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Dane Boe

1.66M subscribers - no pronouns set

I'm that person that makes Annoying Orange. I make other vid

Dane Boe
4 weeks ago - 227 likes

Hey everyone! I've just wrote this on my Kylo Ren video because I noticed so many people going on there and asking questions...or being trolls. Probably because it's the last video that is public on the channel. So I'm pasting the same message here just so people know what's going on in my brain as far as some of the biggest questions that people have been asking!
A) Yes. I am transgender! No, this isn't something that is a "trend", or intended to align with a "woke mob". I always have been trans, and I knew from a very young age. I am simply honoring myself and living as myself for the first time in my life. It's so wonderful and truly a beautiful thing to finally be out after living most of my life in as a version of myself that didn't feel right. Don't get me wrong, I still love that part of me. The old Dane will always be a part of me. It's why I leave all my old videos and pictures up. That version of me got me to where I am, and I love him for all the hard times he had to endure to get me here. That version used comedy and goofiness to mask and bury the internal pain I felt. A lot of folks online love to try and tear me down by saying "you were born male!", like it's something that is supposed to trigger me. Of course I was born male, as a trans person that's what makes me trans. Trolls are hilarious. They call me names and try so hard to tear me down, but it doesn't work. During my journey, I've said things a million times worse to myself than anything they could say to me. It's nice to be in a place where I no longer think those things about myself. And it's nice to know that anyone that tries to tear me down or make me feel bad for being who I am is a hurt person. They are unhappy and hurt, because well adjusted people don't spend their valuable time in life rage-commenting on LGBTQ folks social media. Sorry if you're reading this and getting angry and preparing to write some snarky's true. The best thing you can do is hold a mirror up to yourself and ask what is causing you to feel angry at me for being me? What about being hateful makes you feel better about you? If you don't want to do that and would prefer to just write some ignorant hateful comment, I'll just delete it and hide you from the channel, so why even waste the energy?

B) I know there's a lot of people that ask why I haven't been active here. The number one reason is Annoying Orange. I know that frustrates some of you because you're not really fans of AO, or you like my old personal videos more than AO. The fact of the matter is that 15 years ago I came to a crossroads where I was offered an opportunity I couldn't pass up. I had always wanted to be an animator, and when AO took off and became the force it did, I decided to walk that path. I tried very very hard to keep this channel going as I did AO, but because of how much work it all was, paired with some profoundly hard times in my life, I had to let it go for my own mental health. My heart wasn't in it anymore, and I didn't want to keep trying to put out lackluster content that not even I connected with. I so so so appreciate that any of my creations has brought joy to others, believe me I treasure that immensely.

C) Will I come back to this channel? Yes. I believe I will. Obviously things have changed so much, and I don't even know how many people would actually be interested in new videos on this channel, but given time, I think I will figure out something that brings me joy and I will want to share. Because at the end of the day, that's what matters most to me. I have to find some sort of joy in the creations I make before I want to share them with others. I'm still working on what that thing is. Sorry it's taken me so long. Despite it being 15 years now, AO still brings me an amount of joy, and that's why I continue to do it. To create a world and play in that sandbox for so long is a gift. And yes, it still pays the bills, so that helps too!

D) Yes, there was a video after the Kylo Ren video that I set to private. It was a gaming video I was required to upload many years ago because of a brand deal, and I always hated it. I hated that it was the last thing that was uploaded to this channel. Sorry to anyone who wanted that video to stay up, I just don't connect with it and don't want that to be a representation of my old content.

E) And now I just want to say THANK YOU to all of those that support me. My path is strange and beautiful. I treasure it so much. It makes me so happy to know that there are folks out there that love and support me just for being me. YOU are the people that I want to focus my energy on. If you're queer, know that you are loved and accepted. If you are an ally, know that you are loved and accepted, and SO appreciated for making the world better for the queer community. Love and acceptance over hate. Love and hugs to you all!!! ❤️

Dane Boe
4 months ago - 542 likes

Hey 👋😊's been a while. A lot has changed since I uploaded here last. 🏳️‍⚧️🌈 I know a lot of you have asked me to upload here again, and I've really wanted to as time has gone on. One of the things that I think I want to do is answer your questions in a new "Daneboe Exposed" type video. So...with all the time that has passed and perhaps the curiosity of things that I've been up to and what has happened in my life, let me know if you have questions, serious, silly, or fruity! 😊❤️🍊