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21 hours ago - 13 likes

In the next few months I'm going to work on creating a course. Its going to based around equipping you with the mindset needed to go pro, as that's the most important thing that everything else stems out from.

And im asking you for your input into the course;
If you have anything you'd like me to specifically talk about, want you wanted added to the course, struggles you have with mentality that you want talked about, or just your opinions in general.

thanks in advance :)

1 month ago - 8 likes

What do you guys want me to talk about in my email newsletter? Anything you want advice on etc?

Also if you arent already in it, join here :

1 month ago - 13 likes

A few updates on my channel :

- Am now uploading my private coaching sessions as membership only videos. So if you want a ridiculous amount of value for less than a twitch sub per month check that out here:

- My upload schedule is now going to be this moving forward :
(nzt) Wednesday 10:30pm
(nzt) Sunday 10:30pm
This is so I can get a little more time to come up with better ideas, make longer videos and take my time editing them better. And so you guys can know EXACTLY when my videos will be out :)


1 month ago - 24 likes

Hey guys :)

I want your opinions on how the channel/videos have been going recently for YOU.

- Do they feel repetitive? what about them feel repetitive?
- What do you want to do see from me (longer videos that might be less editing or keep the highly editied? different topics/series? or a mix of things?)
- Anything in my editing or videos you DONT like?
- Any video ideas you want from me? (preferably somethign that could be made into a series.)

And finally let me know how long yovue been watching me for, this very is important so i can understand what demographic of people have what opinion on my videos and who to cater more for etc.

Thanks for the feedback :)

1 month ago - 17 likes

Introducing the Vujcich Competitive Fortnite Newsletter!

Where you will receive even more FREE value in the form of; fortnite tips and tricks (some of which are NOT in my videos), motivation, stories of how my viewers achieved their goals, secret pro tips, sneak peaks into future projects, polls, and many other things...

check it out here and sign up :

2 months ago - 13 likes

If you guys have any youtube video ideas feel free to share them :) Even any questions you have to do to with going pro in fortnite can make good youtube videos and you'll possibly get your question answered in a video, thanks!

4 months ago - 33 likes

Finally got monitized, thankyou so much for watching guys 😎 and if you wanna support me and these videos even more feel free to use code VUJ in the item shop <3

6 months ago - 13 likes

If any of you guys have any clips of you playing fortnite whether its full games, long clips, short clips, creative clips, ingame clips, tournament clips, endgame clips, anything at all thats high quality which your willing to let me possibly use for b-roll in future videos, please reply to this or send in my community discord a link to your google drive containing those clips :)

7 months ago - 5 likes

If you guys wanna support me even further, feel free to use code VUJ in the item shop this new season :)

8 months ago - 9 likes

Im now offering one on one private coaching calls where you get to ask me absolutely anything and everything about your fortnite career and I will give you the best advice possible from my 4+ years of competitive fortnite with 3.15k earnings and top 80 pr in oce.

More information and booking here :

It is "priced high" because I want it to be very exclusive with minimal people who are truly serious about their fortnite career. Since from the high prices ill have less people, This also helps me invest as much energy and focus into each person who wanted to get serious and invest into their goals. :)