!!! xoxoxo

PJ & Thomas
3 months ago - 1.6K likes

Date night with my guy ❤️

PJ & Thomas
3 months ago - 75 likes

We’re going live tonight at 8p ET for Vino & Vent! Hope to see you there ❤️❤️

PJ & Thomas
3 months ago - 1.3K likes

“Are those all of your goats on the hill, too?”

As the man who was delivering a 400 lb refrigerator to our farm house asked us this question the other day, after first noticing all of our chickens and pigs and geese and guineas, all I could think of was, “They’re not goats, they’re sheep.” It’s an honest mistake. Most people who see our farm call them goats because, well, they do kind of look like goats. But they’re not; they are, in fact, very much sheep.

But we did not correct him. PJ simply replied, “Yeah, those are ours, too” and that was that.

After a few minutes of small talk while unloading the fridge, I think he started to put things together (the two of us, the farm, the kids, all of the “ours” and ‘“we’s” we were throwing around), so he finally asked the inevitable question that comes with being a same-sex couple in certain parts of the world: “So are you two brothers, or…?”

And with that, we replied, “No, we’re husbands.”

It’s so simple, and yet sometimes, so hard to actually say. And why is that? Is it because we’re saying them to strangers? Is it because we know they wouldn’t ask that to a heterosexual couple? Or is it because we’re so damn tired of coming out again and again to every new person we meet, especially since we already did that more than a decade ago?

We have found that when we respond to them in a confident, matter-of-fact way, there’s almost this level of respect that they then return to us by saying, “Oh, okay!” or “Okay, okay, cool!”

So as the man who was delivering our 400 lb fridge asked, “Are you two brothers or…?” all I could think of was, “Here we go again.”

It was an honest mistake. Most people who see our farm and our children and us, assume we’re brothers because I guess we have similar features and we both have short hair right now. But we’re not; we are, in fact, very much a married couple.

But unlike the mistake he made by calling our sheep goats, this time, we did correct him.
PJ simply replied, “No, we’re husbands.”

And that was that.

PJ & Thomas
3 months ago - 99 likes

We’re going live tonight at 8p ET for our first Vino & Vent in months!

Hope to see you there xoxo

PJ & Thomas
4 months ago - 1.1K likes

One of the hardest parts of having kids in school is that someone in our house is constantly sick, and today, it’s us. We’re feeling like crap (both of us) and we decided to take an actual sick day, so we’re spending it in bed resting and watching TV. What are you watching these days? Any recommendations?