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Manifesting with Kimberly

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Manifesting a SPECIFIC PERSON & SELF 💜 Manifesting with Kimberly Understanding WHO YOU truly are…Manifesting with Kimberly 💜 Ask…Believe…Receive…B$TCH!!! Law of Assumption 💜 Manifesting with Kimberly Everything you BELIEVE about YOURSELF comes from CONDITIONING… Return to self NOT fix self 💜 Anything or Anyone can be a 3rd Party Part 2 Anything or Anyone can be a 3rd party Part 1 EVERYTHING IS OK!!! YOU ARE HAVING A HUMAN MOMENT💜 Manifesting with Kimberly TO ALL THOUGHTS BASED IN FEAR….Manifesting with Kimberly Struggling to believe it is done?? Part 2 Struggling to believe it is done?? Part 1 Judging 3D pt.2 | Manifesting with Kimberly Judging 3D pt.1 | Manifesting with Kimberly What do you TRULY want to EXPERIENCE in your LOVE 💕 LIFE??💜💜💜 THE AWAKENING/MANIFESTING/ SHIFTING STATES DOES NOT MEAN U WILL ALWAYS SEE/FEEL ✨GLITTER & 🌈’s ME MANIFESTING SP in my EARLY HOT MESS EXPRESS VICTIM STATE MOMENTS 😳😬 Manifesting with Kimberly 🔥REALITY ALWAYS REFLECTS WHO YOU BELIEVE YOU ARE 🔥Manifesting with Kimberly You can TRUST MANIFESTATION…it’s been working for you all along…. | Manifesting with Kimberly MASTERING MANIFESTATION TIP #2 | STOP PUTTING ALL OF THE FOCUS ON SPECIFIC PERSON #lawofassumption MASTERING MANIFESTATION TIP#1 | How to figure out WHO YOU BELIEVE YOU ARE | #lawofassumption WHO are YOU AWARE of BEING? WHO DO YOU IDENTIFY AS? #manifestation #lawofassumption #nevillegoddard IT IS ALREADY YOURS!CREATION IS FINISHED!#manifestation #lawofassumption #manifestingwithkimberly You don’t have to FIGHT YOUR THOUGHTS | #ManifestingwithKimberly #lawofassumption #manifestation Thoughts are just vehicles to other realities… | Manifesting with Kimberly AMAZING examples of having SELF LOVE & SELF CONFIDENCE & DECIDE WHO YOU WANT TO BE & CLAIM IT Embodying a STATE…what it feels like in your body A STATE is more than just a new mindset #manifestation #lawofassumption #manifesting withkimberly I visualized this… #manifestation #lawofassumption #manifestingwithkimberly ….I still questioned where my MANIFESTATION was…🙄🙄 OVERTHINKING your BELIEFS while MANIFESTING | Manifesting with Kimberly A TRIGGER is INFORMATION | MANIFESTING YOUR DREAMS | Manifesting with Kimberly Manifestation Techniques are NOT as important as WHO YOU ARE!!! Struggling to believe your AFFIRMATIONS?? NO WORRIES!!! | Manifesting with Kimberly 3D might not make sense…but it’s ALWAYS leading to your DESIRED outcome | Manifesting with Kimberly Say NO to the VICTIM STATE | Manifesting with Kimberly | Law of Assumption SEE 3D REALITY CHANGE FAST by NOT letting it CONTROL YOU | Manifesting with Kimberly POTENT & POWERFUL AFFIRMATIONS | Manifesting with Kimberly If it hasn’t MANIFESTED…GET BACK TO YOUR DECISION!! Manifesting with Kimberly SPECIFIC PERSON SUCCESS STORY🙌🙌🙌🙌 THE RESPONSE YOU GET WHEN CONSTANTLY ASKING THE UNIVERSE FOR A SIGN #manifestation #validation #iam Something AMAZING is going to happen to me today | Manifesting win Kimberly Everyone around getting the things you’re MANIFESTING?? EXPLAINED!! | Manifesting with Kimberly Dr Joe Dispenza on Manifestation | Manifesting with Kimberly DETACHMENT & MANIFESTATION is ⚡️💪🔥| Manifesting with Kimberly #manifestation #nevillegoddard Before you fall asleep when CONSCIOUS MANIFESTING | Wayne Dyer | Manifesting with Kimberly Come live your BEST LIFE with US in 2024 💜🥰💜 | Manifesting with Kimberly Your NEW SELF…NEW STATE…does NOT put their life on HOLD…EVER | Manifesting with Kimberly NO VICTIM STATE ALLOWED💜