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Welcome! Here you will find many childhood games being revis

12 hours ago - 14 likes

Well, that's it. The end of an era. πŸ₯€πŸ˜’

You bet over the last few days I've been busy, researching, purchasing and making my bank mad. πŸ˜…

Over the next few months, expect some different videos. This month we'll have maybe one or two shorter videos and in September I'll be working on another challenge video... Can you guess what it might be? πŸ€”

I hope you're all keeping well! Big things planned before the year ends. πŸ†πŸ’―

2 months ago - 15 likes

Guys, I'm curious. πŸ€”

When watching a movie what's your choice of snack?
(This is for research purposes) 😎

3 months ago - 36 likes

Guys, it's been a while! How are you all?
I hope you've all been keeping well.Β 

As some of you know, I've been hinting at a HUGE project for my first video of the year.Β 

I can confidently say after many hours, long nights & lots of caffeine, today was the final day of filming!

However, I've still got a lot of work to do.

As much as I want to get this video out asap, I'll be giving myself some time to edit this one.Β 

I don't have an exact date when this will be out, but expect to see this in your feeds around May!Β 

The last thing I want to say before I head back to the editing gulag. Thank you!Β 

Thank you to you all for watching the videos throughout the year, and all the support.Β 

I'm forever blessed to be in this position and provide you all with the content I've been creating over the last few years.Β 

To say thank you a million times still wouldn't be enough, as no words could ever describe my gratitude.Β 

This year I'll be making a big effort to improve the content and provide you all with the best entertainment.

This next video is just the start!Β 

I'll be seeing you all very soon. - Micheal 🩡

(Here's a photo of me cooking up some two minute noodles at 3 o'clock in the morning)

7 months ago - 29 likes

Hey everyone, I hope you're all well and have had an incredible Christmas! πŸŽ„

I just wanted to apologise on being inactive over the last month or so, I've had so much going on.

I've spent a lot of my time planning out 2024, along with working on the final video for this year.

At this current stage, the video is about 80% completed, meaning it should be out before the new year! It'll be something a little different, but still very similar to videos you're used to seeing.

As for 2024, I want to keep you guys updated on what will be going on. I'll be taking a large break from my everyday job, having content creation as my sole focus.

Meaning, we have a HUGE project underway. This will be an extremely large task. Not only have I been prepping myself, and am really excited to work on this video for you guys, I'll also be working on a shorter video in between this big project.

You may not see an upload from me for a few months after the shorter video, but you'll still see me around in comment sections, along with other socials.

Before I wrap this up, I also want to say thank you all so much for such an incredible year!

I appreciate every single one of you. All the comments, love and positivity on every video, it means the absolute world.

I can't wait to show you all the next video, and share with you this crazy video we have planned.

I'll see you guys around in the comments! Make sure to stay safe out there in the mean time. - Micheal 🩡

8 months ago - 32 likes

If you haven't already, I'd love for you to check out the recent video! πŸ™

Not only was this a BLAST to make, it was so much fun revisiting my all time favourite childhood game.

More videos like this one will be on the way for next year! 🫑

Until then, what other games would you like me to cover for a Speedrun? Let me know below! πŸ‘‡

8 months ago - 19 likes

I hope you've all been well guys!

This month's video is coming along well and I can easily say, it'll be my most interesting video yet!

After this upload, we have one more video planned before the New Year and the start of a HUGE project ahead.

As you all know, here we love to cover a variety of games from different consoles on the channel!

I try to keep it interesting with each upload, but it also got me thinking, what type of video do you look forward to the most between uploads? πŸ€”

9 months ago - 21 likes

Thank you all for the support on the recent video, so happy you've all enjoyed it! πŸ’š

I just wanted to do a quick poll for the next video I'm currently working on.

It's not the traditional style I usually cover here, but more fast paced, with an added twist... πŸ‘€

Did you guys want me to include the story if I possibly can, or keep it out and solely go for the Achievements?

9 months ago - 26 likes

The new video is live! πŸŽ‰

While everyone was enjoying the release of the new Spider-Man 2, I was stuck in 2007 playing this very out dated Spider-Man game. πŸ˜‚

I hope you all enjoy the video, as it has some hilarious moments and was a journey in itself!

The next video should be an interesting one, so make sure to have those notifications on! πŸ””

9 months ago - 17 likes

Which Raimi Spider-Man movie is your favourite?

I thought I'd post a quick little update here. The new PC has arrived, and I'm working very hard to get this video out on time.

The game I'm currently working on is very old, and is very unbalanced. A sure 10/10 difficulty.

If all goes to plan it should be done within two weeks!

It might be sooner, but we'll see how we go with the section that's been giving me trouble.

In the mean time, you all stay safe out there and enjoy the new Spider-Man game! πŸ•·οΈ

10 months ago - 22 likes

Just wanted to say thank you all for the recent support on the Futurama video! 🩡

Really happy to see everyone enjoyed this different type of video. As promised, the Simpsons Hit' N Run will be next for this series!

With how many games there are to play, I wanted to see what you guys wanted me to cover after the Simpsons Hit' N Run.

These are the next games I have in mind! πŸ‘€