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Fredrik Knudsen

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This channel is home to Down the Rabbit Hole, a series of vi

Fredrik Knudsen
7 months ago - 1.4K likes

All of the music in the new Down the Rabbit Hole about EVE Online was composed by Ryan Probert, including the credits song which was performed by his band, Prisoner's Cinema. If you enjoy the music in the series, you'll more than likely enjoy their ethereal and haunting work.

Fredrik Knudsen
1 year ago - 17K likes

Hello, it's been quite a while.

After some (rather severe) setbacks, the script for the new Down the Rabbit Hole is completed, exceeding 50,000 words, and the first hour and ten minutes of the final narration has been recorded. The vast majority of the music has been written and needs only to be fit to the narration and then mixed, and most of the graphic design work is also completed and awaits the narration to be animated.

The most recent estimation for the runtime appears to have been correct, exceeding five hours based on the rough narration made for production purposes.

While I hesitate to offer a release period given my poor estimates in the past, the remaining work is far more straightforward and progress is far more regular. Weekly updates are being posted on Patreon.

After this video is released, given how overwhelming it became, I plan on releasing much smaller and simpler videos afterward for some time.


Fredrik Knudsen
1 year ago - 3.1K likes

My team and I flew out to EVE Fanfest in May to show the first 2 1/2 hours of the new Down the Rabbit Hole, and it was received quite positively. We need a bit more time to finish things up, but we estimate that the video will be over five hours long when completed.

Included in this post are a few work-in-progress animations from our graphic designer, Arcaxon, showing an Apocalypse battleship, a staple of EVE Online's ship roster. Throughout the game's history, it's been used as a weapons platform for fleets, a vehicle for smartbombs, and even a mining ship before barges were introduced. Early in the video, it features prominently in an infamous gatecamp which froze trade in the vital player-established trade hub of Yulai.

Fredrik Knudsen
2 years ago - 11K likes

The upcoming Down the Rabbit Hole about EVE Online will exceed 5 hours in length. While originally intended for a May release, it will have to be delayed until (most likely) June or July to accommodate its size. The information is still as dense as others in the series owing to the sheer scale and complexity of the subject.

While no single work about EVE Online could ever hope to be comprehensive, it will cover significant swathes of the game, including the dynamic sovereignty of Nullsec, the origins of its major players and their relationships to one another, the shifting economy, Dust 514, wormhole space, the genesis of Crowd Control Productions, mercenary factions, the establishment of spy networks, and much more, including a short rundown of the game's basic mechanics to make it more accessible, similar to the Deep Blue video.

Thank you all for being patient while I and my team endeavor to complete the most ambitious project that we have ever attempted. It's a pleasure to make this series.

Fredrik Knudsen
3 years ago - 12K likes

Unreal. Thank you all for supporting my work on Down the Rabbit Hole.

Fredrik Knudsen
3 years ago - 7.3K likes

Hello everyone, I wanted to reassure you all that the new video is still coming. My graphic designer just needs a bit more time to finish up the graphics, and I refuse to rush him on something so intricate.

The length hasn't changed—it will still be a bit over an hour long. While shorter than the Deep Blue video, the information is significantly more dense, and over half of the runtime is devoted to a detailed play-by-play of the event for which the video is named.

In the meantime, I've spent the last month digging deep into research for the video after this one, and to do so, I've enlisted the help of an expert who has spent years studying the topic. I also will likely be asking my audience for crowdsourced content to include. My tentative estimation for the runtime of this next video is at least three hours, but it's too early to say for certain.

Fredrik Knudsen
3 years ago - 11K likes

The new Down the Rabbit Hole is now nearing completion; the narration is recorded and edited and the music is almost finished, as is the graphic design. I'm giving it a conservative estimate of within 3 weeks, during which time I'll begin research on the video after this one. The runtime will be approximately 1 hour, and it will be dominated by graphics that plot out the events, similar to the ones made for the duel between WingsofRedemption and Syndicate. These will be necessary, as the topic for this video is horrifically complicated; I personally have never struggled so much with a script due to its complexity, but I'm quite satisfied with the results.

Ryan has brought on more live instruments than ever before, including violin, saxophone, prepared piano, and, of all things, a stepladder for the atmospheric sound of metal on metal. Rachel will be returning, as well, to provide vocals for the closing track. This is some of the best that Ryan has ever produced for Down the Rabbit Hole, and it's easily the most unsettling.

I'll see you all very soon.

Fredrik Knudsen
3 years ago - 818 likes

I have a major speaking role for the latest special of If the Emperor had a Text-to-Speech Device in which I was instructed to sound as pompous as possible. Stellaris is one of my favorite games, too, so this was a treat.

Fredrik Knudsen
3 years ago - 2.3K likes

If you enjoyed the artwork and music in the Deep Blue Down the Rabbit Hole, then I'm happy to tell you that all of it is publicly available.

All of the music, including the song used in the credits, is uploaded to Ryan Probert's YouTube channel. Here's a link to the aforementioned song:

Prints of the chess personality paintings by Anton Oxenuk are available here:
They also may be seen in much higher resolution here:
The illustrations for the little chess robot (named "Gambit") are viewable in a Twitter thread by the artist, DerEineSchwarzeRabe, alongside commentary about their process:

Everyone involved with this video did a phenomenal job; each of them has been a pleasure to work with.

Fredrik Knudsen
3 years ago - 11K likes

New Down the Rabbit Hole releases this Friday. Approximate length: 2:10:00.