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Eric 777

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check my blog at the subreddit feed Jesuitworldorder., email

Eric 777
1 year ago - 54 likes

Fun Gematria fact, there are 56 FBI field offices in the United States, Society of Jesus = 56

Eric 777
1 year ago - 66 likes

The Jesuits were behind the 2014 Maidan coup in Ukraine--"Jesuits who manned a tent chapel during the Euro-Maidan protests witnessed a rediscovery of Ukraine’s spiritual roots.

'We, Jesuits, helped out and were surprised by conversion stories', Nazar said. 'Unchurched people confessed that they felt God was with them on the maidan, that God cared about their just yearnings.'"…

Eric 777
1 year ago - 85 likes

I will be streaming with George Widger tomorrow at around 12 noon, topics will include the Ukraine Crusade, the Coronahoax and more

Eric 777
1 year ago - 79 likes

Jesuit theatre playing out in Haiti

Eric 777
1 year ago - 76 likes

Here is a free pdf of Rolf Hochhuth's 'The Deputy'. This play caused an international uproar when it was released in 1963 because it accurately depicts Pope Pius XII as doing nothing to stop the Nazi holocaust. In 2007 the Catholic Church put out the fake news that this play was part of a KGB disinformation campaign! Using the Jesuit Hunter Biden laptop playbook strategy--anything damaging to the establishment is Russian propaganda. The author knew his history, on page 76 it is shown in a dialogue with a Jesuit and a Nazi SS officer that the SS patterned its organizational structure on the Jesuit Order : ,

Eric 777
1 year ago - 114 likes

I finally got a hold of this rare biography on the Papist who designed the US pentagon building

Eric 777
1 year ago - 68 likes

New post on reddit --Jesuit trained American WW2 shipbuilder Andrew Jackson Higgins called for a World Government controlled by the United Nations while speaking at Jesuit Creighton University (1943) :…

Eric 777
1 year ago - 65 likes

Here is my Rumble account : Going forward I will be livestreaming there and occasionally uploading here to YouTube, videos that wont get me banned with the inquistorial "community guidelines"

Eric 777
1 year ago - 81 likes

Im back from Youtube jail again...another stream with En Goodz will happening this week