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Jiu-Jitsu Outlet

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Jiu-Jitsu Outlet
Posted 2 weeks ago

Almost this entire meal came from our property: we grew the potatoes and our chickens laid the eggs!

Walmart provided the cheese and condiments but we did the rest.

It was some of the best food Iā€™ve ever had.

Homegrown potatoes taste SO much better than store bought ones.

The yolks on real eggs tastes way better.

Last year we made it a priority to grow or produce as much of our food as possible - or buy from local farmers who do the same.

Now we get all of our beef from one of our Jiu-Jitsu memberā€™s families who raise their own cows.šŸ”„ This has been a game changer for our health.

Why is this so important?

In ā€œdevelopedā€ countries like the USA many of our foods are raised with pesticides and hormones that poison the food.

In America, the bread supply at the stores is sprayed with folic acid which is an artificial substance meant to reproduce folate (which it does a bad job of imitating).

Folic acid can cause bloating , breathing issues, itchiness, and nausa. Ever felt itchy after eating a sandwich? I sure have.

Even if itā€™s labeled ā€œorganicā€ it isnā€™t safe.

There or ā€œorganicā€ approved pesticides that can cause neurological issues. Lookup the side effects of pyrethrins.

Meanwhile the pesticides they use in non-organic food have been linked to skin issues, stomach problems, and even blindness or blisters on the skin.

Industrial farming is ruining the soil because they donā€™t practice regenerative farming techniques that replenish the soil with nutrients after harvest.

The practices which they raise cows with make the cows sick and the meat most people eat is toxic in some way.

If you donā€™t grow your own food or buy from someone who does, you arenā€™t really eating real food - you are eating poison.

If you try to eat more real food in your life, you will notice dramatic changes in your health and in your Jiu-Jitsu.

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Jiu-Jitsu Outlet
Posted 3 weeks ago

Do you want hear that represents our mission to spread awareness about how Jiu-Jitsu helps mental health?šŸ¤ÆšŸ„³

We are doing an exclusive apparel drop to get some gear out to the Jiu-Jitsu Outlet squad members getting ready for competition šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„

Iā€™m about to place another order for shorts and rash guards.

These are $65 each and will take about a month to arrive. $120 for the full set.

If you want a pair of shorts or a rash guard, send me a DM on social media now to order yours. Do this now because Iā€™m ordering Thursday.

You can pay me over cash app, PayPal, Venmo, or we can setup a quick call and run your card if you wanna pay that way.

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Jiu-Jitsu Outlet
Posted 4 weeks ago

Something odd about the Olympics (and sports in general): šŸ¤”

Have you noticed this too?

Communist countries (or former communist countries) seem to excel in individual sporting events.

These countries also seem to VALUE these athletes and events way more.

The Olympic gold medalist in wrestling (for instance) in Cuba has way more celebrity status than an American gold medal wrestler.

Meanwhile, western free market countries seem to value team sports more.

In America, most people love the NFL and NBA but probably couldnā€™t pick out Jordan Burroughs in a lineup.

Tom Brady is basically a national hero but few Americans can name anyone on the Judo or weightlifting Olympic team.

How interestingā€¦ you would think itā€™d be opposite.

Countries that restrict freedom and demand collectivism end up valuing and praising the individualā€¦. The strong and fighting man or woman is the epitome of the civilization.

Whereas countries that allow more freedoms value the team and praise those moments when we can all come together for once and get something done.

Why do you think that this is? Do opposites attract?

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Jiu-Jitsu Outlet
Posted 1 month ago

Want to learn from a legendary Jiu-Jitsu coach?

Come out to our seminar with Heath Pedigo at Jiu-Jitsu Outlet Houston MO on September 13th and 14th

Heath will be teaching the winning techniques of his Daisy Fresh submission grappling team.

This year, Heath is bringing 7 athletes to the ADCC world championships and this is NOT by accident - it is the result of a lifetime of dedication to the craft.

Want to learn from the best? Come out to our academy and learn directly from Heath.

The cost is only $60 which is an absolute steal of a deal.

We are capping this at 50 people due to space issues and there are already 6 signed up.

If you live anywhere close to the Ozarks, I hope to see you there.

Register for this at

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Jiu-Jitsu Outlet
Posted 1 month ago

At the age of 15, I got really into Judo for about a year.

For a year, I trained hard twice a week - harder than I even thought was possible.

I was super into training.

Iā€™d even wear my Gi pants to Bible study because I wanted to fit in with the cool jocks who showed up after Baseball or football practice still wearing their gear šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚

Finally, after being a chubby kid my whole life, I felt like an athlete.

I got so into it that i read books and thought about Judo all the time.

I even was allowed to skip the yellow belt and go right to orange because I did so well at the belt testing event.

Then, it happenedā€¦

I went to my first tournament and got destroyed in 15 seconds by some jacked dude from the Naval academy.

I was NOT prepared for what a tough opponent could do to me because I had only ever trained at my hometown club where all the adults took it easy on me.

I lost interest in Judo and ended up quitting.

Thankfully, I would return 3 years later and end up a brown belt in Judo because I wanted to get in shape to join the Army.

However, I often wonder about the athlete that I would be today if I had stuck with it those 3 extra years as a kid and gone further with Judo than I did.

Hereā€™s a few things that I wish I couldā€™ve told that younger version of myself who quit:

1. My coaches hadnā€™t prepared me well for the event. This wasnā€™t their fault (it was a small club and they had other jobs) but had I known better what to expect then it wouldā€™ve helped a lot. No one put the tournament into context for me so I thought it meant a lot to lose. I wish someone wouldā€™ve told me ā€œit doesnā€™t matter if you win or lose, this is just a small tournament. No big deal!

2. You have to put your opponent into proper context tooā€¦. Now I know that itā€™s no shame to lose to someone from the Naval academy because they have some of the best Judo in the USA. At the time, I had no clue about the other academies around and didnā€™t realize I was going to go against a world class level player. Had I known, it wouldā€™ve helped me with context and I probably wouldnā€™t have quit.

3. It doesnā€™t matter how much you loseā€¦ everyone loses! Itā€™s all a part of the game. Just keep showing up and donā€™t even put any thought towards whether or not youā€™re competentā€¦ You just have to keep showing up and eventually it clicks šŸ™‚

4. At the end of the day, this is not about winning and losing. Itā€™s about becoming a better person.

5. Donā€™t quit!!! Itā€™s just a part of the game šŸ™‚

6. Keep showing up and you will be winning in time.

I wanted to share this in case someone here has suffered a tough loss recently.

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Jiu-Jitsu Outlet
Posted 1 month ago

The esoteric origins of the martial artsā€¦šŸ„‹šŸ„·šŸ¤¼

We see martial arts today as a relatively mainstream and open thing but this is very very very new.

For most of history, the martial arts techniques were considered secrets and only shared amongst the warrior classes in society.

Why? Simpleā€¦ Military advantage.

Before the advance of gunpowder, the martial arts (armed and unarmed combat) were considered the height of military technology.

If you were really really good at grappling and combining that with your skills of swordsmanship, then you were probably a knight or a samurai.

The common serfs and peasants were not instructed in the same secrets as the samurai, knights, jaguar warriors, Immortals, Spartan elites, Roman gladiators, or any other fighting masters of the pre-gunpowder world.

In fact, Samurai were forbidden from competing in sport because their masters did not want anyone to see their abilities in action unless it was on the battlefield.

They didnā€™t want an opposing shogun to be able to see what they were working on in the dojoā€¦ What if someday they met on the battlefield and it was a life or death scenario?

Back in the ancient world, this was actually common practice for ALL disciplines - not just martial arts.

Our concept that information about a craft should be openly shared is SO newā€¦ it used to be that every craft was shrouded in mystery as a way to keep information out of the hands of enemies.

There used to exist in this world establishments known as ā€œMystery Schoolsā€ where an aspiring student could show up and request training in ā€œthe mysteriesā€.

If they survived the initiation, the initiate would then begin to learn the secrets of their civilization.

What were these secrets?

We know now that in these mystery schools were taught many of the following disciplines:



Alchemy - which became chemistry

Natural philosophy - which became biology

Body work - which became massage, reiki, acupuncture, and physical therapy

Unarmed fighting arts like JuJitsu, Pankration, Glima, folk wrestling, and other ancient forms of fighting.

Weapons arts like kendo, spear fighting, archery, and other ways of using weapons in war.


Masonry and carpentry

And just about every other discipline that still exists in our civilization today.

These mystery schools were the birth places of industry and modern thought.

One of the most famous mystery schools was the one setup by Plato in his home city of Athens after he returned from studying in the mystery schools of Egypt.

Many donā€™t know this about Plato but he grew up practicing wrestling as a kid and he believed that grappling was an amazing tool for personal development.

When it came time for him to start a mystery school in Athens, Plato decided to open it next door to his old wrestling club.

Why? Because he wanted to use the grappling arts as an initiation into the mysteries.

He knew that the people who showed up consistently for wrestling practice would be disciplined, strong, confident, healthy, and physically capable.

He wanted people who had already demonstrated that they could be disciplined and show courage in the face of adversity.

These would be the ones he would first recruit and teach the mysteries that he had learned in Egypt.

These students (the most famous of which was Aristotle) would go on to establish the foundations of western thought which laid the groundwork for the success of Alexander the Great and the eventual rise of the Roman Empire.

The same is true of the schools in Japanā€¦

One of the foundational symbols of all mystery schools is the upward facing five pointed star which represents the five elements:

Earth, water, air, fire, and spirit.

These elements represent aspects within ourselves which the initiate is supposed to master and overcome on their path to becoming an adept.

In his book of five rings, the samurai/philosopher Musashi broke his writings about the martial arts into five scrolls or - each scroll he named after one of these five elements.

In so doing, he showed to all initiated folks that he had knowledge of these ancient mysteries and was an initiate of the mysteries himselfā€¦

When you read his book of five rings, you learn some of the philosophy behind these ancient mysteries and see how the principles of combat are inherent throughout all other disciplines.

In fact, this concept that you can learn something about everything by going deep on one discipline WAS one of the central teachings of these ancient mystery schools.

Each craft at the mystery school was taught as a way to study all of life through this one craft - whether that craft was masonry, fighting, or music.

By making this concept the centerpiece of his work, Musashi passed down to us some of the philosophical concepts of the ancient world which we can still appreciate and understand today.

This is a topic Iā€™ve been studying for yearsā€¦ if you want to learn more about ancient mystery schools read the writings of Manly P Hall, Eliphas Levi, or the works of Plato.

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Jiu-Jitsu Outlet
Posted 1 month ago

The food sold in US grocery stores is not real.

Check out this potato that we grew ourselves using soil from our river:

It is juicy and tender.

When you eat it raw, it feels like biting into an apple.

After eating it, you feel a heart warming feeling that you just ate something that is alive and good for you.

The food you grow yourself using your own soil contains way more nutrients and the taste is dramatically better.

I realized this year that Iā€™ve never really tasted peas, potatoes, or any of the other new vegetables weā€™ve tried growing.

The stuff you get at stores is old and grown with pesticides that change the way the food grows and tastes. You are poisoning yourself when you eat most fruits and vegetables at the store (even if it says organic).

Furthermore, I learned on an episode of Zach Even Esh StrongLife podcast with Pat Miletich about how the soil we have in the USA is often sick because of how industrialized farming practices donā€™t properly care for the land.

As a result of these poor farming practices done by large corporations, much of the soil in the USA literally cannot properly grow vegetables and fruits because the soil is robbed of nutrients.

In other words - if you arenā€™t growing the vegetables yourself then you might as well not eat them at all. Youā€™re better off.

My friends from Europe who visit the USA say they cannot eat our vegetables because it gives them stomach problems.

Want to know one of the biggest side effects of pesticides?

Stomach problems.

We in the USA have just built up a tolerance because we have been consuming this stuff since birth.

So the point of this post is to let you knowā€¦

1. Try growing your own food. It isnā€™t that hard.

2. Grow potatoes because theyā€™re so so so delicious and you donā€™t actually know what potatoes taste like or feel like in your body. Theyā€™re a complete food source and you can survive on potatoes alone if push came to shove.

3. Make your own soil and learn how to take care of it. Try to get your soil from natural land you own or a friendā€™s land or something out in nature (donā€™t take from state owned land and donā€™t steal peoples dirt obviously). Take the time to get your soil right and learn regenerative gardening practices.

We are just getting started on this journey of growing food but super excited by what we have found already šŸ™‚

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Jiu-Jitsu Outlet
Posted 2 months ago

Do you want more exposure for your business on social media?šŸ¤”šŸ”„

Iā€™m seeking sponsors for Jiu-Jitsu Outlet to help us cover two big upcoming events:

The Craig Jones Invitational (CJI)

And the Professional Grappling Federation (PGF) season 7

We are going to be covering both events live from Las Vegas and Iā€™m seeking sponsors to help fund our trips out there.

When we were backstage at PGF season 6, we were able to generate hundreds of thousands of views across Instagram and YT.

Now weā€™ve upgraded our gear and our team and have plans to make documentary films about both events - PLUS our usual backstage podcast show.

All of which will be repurposed into highlights and posted all over social media.

Would you like your brand to be a part of this next round of film making and promotion?

Send me an email at and letā€™s chat. We have sponsorship packages that are affordable.

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Jiu-Jitsu Outlet
Posted 2 months ago

Local friends: want to learn the basics of MMA? šŸ„·šŸ¤Æ

Mark your calendar for August 11th. We are going to have local pro mma fighter Julius Walker come do an MMA seminar for our community šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„

This will be an epic event. We will cover the basics of striking and MMA based grappling. Julius is one of the best in the Midwest and I canā€™t wait to host him for this.

The seminar will be from 10am-Noon.

Location - Jiu-Jitsu Outlet Houston MO (find us on Google Maps).

Cost is $25 per person. Cash or check only. Bring your funds to the event. All money collected will be going straight to Julius as his payment for doing this for us.

You have to RSVP because we will only have space for 30 people. Send me an email to RSVP:

@yourfavoritejuice_box @synergyfights @teamfusionwestplains @team_fusion_417 @jiujitsuoutlethoustonmo

#mma #seminar #jiujitsu #mmatraining #mmafighter #mmalifestyle #jiujitsulifestyle #teamfusion #missouri #springfield #springfieldmo #ozarks #houstonmo

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Jiu-Jitsu Outlet
Posted 2 months ago

Ok hereā€™s the hypothetical scenarioā€¦šŸ¤” You woke up in an apocalyptic future where your Jiu-Jitsu skills are persecuted and people like us are thrown into a coliseum to die fighting a mutant monster.

If you last more than 30 seconds, then your family and all your friends will each win $1,000,000 and a brand new caršŸ¤‘šŸ¤‘šŸ¤‘šŸ˜ŽšŸ˜ŽšŸ˜Ž

You can only use the Jiu-Jitsu that you currently know to last longer than the 30 seconds.

Who would you pick to fight? Write below šŸ‘‡šŸ»šŸ¤”

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