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Dive deeper into the Star Wars lore and it's philosophies wi

2 months ago - 68 likes

Join channel's official discord server fans chilling here, ask any questions, news about my videos, streaming etc
I would really appreciate if you follow me on twitch as well, we are slowly building an imperial army here:
I stream everyday except weekends 17-21 CET.

May the force serve you well.

3 months ago - 646 likes


A lot of you are wondering where did I go or why channel is so inactive, let me explain.

Around a year ago youtube did some major changes to its algorithm system surrounding shorts, to match tik tok's success. In doing so, as they admitted in on of their interviews, they messed up algorithm in a big way, a lot of medium channels (around50k-100k sub) that had nothing to do with shorts got affected anyway, and in a very very bad way.
My channel was one of those and still is. You see, it used to be before, when I would upload a video, majority of my own subscribers were able to see my new upload right away, getting 10k a day and 20-25 in 2-3 days, reaching 100k a month. That was a standard way it was working, subs saw my video, video was getting views, youtube therefore was recommending to more people, and that was great.
After the mess that youtube did, things changed, now after an upload of a video 99% of the subs do not see my videos. I barely get 1000 views after a week. Maybe 2-3 k a month, gotta agree from 100k to 3k a month is an overkill.
I simply can not reach my subscribers anymore, even this post that would get attention by thousands now will barely be seen by anyone. This is the number one reason why I stopped making videos, because you guys just won't see it.
Second reason I stopped is the lack of good star wars content. They are torturing the IP. I don't wanna start a debate about sequels and stuff, but to me personally they are either destroying the IP or at best making star wars look basic af. ( Except Andor, Andor imho is AMAZING.) So that's second reason.

Third is that I've been doing this for 11 years, I did it all, at least I feel like I did. The fire is not there anymore, it was getting reignited with SWTOR's expansions like KOTFE and a some hope of sequels not being bad but at the end of the day that's in the past.

I love George's star wars, with the same passion as I always had, I made a documentary that I dedicated to you my fellow SW fans, which unfortunately after a year only has 24k views, which is shame, back in a day it would have went viral by now.

I'm not saying I will never make new video, always in motion future is.

So I decided to start streaming, idk what will my main game will be, jumping from one game to another. But streaming is what I will do. Anyone who wants to hang out or talk or watch me play star wars games or anything else you are welcome to follow me at

Thank you for years of support, I love you all.

May the force be with you, ALWAYS!

- DuduFilm

1 year ago - 90 likes

After almost 2 years I have finally finished working on this documentary.
I hope many of you enjoy the journey, may the force be with you, always <3

2 years ago - 180 likes

Hello There!

I know it has been a while, ) I will return with a new Darth Malgus tribute after the new expansion drops on 14th of December. Video should be either later this month or early January. Also I'm waiting for that new CGI trailer and I'm really hoping we see Malgus in there. I need new footage!
( UPDATE: Swtor moved expansion release to February 15th, so Malgus tribute obviously also moved to february :(

Meanwhile check out this awesome stream and Kyle's channel! While you're at it might as well sub and show him some love! He's doing his first time KOTFE playthrough and after that kotor 2 , so no spoilers!

Anyone interested how my film project is going. It did and does pretty well. It won quite some awards at different film festivals but didn't manage (so far) to get into any big ones. But no worries. Already working on a different project (non youtube material), I'll keep it as a secret for now.

That is basically reason for my absence, transitioning from youtube to film making. Doesn't mean I'm done with a channel or anything of that sort, but, I got to admit, editing with the same material for 11 years gets boring and new Disney stuff isn't (cough) quite useful to freshen things up. You can only do so much with the material you are given.

So I'm waiting for Malgus, Malgus Unchained.

P.S. - I know some of you were waiting on a Maul video, and it has been under editing for a long time, but it just doesn't click for me, I tried many different soundtracks and editing styles, but can't figure it out (yet). It seems as a good video when I work on it, it has a potential, but it doesn't feel great and I want it to be really good and not just mediocre. So i have postponed it for like a year already. But this Malgus video, uhh It's gonna be fire.

May the force serve you well!

3 years ago - 1.2K likes

To address reason for my absence and lack of videos lately.
As some of you may know and remember, last year I was working on a short film of my own, I finished it few months ago. Lately it got accepted on few film festivals and even won awards.
As of now It's all in an early stage, there is a whole year of film festivals ahead and I'm completely involved in that process. Whether traveling to different countries and attending festivals or just occupied with my film in general.
I am very sorry for disappearing like that. Unfortunately videos will be rare , if any , in next upcoming months.
May the force ever serve you well.

3 years ago - 249 likes

With the "Echoes of the oblivion" story we finally got a closure on Tenebrae's story. Not only that, but with Revan and even Meetra. I personally loved it. Was surprised by some unexpected cameos, loved the score, tenebrae's OG body was dope ( voice acting as well, a snake like voice? nice nice ).
I loved having Kira an Scourge there, having Scourge finally kill his old master. All these years after reading a Revan's book and waiting for some kind of closure paid off finally. It was a bumpy road ,some miss and hits along the way ,some unfortunate decisions ,some cool expansions some not, but it's over now. Could have been handled better? Yes. But do I still love what we got? yes. I love all bodies of this psycho-god-ego-monster sith and even though it's hard to say goodbye, we have to. Goodbye you amazing complex AWESOME voiced ego maniacal "sith". Swtor is gonna miss you, but let's see what the future holds. Even thought I enjoy shows like Mandalorian, my heart stays in the Old republic.
What do you guys think? You liked the new story?
Also a quick poll, which body of Emperor did you enjoy the most?

P.S. - my referral link for SWTOR. Use it and the force will serve you well

4 years ago - 1K likes

There (probably) won't be a new video for few months. My apologies.
I am working on my debut short film and it is taking my full attention.
I hope you guys are doing okay and If I do make a video anyway,or make one very late,I promise it is going to be a good one.
May the force serve you well.

4 years ago - 60 likes

New video will be coming soon.Might be today,if not,definitely tomorrow.Meanwhile I wanna give a shoot out to this reaction channel,show him some love.

May the force serve you well

4 years ago - 403 likes

Started to make some stuff like this on my instagram page few days ago. going to upload daily(we shall see).
Going to share some of Joseph Campbell's "The Hero with a thousand faces" quotes.(at least at first)
If you never heard of it,in short, basically it's what inspired George to tell a story that we now call Star Wars.
Something for you guys while waiting for next videos.

May the force serve you well.

5 years ago - 328 likes

Though it is great that SENATE is coming back this december , I have this feeling that he will show up just to be killed off by Rey or Kylo . Which might screw up a character a bit , if not a lot . So is it good news at all ?
If we had rumors about him in ep7 then some scene in ep8 then I would be okay with him dying in ep 9 .
Even with the little info we have right now , there is no scenario where he lives and defeats main heroes . Obviously he will die . So would you rather see Sidious who gets killed immediately , or not at all + character stays as awesome as it always was ?
it took 6 movies to kill him and now just one ? Also it kinda undermines Anakin's whole chosen one story .
May the force serve him well.
P.S. - I just want to see Hayden again as a force vision . All I'm personally waiting for .