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Peter David

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More from this channel (soon)

Peter David
3 years ago - 39 likes

For those of you still wanting to see the episodes that were uploaded on this channel, it looks like someone copied most of them and uploaded them about 6 months ago (no it wasn't me, although they used the same titles and thumbnails that I did, for the most part).

Peter David
4 years ago - 781 likes

Well, I'm afraid I have some *really* bad news.
Not only has A&E Networks been Blocking episodes by the dozen lately, they have now stepped up their game and hit me with 2 Copyright Strikes.
If A&E hits the Channel with one more Copyright Strike, which is 99.9% inevitable at this point, the entire Channel will be permanently deleted from YouTube. It could be a few months from now, or five minutes from now. There's no way of knowing, but it's pretty much guaranteed.
As intensely irritating as this is, A&E Networks are fully within their rights to Block episodes and file copyright claims against these uploads. Contrary to some beliefs, there is no "For Educational Purposes Only" exemption with regards to these episodes.
While it is possible to upload some episodes to another platform, such as DailyMotion, I'm afraid I simply don't have the time or patience to do it. In addition, even DailyMotion is blacklisting episodes now, so what's happening here on YouTube will certainly happen there as well.
So, while the Channel is still up and functioning, I want to thank each and every one of you who has supported the channel and left comments encouraging me to keep uploading. You are the only reason why I've gone through a lot of trouble and personal expense to bring these vintage episodes to YouTube.
I also want to thank my good friend Edward, who converted so many VHS-only episodes to digital format, and also the subscribers who donated rare episodes. You guys all helped make the channel what it is.
For the inevitable comments to the effect of "Well maybe if you uploaded original content, this wouldn't happen", I'll just say what I've been saying all along: Original content was never the goal of this channel. I am not a content creator, never pretended or intended to be one. I only wanted to upload vintage History Channel episodes of "In Search Of History" and "History's Mysteries".
All my best to all of you out there, it's been fun :-)

Peter David
4 years ago - 58 likes

I need to mention that the latest upload (on DailyMotion, that is) comes courtesy of a friend of the show, "da real MVP", Ms. Shanna Robinson! Check it out here if you haven't already:

Peter David
4 years ago - 135 likes

Some good news: Another never before seen episode of In Search Of History! "Venice: Queen Of The Adriatic"
The only downside, it can't be shown on YouTube, so head over to DailyMotion and check it out

Peter David
4 years ago - 475 likes

Hi All,
Just a quick update:
I've re-uploaded a few more episodes and will try to re-upload more in the future. Some are now instantly blocked by A&E Networks, but others (surprisingly enough) are instantly monetized by A&E Networks, although in a rather peculiar manner. Either way, I hope that the A&E-monetized episodes will now stay on YouTube more or less permanently.

A&E Networks also seems to have finally seen the value in making some -but not all- episodes of History's Mysteries and In Search Of History available for streaming on multiple platforms. Amazon Prime, IMDb TV and History Vault all have a few episodes, some are behind a paywall, but IMDb TV is free. The frustrating part about these options is their lack of easy searching to see what's available.

The episodes available for free on IMDb TV can be found here, of all places, if you're interested:
Once again, a huge thanks to everyone who has supported the channel and encouraged me along the way. If I don't respond or Favorite your comment, it's not deliberate, there's just too many to keep up with.

Peter David
4 years ago - 439 likes

Hi All,
As you probably have noticed, there is a new upload, The Hidden Tomb of Antiochus. To the best of my knowledge, this episode has never been available on YouTube and the DVD release is extremely rare.

Unfortunately you've probably also noticed that dozens of episodes have been deleted from the channel due to A&E Networks making copyright claims. I don't have a complete list of the blocked episodes, but if there is a particular episode that you'd like to see again, let me know and I'll try to upload it to the DailyMotion channel here

A big thanks to everyone who has supported the channel and enjoyed these vintage episodes, you're why I started this little project in the first place.

As always, if you'd like to reach me for questions, comments or anything else, feel free to email me at

Peter David
4 years ago - 424 likes

Hi All,
Wish I had good news (like a new episode), but unfortunately I don't. A&E Networks has just Blocked 23 more episodes from being seen. Fortunately this doesn't affect the Channel as a whole, as these are not copyright Strikes that can take down a channel permanently.

As usual, I'll do my best to re-upload them, starting with the rarest episodes first. I'll also restart my uploads to DailyMotion as well, I'd gotten sidetracked from doing that.

Once again, a huge thank you to everyone who has supported the Channel!

Peter David
5 years ago - 99 likes

Edit: Had to eliminate all but two of the episodes, unfortunately.

Another long and rambling update and how you can help complete our little collection:

We're still going strong, no episodes have been blocked and the Channel is in great shape, thanks to all of you! Once again, and as always, a huge thank you to everyone who has supported the channel and offered to help find these last few 'missing in action' episodes.

One thing to remember: You don't need a lot of technical know-how to help get these episodes, just a library card and (if it's a VHS episode) a video conversion service or friend who can do the same.

If it's a DVD, it's quite simple to copy to your hard drive and upload it to YouTube. I can walk you through that.

In 4 of the links below, a library *might* have these still available and they *might* be willing to do an intralibrary transfer. Some of these listings are sadly out of date, which means the library has gotten rid of the episode, for whatever reason.

Also, a library might have an episode listed, but it's the wrong material. For example, "The Johnson County Cattle War" was also the title of made-for-TV movie, in addition to being an episode of Vendettas on The History Channel, and one library sent me the TV movie, not the documentary. Oops :-(

Anyway, the two episodes below are our very best candidate. It appears that multiple libraries have them available on DVD , which means no video conversion is needed. All you need is a laptop or desktop with a DVD drive, that's it!
Vendettas - The Johnson County Cattle War…History's Mysteries - Hidden Tomb of Antiochus (There are 3 locations that have this on DVD and 1 location has it on VHS)…

These episodes are not available at any library anywhere, at least not anymore. Until they turn up on Amazon or eBay, they're pretty much lost. The good news is, that's exactly what I thought to be the case with the Dark Invader episode, and then it suddenly popped up on Amazon. So, anything can happen!

In Search Of History - Secrets of the Oval Office…In Search Of History - Sacred Ceremonies…In Search Of History - The Great Train Robbery…In Search Of History - Venice: Queen of the Adriatic.…
If you have questions, comments, need clarification or anything else to communicate, please email me at or PM on Twitter at @PeterDavidDocs

Have a great day, and thanks again to everyone!

Peter David
5 years ago - 402 likes

Edit: Nothing is going to happen to the Channel! We're simply running out of never-before-seen-on-YouTube episodes of History's Mysteries and In Search Of History. The Channel isn't being shut down or threatened to be shut down.

tl;dr If you want to help in getting the last few remaining episodes uploaded, read on:

Well we’re down to the last 7 episodes that we have a chance in hell of ever seeing.
In order to get them uploaded, I’m going to need your help.

They're available in libraries around the country but here comes the tricky part:

Most of these are available only on VHS tape. That’s not good news. In order to get these uploaded, you will need to be able to check them out of the library, or borrow through an intralibrary loan, AND get them converted to a digital format (.mp4, .avi etc). Some video services companies will do the work, others won’t touch it due to copyright. Or, you might have a friend or relative that does this sort of thing at home.

(A couple are available on DVD, which can be quickly and easily copied to a hard drive)

If you still want to help, please contact me at or PM me on Twitter at @PeterDavidDocs Replying here in the comments section won’t work, we need to be able to have a back-and-forth conversation.

These are the remaining 7 episodes that we have any chance at all of obtaining:

Vendettas: Johnson County Cattle War (several libraries have this available on DVD, especially in Wyoming)
In Search Of History - Venice: Queen of the Adriatic
In Search Of History - The Great Train Robbery
In Search Of History - Secrets of the Oval Office
In Search Of History - Sacred Ceremonies
In Search Of History - Declaration of Independence
History's Mysteries - Hidden Tomb of Antiochus

I can’t find any indication anywhere online that the 6 episodes listed below were ever released on home video.
I’ll still look for them periodically of course, but unless someone taped or DVR’d them off History or H2 years ago, they’re likely ‘lost’ for good:

In Search Of History - Wild Wild West
History's Mysteries - Terror in the Heartland: The Black Legion
History's Mysteries - The Search for Alexander the Great's Tomb
History's Mysteries - The Real Dr. Crippen
History's Mysteries - Alcatraz
History's Mysteries - The Evil Eye

Thanks again to everyone who has supported the channel!

Peter David
5 years ago - 286 likes

Time for the usual "Please don't get your hopes up..." announcement:

Looks like we'll be getting another never-before-uploaded episode in a week or so:
In Search Of History - Dark Invader: Story of the Saboteur

Once again, a huge thank you to everyone who has supported the channel and my sincerest apologies for not replying to each and every one of you (I'll do my best though).