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Playing Skyrim Requiem 3bftweaks mainly. Always pursuing dea

3 days ago - 21 likes

Trying to establish a set streaming schedule. Will largely follow what Iā€™ve already been doing just putting some structure behind it.

Monday: No stream
Tuesday: 6pm - 9pm
Wednesday: 5pm - 9pm
Thursday: 6pm - 9pm
Friday: 5pm - 9pm
Saturday: 8am - 12pm (potentially longer)
Sunday: 8am - 12pm (potentially longer)

Of course weekends will always depend on what I have going on so are subject to change.

1 month ago - 21 likes

Happy to say we reached over 500 subs! Thank you to everyone, for those who hang out in the streams or catch the vods later. Itā€™s nice being able to share Skyrim experiences with so many good people!

2 months ago - 8 likes

Leaving tomorrow for a weeklong vacation wonā€™t be streaming or posting during this time period will probably be back on and streaming next Friday/Saturday.

3 months ago - 6 likes

Probably no stream today, gonna be working on updating Lalaland with most recent ftweaks and some additional mods. Iā€™ve been inspired ā€Ŗ@Wulfdurā€¬ and his recent playthrough!

3 months ago - 6 likes

Unfortunately the footage I edited of my miraak fight is just gone from my comp..... Even the non-edited recording. Weird will not be uploading the fight just have to check the vod to see. Sorry about that!

3 months ago - 16 likes

Been working on modifying AC for the past couple days. Removing some quest/location mods adding some visuals, etc. Will hopefully be streaming today/tomorrow.

5 months ago - 1 likes

Gonna start a new build tonight. Donā€™t like going through the slog of late game with a death ā˜ ļø. Which should I do?

5 months ago - 5 likes

Taking a break from the jyggalag build for a little. Want to be able to actually move! Still thinking about which build to do next, something that moves quick most likely!

6 months ago - 10 likes

Happy new year to all! Took a long break to play BG3 and then started playing some LoL for some reasonā€¦. Gonna start playing some ftweaks again with the new update dropping! Probably wonā€™t be streaming but will try to post some videos soon!

10 months ago - 8 likes

Taking a break from streaming Skyrim. Playing some BG3 primarily offline but may stream BG3 on the weekends depending on interest.