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Heather Majors

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I am your guide on the side. The goal is to help you be more

Heather Majors
7 hours ago - 0 likes

How do you transfer Microsoft Forms Data to Microsoft Lists?

See how to use the new Forms experience in Lists to streamline your data-gathering process:

Heather Majors
1 day ago - 5 likes

Question of the Week.
People often ask how to set it up so that a Word, Excel, or PowerPoint file will automatically open in the browser or native apps but not in the Teams window. The answer is to go to the Teams settings and set your file-sharing preference.

๐Ÿ’กBut there is a significant update to know about. Previously, any business account could use the open-in-app option from the web or desktop. However, that changed a couple of months ago.
Now, you must use the Desktop app to set your preference and have an E3 or E5 business license (or G3 or G5 for the government) to choose open in the app. The rest of us only have Browser or Teams as an option.

If you don't see the Desktop App as pictured here, it means one of a few things.
1. Your license is different from the type that has the feature.
2. You need to install the desktop apps on your computer.
3. Due to conditional access policies, Your admin has turned off the option to use the app.

โ—The saving grace is that you can still go to the file each time, click the 3 dots, choose Open with, and pick a Desktop app. Sure, it is not as easy as automatic, but at least Microsoft gave us an option.

Heather Majors
2 weeks ago - 1 likes

Which do you prefer? Why?

Heather Majors
3 weeks ago - 0 likes

Someone inadvertently pointed out that I have been remiss in sharing feature updates. Microsoft Stream has updated two key features many of us have been waiting for.

First, you will find the Trim function back in Stream without downloading a copy to Clipchamp. Sure, you can still use Clipchamp for more detailed edits, but if you want a quick trim, it can be found on the right side of the screen.

Second, Microsoft finally restored the feature to add Forms to your video. I love this for a quick check on learning, but there are many ways to use the Forms feature in a video. What I was not expecting was the ability to add an interactive callout to the screen. This allows you to create an extra bit of engagement in your videos.

Have you been using these features? Please share a comment below; you may have found an exciting use case that the rest of us have not thought of yet.

Heather Majors
3 weeks ago - 0 likes

Help me help you. Hi all, I will update my Teams playlist since 2.0 changed some things. To make sure I don't leave anything out, what questions do you have about using Teams? (Sorry Admins I don't know your part).
Comment below and share your questions so I can gather them all up and add as many as possible to the video.

Heather Majors
1 month ago - 0 likes

Hi all, let's play the get-to-know-you game. As more learners join us here on the channel, it would be nice to know what brings you here. What option below best describes you. If none let me know in the comments.

Heather Majors
1 month ago - 2 likes

The gray wall was too boring so here is the beautiful new wall art that is going up in my office.

Heather Majors
2 months ago - 0 likes

Hi all. In an effort to build a community of learning and sharing, I am thinking of starting channel memberships. However, I would like to create something that is valuable to the community. A basic level is already set up because I needed to play with something ๐Ÿ˜Š

Please vote on some of the ideas below or post a comment in the chat with an idea. I cannot promise to implement everything but knowing what you find valuable will help build a plan.

Heather Majors
2 months ago - 4 likes

Which of these options is how you would like your events to look like on SharePoint? I know my favorite. Who knew I have been going to boring route by habit for so long.