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Satin Ribbon Flowers

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Hii... for those of you whose hobby is making crafts, especi

Satin Ribbon Flowers
1 month ago - 99 likes


How charming they are ! πŸ₯Ή


Betapa menawannya mereka ! πŸ₯Ή

Satin Ribbon Flowers
1 month ago - 108 likes

Daffodil 🧑

Satin Ribbon Flowers
1 month ago - 7 likes

Gerbera already !
Is it daffodil time ?
I looked for the recipe, and I think this daffodil is difficult because the petals are like funnels that protect the pistils (usually more colorful and very contrasting), 12 days the channel is inactive because it collides with other activities and the mood can't be made friends ahah,
and during that time I'm thinking about how to make these daffodils, because I'm looking for a way to make it with my own abilities and methods !

see you in the tutorial 😁


Gerbera sudah !
apakah saatnya daffodil ?
aku mencari resep nya, dan menurutku daffodil ini sulit dibagian kelopak yang seperti corong yang melindungi putik (biasa lebih berwarna dan sangat kontras), 12 hari channel tidak aktif karena bertabrakan dengan aktifitas lain dan Mood yang tidak bisa diajak berteman ahah, dan selama waktu itu aku memikirkan cara membuat daffodil ini,
karena aku mencari cara membuat nya dengan kemampuan dan caraku sendiri !

Sampai jumpa di tutorialnya 😁

Satin Ribbon Flowers
1 month ago - 109 likes

5 months ago I received a comment, someone asked me to make a rose from a 2.5 cm ribbon, I said (for roses with a 2.5 cm ribbon the size is very small, why not use 5 cm?),
It turns out that it is difficult to find 5 cm satin ribbons in this place and when I try, it turns out I'm having trouble,
So I decided to connect 2 pieces of ribbon together, there was no other way And I made a rose which was quite easy to make, because it was quite time consuming when putting the ribbon together, and this is the result

sorry, for a very long time πŸ™

The 4th photo is inspiration, until now I'm still trying to resemble it πŸ˜…

5 bulan lalu aku mendapat komentar, seseorang yang memintaku untuk membuat mawar dari pita berukuran 2.5 cm, aku bilang (untuk mawar dengab pita 2,5 itu ukurannya sangat kecil, kenapa tidak menggunakan ukuran 5 cm ?),
Ternyata ditempatnya sulit untuk mendapatkan pita satin berukuran 5 cm
dan saat aku mencoba, ternyata aku kesulitan,
Jadi aku memutuskan untuk menyambungkan 2 potong pita menjadi satu, tidak ada cara lain 🫠
Dan aku membuat mawar yang cukup mudah dibuat, karena sudah cukup memakan waktu saat menggabungkan pitanya,
dan inilah hasilnya

foto ke 4 adalah inspirasi, sampai saat ini aku masih mencoba untuk memiripkannyaπŸ˜…

Satin Ribbon Flowers
2 months ago - 89 likes

when the process reached 70% (coloring) I forgot to record it 😭 until the coloring was finished, when I checked, it turned out it wasn't recorded, Oh ! 😫

tomorrow I will redo the parts that haven't been done yet πŸ˜”


saat proses sampai di 70% (pewarnaan) aku lupa merekamnya 😭
hingga selesai pewarnaan, saat aku cek, ternyata tidak terekam, Oh ! 😫

besok aku akan mengulang bagian yang belum selesai πŸ˜”

Satin Ribbon Flowers
2 months ago - 109 likes

Lily 🀩😍🀍
The inspiration photo is on the last slide πŸ˜…
The process that takes a long time is to make the petals wavy and slightly curly, But after it was done, I was amazed 😍


Lily 🀩😍🀍
Foto inspirasinya ada di slode terakhir πŸ˜…
Proses yang memakan waktu lama adalah membuat kelopaknya yang bergelombang dan sedikit keriting,
Tapi setelah selesai, saya takjub 😍

Satin Ribbon Flowers
2 months ago - 46 likes

Guess, what flower pistil is this? 😁

Tebak, putik bunga apa ini ? 😁

Satin Ribbon Flowers
2 months ago - 118 likes

Gerbera 🩷

Actually it's even prettier if the petals are made from smaller ribbons πŸ˜„


Gerbera 🩷

Sebenarnya lebih cantik lagi kalau kelopaknya dibuat dari pita yang lebih kecil πŸ˜„

Satin Ribbon Flowers
2 months ago - 110 likes

And here are the results ! πŸ”₯

Satin Ribbon Flowers
2 months ago - 9 likes

While I was busy editing the next video about Tulips, I just realized that I haven't made a video about the summary of the flowers I've made lately πŸ₯΄, ahahahah
So I had to pause the editing of Tulip first, and immediately catch up on (shooting) the video shoot to get the Video Clip πŸƒ

Pict : during the process of making boxes for flowers


saat Sedang asik mengedit video selanjutnya tentang Tulip, baru tersadar kalau aku belum membuat video tentang rangkuman dari bunga-bunga yang telah aku buat akhir-akhir ini πŸ₯΄, ahahahah
jadi terpaksa editan Tulip nya dijeda dulu, dan segera mengejar (shooting) pengambilan video untuk mendapatkan Video KlipπŸƒ

gambar : saat proses pembuatan kotak untuk bunga