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boodap-badimbo. Stuff I use for videos: Editing: Premiere

3 months ago - 74 likes

my unannounced 1.5 month long break is OVER! thumpies remake looks cool, video prob coming soon

5 months ago - 119 likes

Which style of MSM Seasonal Event do you prefer?

5 months ago - 116 likes

Dinner with Scaratar or 100k Diamonds?

(new video soon, trying to come up with a schedule that isn’t a 30 second video once a month)

5 months ago - 47 likes

okay so im stupid and posted a crescendo moon poll without waiting for the teaser because we’re getting prismatic pongping today and crescendo moon probably isn’t happening until next week

5 months ago - 35 likes

Crescendo Moon starts tomorrow! Since we mostly know what will be in this event, what are you looking forward to the most?

6 months ago - 68 likes

happy poo year

6 months ago - 75 likes

The Ethereal Workshop release schedule seems to be every couple months for 3 monsters. Compared to other islands’ release schedules, which release schedule do you prefer?

6 months ago - 55 likes

Festival of Yay starts Tomorrow along With Baby Yool in Dawn of Fire! While it’s likely that Yool won’t be added to an Outer Island until next year, which outer island do you think Yool will be on?

7 months ago - 109 likes

Fire Expansion Tier List, based off the monster’s sound and how it works in their respective Islands. (Click on the image for the full view)

7 months ago - 119 likes

I didn’t do a poll yesterday for Feast-Ember cause I just assumed that Feast-Ember was just gonna have the rares that were teased during extra life and nothing else, wow.

Has anyone else noticed that they’ve been treating Feast-Ember more like a core seasonal event despite it being an auxiliary event? Last year’s Feast-Ember gave us Cherubble and Wubbox on Fire Haven and this year’s gave us the Fire Expansion. It’s probably cause it’s the only season based off the fire monsters but it feels weird considering that Beat Hereafter (the previous Auxiliary event) only gave us a couple decorations and rare monsters.