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Mark Tilbury

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I firmly believe that anyone who learns the skill sets of a

Mark Tilbury
2 weeks ago - 4.9K likes

It's important to prioritize family above everything.

I have always been close with my son Curtis, and from the day he was old enough to speak, I have emphasized the importance of legacy to him.

There is always someone in a family who is the first to succeed, and in my case, it was me.

In your case, it could be you.

I passed on my knowledge (without giving him any money) which enabled Curtis to become a millionaire before turning 25. Knowledge is true power!

That's why whenever you are doing something, think about the legacy you want to build for the future.

Mark Tilbury
4 weeks ago - 2.6K likes

How you present yourself in-person, and online is very important.

We often make quick assumptions about people, right or wrong, after meeting them once.

Nowadays you donā€™t even have to meet someone to have an opinion on them due to social media.

So, nurture your contacts, and donā€™t be too quick to judge someone youā€™ve just met.

Mark Tilbury
1 month ago - 3.5K likes

When faced with a challenging task, there are typically two voices in your head.

One is excited to get started, while the other is constantly criticizing.

If your negative voice is louder, you may struggle to complete the task at hand.

It's so important to be fuelled by vision, not fear.

Fearful people worry about losing what they have and can never see far enough ahead to build something for the future.

Iā€™m posting more content like this on Twitter, so if you get chance then go drop me a follow on there - @marktilbury šŸ‘Š

Mark Tilbury
1 month ago - 4.3K likes

Let me clear something up...

Some people are saying I'm cheap for saying: "Don't waste your money!"

Believe it to not... I don't think you should save and invest every single penny you earn.

You can't give up all your experiences in your early years to become rich later on.

My message is simple: Just make sure you aren't wasting it on things you don't get enjoyment from.

- Invest wisely
- Treat yourself occasionally

No amount of money can make you as young as you are today.

Follow me on Twitter for more posts like this @marktilbury

Mark Tilbury
1 month ago - 4.4K likes

Skills are the only thing you truly own.

They canā€™t be taken from you by divorce or the government.

They are your biggest asset, and they are overlooked by everyone with a get rich quick mindset.

Mark Tilbury
2 months ago - 536 likes

This was such a great video, love when you guys go out and try the side hustles ideas I teach. I'm also pretty glad that my idea worked the best. Definitely worth a watch!

Mark Tilbury
2 months ago - 4.1K likes

If you feel like your life is falling apart, maybe youā€™ve been dumped, lost your job or just had a lot of bad luck, then remember weā€™ve all been through it.

It doesnā€™t matter how strong someone appears or how brave they look.

Your biggest heroes have probably faced more struggles than most, but thatā€™s the reason youā€™re inspired by themā€¦ after every set back, they pulled themselves together, and came back bigger and better than before.

These challenges are what turns you into the best version of yourself, embrace and overcome them.

Follow me over on Twitter for more stuff šŸ‘Š @MarkTilbury

Mark Tilbury
2 months ago - 2.1K likes

One of my followers on š• recently asked me, 'how can I build wealth with $0?'

Here's everything you need to know if you want to become wealthy starting from zero.

1) BELIEVE you can create wealth from nothing. Look I'm not one of those people that says "just believe in yourself, and you'll be rich" that's silly, but if you can't believe it's possible, then how are you going to be able to put in all the work to become wealthy?

2) LEARN a high income skill. The old saying 'skills pay the bills' is so true.

Money is just an exchange of value, so if you want to become wealthy, you have to provide so much VALUE to other people.

With the internet, it is so easy to learn high value skills, sometimes even for free!

3) START a side hustle with your new skills.

With your new-found skills, you can now offer to provide value to others. You can even work for free to get started, it's important to think long term and build relationships with your customers.

The best part about starting a side hustle is that you can do it on the side of your day job!

4) BOOST your journey to wealth - become an investor.

The key lesson here is to start investing as soon as you can. The sooner you can get started, no matter how much to begin with, the more time you have for your money to GROW.

By the way, if you want a free stock worth up to Ā£100 from Trading212 when you sign up to their free app, then check out the link in my latest video description.

5) LEVERAGE the power of networking.

Networking is one of the most important aspects of business. Nobody is truly self-made, it's impossible to build a successful business without the help of others.

Follow me on Twitter for more content like this - @MarkTilbury

Mark Tilbury
2 months ago - 4.5K likes

For me to become a millionaire, I needed:

- A bank loan
- A retail store
- Physical goods

For you to become a millionaire, all you need is:

- An internet connection
- A high income skill
- Patience

The opportunities are out there waiting for you, just go out and GRAB them!

Mark Tilbury
2 months ago - 3.3K likes

I knew I wanted to make a lot of money to support my future family.

After being inspired by one of my mentors I decided to open my own shop.

I remember clearly throwing everything I had into the store. On opening day I had to put a sleeping bag in the back of my van because unless I took some money I did not have enough fuel to get me home!

Your passion can help you achieve your goals, and push you through your adversities!