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Clear Sight Music

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Clear Sight Music
1 day ago - 17 likes

“Sweet the taste is the grace of our God/God the Father who sent us His Son/to reconcile the world unto Himself/through word and Sacraments/that’s how it’s done” #ThisIsChristianity Thank you #ElevateYouthConvention !!! Honored to serve alongside of you all. Dj Code & I had a grand time! 🫶🏾

Clear Sight Music
6 days ago - 38 likes

We took some time after the sermon and before we received the Lord’s Supper to confess our sins to God. To celebrate His law that confronts us, rightly. Along with David, we say:

Psalm 119:19-20

I am a sojourner on the earth;
hide not your commandments from me!
My soul is consumed with longing
for your rules at all times.

Our confessions are clear:
“We believe, teach, and confess that the Law is properly a divine doctrine, which teaches what is right and pleasing to God, and reproves everything that is sin and contrary to God’s will.”

We then received the forgiveness of sins at the Lord’s Table. There God’s Spirit stirs us up towards obedience and good works. Flowing from the freedom of forgiveness, for Christ sake, and not an impulse to earn forgiveness.

Thank You, Lord, for Divine Service! Where You serve us. Where we receive from You. Where we offer a sacrifice of praise to You for Your gifts to us.


Clear Sight Music
1 week ago - 25 likes

“Even Nicene Creed said it. Water/Word is how we get it.” “This Is Christianity” Available NOW On All Streaming Platforms!!! #MoreToCome #NewAlbumComing

Clear Sight Music
1 week ago - 15 likes

This Is Christianity Tees Available NOW!!! Choose your color!!! Represent our ancient faith! For more NEW merch products visit

Clear Sight Music
1 week ago - 15 likes

“We are called out to be called together.” -@delwyncampbell 🚨The Study is back! Season 2, episode 2!🚨 “Minimizing Sin Pushes Out Forgiveness & Absolution (Repentance)” 🔸We are working through the Book of Concord starting with the Apology of the Augsburg Confession Article Xlla on repentance. I’d encourage you to pick up a Book Of Concord and to follow along. It’s available as an app (Apple or Google Store). Search for: Evangelical catholic. 🎥 @vividcortez

Clear Sight Music
2 weeks ago - 26 likes

“Flame, who cares about denominations? It’s all about Jesus and going to heaven. Religion is bad. Stop chasing religion.”

Thx for posting and for your interest! 🫡

Your statement appears to be spiritually mature but is not. Respectfully. You’re simply parroting back popular churchy sayings.

1. We only discuss denominations to the extent that denominations make claims about Jesus, the Church, & the Bible. Therefore, we must & it is right to think through what claims are being made by each group. The goal is unity among the Saints (John 17:21). We can do this in love and in a kind manner.

2. Religion is not bad. The Holy Spirit wrote to His church and told us to specifically be religious. In the best way. James 1:26-27

“If anyone thinks he is religious and does not bridle his tongue but deceives his heart, this person’s religion is worthless. Religion that is pure and undefiled before God the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.”

3. Amen to a relationship with Jesus but our faith is *not* a mussy personal thing but a communal one. A corporate one meant to be lived before God and others. The “personal” concept is over used and can be harmful in many ways. Not to mention, the Bible says nowhere that we ought to seek a “personal relationship” with Jesus.

There is “…a weakness of using relational language as our primary motif in understanding the Christian faith. If we don't feel like our relationship with God is right, and He is perfect and loving, then something must be very wrong with us.” -Dr. Rick W. Marrs

4. Is Christianity only about heaven? That’s an incomplete conclusion that Christianity is only about heaven. God gave us an entire Bible, human existence, a large universe to live in, gifts and talents to enjoy and serve others with, and suffering to grow in our dependence on Him and others.

Seems like God is concerned with loads more for His sons and daughters than only getting into heaven.

Slow down, my friend. Ask more questions.

Thx for posting, though.
God’s peace.

New Single to upcoming project, “This Is Christianity” out NOW!!!

Clear Sight Music
2 weeks ago - 12 likes

“Some want to take Jesus off the cross and turn the cross into a ladder.” -@Lex_Lutheran 🚨The Study is back! Season 2, episode 2!🚨 “Minimizing Sin Pushes Out Forgiveness & Absolution (Repentance)”