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8 hours ago - 1.3K likes

A warm โ€˜Helloโ€™ to you, my lovelies!

Hereโ€™s a new melody for you called โ€˜The Land for You and Meโ€™.

One day I woke up
In the land wrapped in mist,
Stuck inside the world of dream,
Welcomed by a moonlight kiss.

I walked the path up the green hill,
Covered in gorse and heather,
Under the sky heavy with rain,
I felt as light as feather.

The thunder roared, and lightning struck,
And wind showed me no mercy -
I kept my feet firm on the ground
To show that I was worthy.

The storm went numb,
The fog had cleared,
And there I saw a home -
A castle tall of ghostly stone,
For souls who always roam.

By Regnum Umbrae
*_Tell me, my dears, what was your last dream about?_*

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3 days ago - 3K likes

Hello my lovelies!

For those of you who dream to spend a little romantic time by the sea, hereโ€™s a new song called โ€˜The Tears of Loveโ€™.

"For never was a story of more woe, Than this of Juliet and Romeoโ€ says the last line in the most famous tragic love story in the world.

To be honest, Iโ€™ve been postponing this video for quite some time, as I really wanted to capture the depth of the story, where naive gentle beauty mixes with eternal passion, and where Love crowned with a wreath of thorns stands naked with her head high all against the world of contempt and vileness. I truly hope you enjoy it!

Here are also some quotes from the story that I find particularly appealing:

1. โ€œMy bounty is as boundless as the sea,
My love as deep; the more I give to thee,
The more I have, for both are infinite.โ€

2. โ€œLove is heavy and light, bright and dark, hot and cold, sick and healthy, asleep and awake- its everything except what it is!โ€

3. โ€œThese violent delights have violent ends
And in their triumph die, like fire and powder,
Which as they kiss consume. The sweetest honey
Is loathsome in his own deliciousness
And in the taste confounds the appetite.
Therefore love moderately; long love doth so;
Too swift arrives as tardy as too slow.โ€

*_Tell me, my dears, what do you think of this particular work of literature?_*

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5 days ago - 3K likes

Hello my lovelies!

With summer being so hot, I began missing cozy rainy days, when you can curl up with a book and watch the raindrops slither down the windowpane. Thus, Iโ€™ve created a new song with a gentle melody to keep you relaxed, but with a pinch of moodiness and melancholy, to remind you of that sweet sadness that a beautiful rainy day brings along. Itโ€™s called โ€˜Beautiful Sadnessโ€™.

โ€˜Cogito, ergo sumโ€™ (I think therefore I am) is the famous quote by Renรฉ Descartes.

Thinking is such a beautiful and mysterious process! Like a spark that kindles in the dark, an idea shines upon a new path in front of you. Thoughts emerge like the first light of dawn, soft and golden, casting away the shadows of doubt. And yet, whatever we think up is both real and unreal at the same time, for though it might never exist in the outside world, it already took root in the kingdom of your mind.

As for todayโ€™s question, I thought it would be really interesting to hear some of your philosophical thoughts, because you always leave such beautiful and insightful comments. Maybe, youโ€™ve read a line in the book that got your thinking gears turning? Or youโ€™re pondering on the secrets of the universe? Or youโ€™re contemplating about the moral ambiguity of the โ€˜grey areaโ€™? Or just wondering why the sky is blue? I would love to know whatโ€™s on your mind, so donโ€™t hesitate to share!

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1 week ago - 3.5K likes

A pleasant evening to you, my beautiful souls!

Hereโ€™s a new melody called โ€˜A Knife Through the Heartโ€™.

Blue are the waters
That wash the sad shores,
Where the lovers rest,
Lost on their course.

Tight is the embrace
Of the sea-bound grave -
Payment for the heart
Kind, gentle and brave.

Stars look down and weep
As the tide grows high,
Eyes locked in loving stare,
Saying their โ€˜good byeโ€™.

By Regnum Umbrae

*_Tell me, my dears, whatโ€™s the most tragic love story youโ€™ve ever read about?_*

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1 week ago - 2.4K likes

Hello my lovelies!
To your attention, hereโ€™s a new vampiric melody with a seductive undertone called โ€˜Dulcis Sanguisโ€™.

Did you know that there existed a female equivalent of Count Dracula?

Her name was Elizabeth Bathory, a Hungarian noblewoman that lived in the 16th century. She was referred to as the "Blood Countessโ€ because her favourite past-time was torturing and murdering hundreds of young girls, and then bathing in their blood to retain her youth. Letโ€™s hope that the history twisted and exaggerated the real story, because now matter how fun it would be to read about such events on paper, itโ€™s not a nice thing to do in the real world.

Sleep tight and donโ€™t let vampires bite! Or do ๐Ÿ™‚

*_Different writers describe vampires in a different way. Tell me, my dears, how do you think vampires would look like and what their powers would be, provided they were real?_*

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1 week ago - 2.5K likes

Hello my lovelies!

Hereโ€™s a new sad composition for you called โ€˜The Time is Turningโ€™.

Many an artist has been captivated by the idea of trains, and their fascination is quite understandable. It is a magical moment, point in-between your past and your future, and whether the change is coming, depends solely on your choice - should you board the train, a new adventure will unravel; should you opt to stay, then you will have to embrace your choice and make peace with your present. On a platform, youโ€™re the one choosing your destiny.

*_Tell me, my dears, if you could board a magic train right now, where would you like it to take you?_*

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2 weeks ago - 3.5K likes

Hello my lovelies!

Todayโ€™s video is a playlist, the first song of which is brand-new (called โ€˜Broken Mirrorsโ€™), and the rest is the compilation of non-repeating songs.

Iโ€™d like to share a few quotes about reading as to add to the ambience of the video:

1. โ€œBooks are a uniquely portable magic.โ€ - Stephen King

2. โ€œMake it a rule never to give a child a book you would not read yourself.โ€ - George Bernard Shawย 

3. โ€œI guess there are never enough books.โ€ - John Steinbeck

4. โ€œThere is no Frigate like a Book To take us Lands away.โ€ - Emily Dickinson

5. You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.โ€ - C.S. Lewis

*_Tell me, my dears, what book are you currently reading or writing?_*

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2 weeks ago - 3K likes

Hello my lovelies!

Hereโ€™s new song for you titled โ€˜Cold Heartโ€™.

As the night descends, the chill of unfathomable dread spreads through Dark London. A figure steps from the darkness, moving like a wraith along the cobbled streets, his piercing eyes gleaming with cold malice. A wicked blade, cold as the heart of its master, whispers through the air, leaving only silence and sorrow in its wake. There is no escape from this shadow. Who will stand against this malevolent spectre, and banish his hungry spirit into the void?

Tell me, my dears, what thoughts come to your mind upon hearing the name of Jack The Ripper?

P.S. I also wanted to thank all of you who submitted questions for the previous video! I hope you had as much fun as I did, and the answers were to your satisfaction!

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2 weeks ago - 3.9K likes

Hello my lovelies!

Hereโ€™s a new melody for you called โ€˜The Devil in Blueโ€™. This video is a playlist so it will be a brand new song in the beginning, and then a compilation of my other songs, without repetition.

Letโ€™s play a little game today, if youโ€™re up for it. Sometimes itโ€™s easier to open up to a stranger, rather than to somebody close, so letโ€™s try to get to know each other a little bit better. I usually ask you a question, but this time, you are welcome to ask one of me, or/and you can ask a question of the person in the previous comment. Should be fun, don't you think?

P.S. I'll do my best to reply within 24 hours.

P.P.S. Just a reminder, YouTube deletes inappropriate comments (politics, vulgarities, obscenities etc.) so please, try staying within the polite topics.

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3 weeks ago - 2.9K likes

A warm hello to you, my beautiful souls!

Hereโ€™s a new song for you called โ€˜Mea Culpaโ€™.

They told you that polite society cares not for either your wounded dignity, or your pangs of conscience, and that the things that define you are not what your actions, but the opinions of others. Keeping the appearances is the only occupation worth investing effort in. Fools! They do not command you! You will not shake hands with that duplicitous man, nor will you forgive them their treachery, and you most certainly you wonโ€™t take that conniving heart-breaker to bed! How do they not see that such union is a just a trap, and your kingdom will be the one paying the price! No, you will find another way, the right way, and let the dice fall where they may!

*_What about you, my dears? If you were the Prince, would you always follow the rules, considering that disobedience might rid you of your crown?_*