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Millimedia Games

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I make video games sometimes. Hey, I'm Millipede, an indie

Millimedia Games
7 months ago - 2 likes

Okay this is an interesting stat

Millimedia Games
7 months ago - 2 likes


Millimedia Games
7 months ago - 2 likes

Minor Update: I have 1 more exam left (Monday), and after that I will finally be back to uploading again!

Millimedia Games
8 months ago - 4 likes

Next video (as voted by the discord server) is: Remaking my First Ever Unity Game

I'm hoping to get this out by the end of next month. I want to try settle into a consistent monthly uploading schedule, but who knows how well that'll go...

Millimedia Games
8 months ago - 4 likes

WIP - new channel icon
(before -> after)

Millimedia Games
9 months ago - 4 likes

New video now in the works! This one is going to be wildly different from normal, but I think you'll all really like it anyway.

Millimedia Games
9 months ago - 2 likes

Live on Twitch right now:
Starting work on a new game! | Luna Devstream #1

Millimedia Games
9 months ago - 6 likes

I'm going to be streaming on twitch instead of youtube today, so make sure you follow me there so you don't miss it!
(link in comments)

Not going to be strawberry jam today, in case any of you strawberry jammers don't see this post and miss the stream. I'm still not sure what I'm going to stream as we're currently discussing this in my discord server

Millimedia Games
9 months ago - 3 likes

I've decided to give a little more attention to my X (twitter) because it's basically just another place where I can build a community and that's a GOOD thing, so go follow me over there! (link in comments)

Millimedia Games
10 months ago - 11 likes

I know that by now most of you know know what's going on with Unity, but seeing as I am a Unity developer, I do need to discuss what this means for my channel.

I will be following everyone else and jumping ship too. For me, Unity just simply isn't a safe option to continue to use. There have been a number of similar dramas in the past so this is far from the first, and I know it won't be the last either. Even if Unity backpedals and takes everything back, I will still be jumping ship because this is blatant abuse of our trust as game developers. Making a game takes a lot of time, and we need to put a lot of trust into the engine we select, because you can't just switch game engines mid-project, at least not without a whole lot of unnecessary work. Which is why it's just not a good idea to stick with Unity, as much as I love the engine. How can I trust that they won't pull something like this again.

What this means for the channel is that all of my current projects will be abandoned. This doesn't mean anything for Powerlust (you'll see why when I finally upload the 8th Powerlust devlog), but it does mean that Cataclysm will be abandoned, and probably for the last time. The game has been in a bit of a weird spot recently game design wise, so I don't see any point in trying to recreate it. I'm much better off designing an entirely new game.

I'm planning on switching to Godot, mainly because it is completely open source, meaning that a company can't do this same thing to us all over again, but also it's because I'm already a little familiar with Godot, so I should be able to learn it a lot better. I will probably be doing some learning Godot streams over the next few weeks, before starting a new project.

As for the videos on this channel, I'm "working" on the final devlog for Powerlust right now, but I've been super busy with school so I haven't gotten very far yet (I have 5 assessments due this week), but it is the school holidays next week so I'll have plenty of time to finally get this video out then. After that we'll enter the new chapter of learning Godot.

There will be no stream tomorrow either sorry, because as I have just mentioned I have 5 assessments due next week, BUT I might be able to throw in some extra streams throughout the next few weeks. We'll see what happens.

Anyway thanks for reading this super boring announcement post right through to the end, and I'll see you SOON (hopefully)

Thank you Unity for an amazing 6 years, but unfortunately it's only going to be that. 6 years.
(Although I'm not going to ditch the engine completely, I just won't be working on any big projects in it, unless something drastically changes)

TL;DR: I'm abandoning Unity and all of my Unity projects (Cataclysm and Powerlust) to move to Godot because it is a lot safer