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Earth Touch

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Nature at your fingertips. Explore the wild with Earth Touch

Sneak attack! In this corner, weighing in at 50 grams: the mantis shrimp Dance like EVERYONE is watching Hunting mode: engage That’s a LOT of butterflies African goshawk, Agility Level: 9000.⁣⁣⁣⁣ Coming in hot New year, new you Running to the ATM after January payday ...⁣ For young lions, boisterous games of stalking and pouncing are practice for the real thing Six days into our January diet … Black mambas are not actually black. Their name comes from the colour on the inside of their mouths The downy patch of fur on a cheetah cub's back is believed to help it resemble a honey badger Meet Sibella, a cheetah who overcame the odds Imagine if our moms carried us around in their mouths? Giant eagle rays take flight Fish eagle has a hankering for crab legs Cheetah cubs use play to learn their limits and refine their hunting skills For giraffes, drinking water is no easy task (especially when they’re being watched by lions) Caracals are expert jumpers capable of snatching birds midair (when they get the timing right).⁣ Meet the crocodilefish – lightning quick and devastatingly accurate.⁣⁣⁣⁣ By slapping their feet on the water's surface with enough force some birds can 'walk' on water … For lions in Botswana's Okavango Delta, water crossings are a part of everyday life Gone fishin'. ⁣⁣African fish eagle talons are lined with spiracles to help them grip their prey.⁣ Specialised mouthparts allow archerfish to shoot bullet-like jets of water to dislodge their prey. Great white sharks are at their most dramatic when they take to the air in pursuit of a meal. This squirrel overreacting to a piece of grass is all of us at some point during The Conjuring.⁣ Although this is a half-hearted attempt, lions can (and do) hunt giraffes It's playtime for these adorable jackal pups. ⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣ This king penguin chick took to the water prematurely and is probably going to have a rough night Friendly reminder to give elephants their space Tortoise-eye view of an elephant herd Apex predators doing what they do best ...⁣ Lionfish are formidable predators, making them a problem in areas where they are an invasive species Even when sprinting across desert sands, cheetahs are capable of reaching impressive speeds. Sliding into the DMs like this hippo slides into the water: clumsily.⁣ Cheetahs are perfectly adapted for the chase. #bigcats It can take up to a year for king penguin chicks to shed their drab, brown plumage. Leopards are the ultimate ambush hunters. #InternationalLeopardDay Tiny paddler crabs run the gauntlet Ambush level: 9000. The Peringuey's adder is a masterfully stealthy hunter. Gannets may look clumsy on land, but when they take to the skies they turn into formidable hunters. Best keep your distance when elephant bulls are on the lookout for ladies. Taking a dip in the murky waters of the Okavango Delta where toothy predators lurk. It’s hard to believe that these tiny cubs could one day be apex predators. Rival male bears challenge each other in a dramatic fight for territory What lies beneath. ⁣⁣Scorpionfish are frighteningly fast and devastatingly accurate.⁣⁣⁣⁣ #wildlife The bone-rattling sound of a male lion announcing his presence. ⁣⁣#lions #bigcats