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just a drama editor :) Name: jae/mourningsun Software: Veg

1 month ago - 35 likes

After a bunch of copyright and blocking trouble, I finally was able to post this edit! Make sure to check it out!!

1 month ago - 41 likes

first edit in a while so Iā€™m a little rusty :)

2 months ago - 12 likes

hi, Hi, HI everyone!!! You may have been wondering where Iā€™ve been and honestly, Iā€™m not sure! After DFF ended I got into a major slump and havenā€™t finished any dramas since then (TT) On top of that, I was finishing up my bachelorā€™s program and today I graduated!! Iā€™m hoping that this summer will give me some time to watch A LOT of dramas and make A LOT of edits before I start my masters in the August :) Thank you all for the continued support even with my impromptu hiatus <3

4 months ago - 47 likes

To those hoping for more #PheeJin edits: After seeing what Sammon (one of DFFā€™s writers) said concerning Jinā€™s character, I highly doubt there will be a good enough amount of PheeJin in the last episode to warrant another edit. So right off the bat, I will not be doing a ā€œtheir storyā€ edit and if for some reason there is a decent amount of new scenes, it will be closer to what I did with Dangerous Romanceā€™s ā€œtheir story.ā€ If you want more information on why, see below:

#DFF - Iā€™ve never been disappointed by Sammonā€™s writing (Triage is literally one of the best; I havenā€™t watched Manner of Death but Iā€™ve heard nothing but good things) but I canā€™t believe that she wrote a main character like Jin. The fact that she literally said that she failed him really just disappointed me. I always look forward to her work, but the fact that she gave him no backstory, no motivation, nothingā€¦ This really gave me a lot of doubt in her writing that I never had before. Copper deserves better after winning THC and Jin deserved better as a main character.

4 months ago - 193 likes

Our WinPrim, KavinKaning, and AjinFa foreveršŸ¤

4 months ago - 448 likes

For all the PheeJin truthersšŸ¤

5 months ago - 375 likes

For everyone wondering about #DFF #DeadFriendForever, I will be editing the drama again! Iā€™m really just a PheeJin believer and was never that crazy about the TaBarcode ghostship, so PheeNon didnā€™t capture my attention too much>~< BUT we should be getting PheeJin in the next episode, so if thatā€™s true, be on the look out this weekend for a new edit!!

5 months ago - 787 likes

Goodbye PhayaTharn, Goodbye The SignšŸ‘‹šŸ½šŸ¤

5 months ago - 169 likes

Thank you for 18kšŸ¤